(The Pairs)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
001 (典故) |
諸法意先導,意主意造作。若以染污意,或語或行業,是則苦隨彼,如輪隨獸足。 |
心是諸(名)法的前導者,心是主,諸(名)法唯心造。若人以邪惡之心言行,痛苦將跟隨著他,有如車輪跟隨拉車之牛的足蹄。 |
All mental phenomena are preceded by mind, Mind is their master, they are produced by mind. If somebody speaks or acts With a corrupted mind, Hence suffering follows him, Like the wheel the foot of the bearing animal. |
002 (典故) |
諸法意先導,意主意造作。若以清淨意,或語或行業,是則樂隨彼,如影不離形。 |
心是諸(名)法的前導者,心是主,諸(名)法唯心造。若人以清淨之心言行,快樂將跟隨著他,如影隨形。(註:名法是指五蘊中的受、想、行與識,心則是指識。) |
All things are preceded by mind, Mind is their master, they are produced by mind. If somebody speaks or acts With a purified mind, Hence happiness follows him, Like never departing shadow. |
004 (典故) |
『彼罵我打我,敗我劫奪我』,若人捨此念,怨恨自平息。 |
「他辱罵我,打我,擊敗我,掠奪我。」若人不懷是心,怨恨自然止息。 |
He abused me, he beat me, He defeated me, he robbed me. Those, who harbour such thoughts, Their hatred is not appeased.
He abused me, he beat me, He defeated me, he robbed me. Those, who do not harbour such thoughts, Their hatred is appeased. |
005 (典故) |
在於世界中,從非怨止怨,唯以忍止怨;此古(聖常)法。 |
在這世上,恨絕不能止恨,唯有慈愛方能止恨,這是永恆的真理。 |
Hatred is indeed never appeased by hatred here. It is appeased by non-hatred - this law is eternal. |
006 |
彼人不了悟:『我等將毀滅』。若彼等如此,則諍論自息。 |
除了智者之外,他人皆不了解:「世人終須一死。」(由於無知,他們繼續爭論。)智者明了這點,因此一切爭論得以平息。(註:他人是指愚者。) |
The others do not understand that we should restrain ourselves here. Those who understand that, therefore appease their quarrels. |
008 |
願求非樂住,善攝護諸根,飲食知節量,具信又精進,魔不能勝彼,如風吹石山。 |
住於觀照不淨法的人,防護六根(感官),知足於食,充滿信心與精進力,他肯定不會被魔王擊敗,如狂風搖不動岩嶽一般。(註:在此魔王是指煩惱魔。信心是指對佛法僧不動搖的信心,以及對業報的信心。) |
The person, who lives contemplating pleasant things, who is not restrained in senses, Who does not know moderation in food, who is indolent and of poor effort, Mara will overcome him, as wind a weak tree.
The one, who does not live contemplating pleasant things, who is well restrained in senses, Who does know moderation in food, who is trusting and firm in effort, Mara will not overcome him, as wind a rocky mountain. |
010 |
若人離諸垢,能善持戒律,克己與誠實,彼應著袈裟。 |
已棄除煩惱之污染(1),戒行具足,具備自制與真實的人,真正配得上身披袈裟。 |
Who is not rid of defilement, and will wear a yellow robe, Devoid of restraint and truth, he does not deserve a yellow robe.
And who would get rid of defilement, well settled in virtues, Endowed with restraint and truth, he deserves a yellow robe. |
012 |
真實思真實,非真知非真,正思惟境界,彼能達真實。 |
視真實的為真實,視不真實的為不真實。持此正思惟的人,得以覺悟真實法。 |
Thinking to be essential, what is not, seeing no essence in what is essential, they, feeding on wrong thoughts, do not discover the essence.
Having known the essence as the essence, non-essential as non-essential, they, feeding on right thoughts, discover the essence. |
014 |
如善密蓋屋,不為雨漏浸,如是善修心,貪欲不漏人。 |
雨滲不透屋頂精良的房子,欲念亦滲不透已受到良好培育的心。(註:培育是指修習止禪與觀禪。) |
As a poorly covered house is penetrated by a rain, thus an undeveloped mind is penetrated by passion.
As a well covered house is not penetrated by a rain, thus a well developed mind is not penetrated by passion. |
015 |
現世此處悲,死後他處悲,作諸惡業者,兩處俱憂悲,見自惡業已,他悲他苦惱。 |
這一世他感到悲哀,來世他一樣感到悲哀,造惡者在今生與來世都感到悲哀。當憶及自己污穢的行為時,他感到悲哀與苦惱。 |
He grieves here, he grieves after death, in both states does the wrongdoer grieve. He grieves, he is vexed, having seen his own evil deeds. |
016 (典故) |
現世此處樂,死後他處樂,作諸善業者,兩處俱受樂,見自善業已,他樂他極樂。 |
這一世他感到喜悅,來世他一樣感到喜悅,行善者在今生與來世都感到喜悅。當憶及自己清淨的善業時,他感到喜悅,非常的喜悅。 |
He rejoices here, he rejoices after death, in both states does the well-doer rejoice. He rejoices, he is happy, having seen his own good deeds. |
017 |
現世此處苦,死後他處苦,作諸惡業者,兩處俱受苦,(現)悲『我作惡』,墮惡趣更苦。 |
這一世他受苦,來世他一樣受苦,造惡者在今生與來世都受苦。想到「我造了惡業」時,他感到痛苦。再者,當投生至惡道時,他會遭受更多的痛苦。 |
He is tormented here, he is tormented after death, in both states is the wrongdoer tormented. He is tormented [by the thought] "I have done evil". He is tormented even more, having gone to a bad birth. |
018 |
現世此處喜,死後他處喜,修諸福業者,兩處俱歡喜,(現)喜『我修福』,生善趣更喜。 |
這一世他快樂,來世他一樣快樂,行善者在今生與來世都快樂。想到「我造了善業」時,他感到歡喜。再者,當投生至善趣時,他更加快樂。 |
He is delighted here, he is delighted after death, in both states is the well-doer delighted. He is delighted [by the thought] "I have done good". He is delighted even more, having gone to a good birth. |
020 (典故) |
雖誦經典少,能依教實行,具足正知識,除滅貪瞋癡,善淨解脫心,棄捨於世欲,此界或他界,彼得沙門分。 |
即使他只背誦了少許經典,然而真正依法實行,捨棄貪瞋痴,如實知見後得以令心解脫,不再執著於今生與來世,他得以分享沙門生活的利益。(註:沙門生活的利益是指道果。) |
Even if he recites a lot of scriptures, but does not act accordingly, the negligent man. He is like a cowherd who counts others' cows. He does not share the [blessings of] monkshood.
Even if he recites a little of scriptures, but lives in truth according to the Dharma, having abandoned lust, hatred and delusion, has the right knowledge, with a well emancipated mind, is not attached to anything, either in this world, nor in the other one, he shares the [blessings of] monkshood. |
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
023 |
智者常堅忍,勇猛修禪定。解脫得安隱,證無上涅槃。 |
他持續地修禪(止觀),持恆者得以體驗解脫:至上的涅槃。(註:念有三種,即:與善心、果報心、唯作心相應的念,但絕不會有與不善心相應的念。不放逸即是指與善心相應的念心所。) |
Conscientiousness is the state of deathlessness. Negligence is the state of death. The conscientious ones do not die. Those, who are negligent, are as if dead.
Having thus distinctively understood about conscientiousness, the wise ones rejoice in conscientiousness, delighting in the sphere of the Noble Ones.
Those meditating perseveringly, constantly with strong effort, those clever ones touch the Nirvana, the highest peace from bondage. |
024 |
奮勉常正念,淨行能克己,如法而生活,無逸善名增。 |
若某人精進、有正念與身語意清淨、慎重行事、防護諸根、依法生活及不放逸,他的聲譽與幸福得以增長。 |
The good repute of someone, who is energetic, mindful, of pure deeds, acting considerately, self-controlled, living righteously and conscientious, increases. |
025 (典故) |
奮勉不放逸,克己自調御,智者自作洲,不為洪水沒。 |
通過不放逸、正念、戒律與防護諸根,智者使自己成為一座洪水無法淹沒的島嶼。 |
By exertion, conscientiousness, self-control and moderation, a wise should make an island, that a flood can not overwhelm. |
027 |
莫耽溺放逸。莫嗜愛欲樂。警覺修定者,始得大安樂。 |
因此人們不應放逸,不應沉湎於欲樂,因為勤奮的人,通過禪修,即會得證至上樂。 |
The fools, the ignorant people give themselves up to negligence. And the wise one protects conscientiousness as the greatest treasure.
Don't pursue negligence or intimacy with pleasure delights. Conscientious practitioner of meditation obtains abundant happiness. |
028 |
智者以無逸,除逸則無憂,聖賢登慧閣,觀愚者多憂,如登於高山,俯視地上物。 |
智者以不放逸去除放逸,登上智慧的高樓,已斷苦的他看著苦難的眾生,如智者立足於山頂,向下看著平原的愚人。 |
When the wise one expels negligence by conscientiousness, having climbed the stronghold of wisdom, without sorrow, such a clever one observes the sorrowing crowd as somebody standing on a mountain observes the foolish people on the ground. |
029 |
放逸中無逸,如眾睡獨醒。智者如駿馳,駑駘所不及。 |
在眾放逸人中不放逸,在眾昏睡人中保持警覺,智者有如良馬迅速地前進,把疲憊的馬遠遠拋在後頭。 |
Conscientious amongst the negligent, watchful amongst the sleeping, the wise one advances like a swift horse, having left behind a weak one. |
030 |
摩伽以無逸,得為諸天主。無逸人所讚,放逸為人訶。 |
由於不放逸,摩伽婆得以生為諸天神之王。精進永遠受到讚賞,懈怠永遠受到責備。(註:摩伽婆是摩卡羅村的青年,由於造路與清除平地,而得以投生為帝釋天王。) |
By conscientiousness did Indra become the chief amongst the gods. Conscientiousness is praised, negligence is always censured. |
031 |
樂不放逸比丘,或者懼見放逸,猶如猛火炎炎,燒去大結、小結。 |
樂於精進與視放逸為危害的比丘,有如火焰般前進,燒盡一切大小的束縛。 |
The monk, who is devoted to conscientiousness and who is fearful of negligence, advances like a fire, burning the fetters, small or big. |
032 |
樂不放逸比丘,或者懼見放逸,彼已鄰近涅槃,必定不易墮落。 |
樂於不放逸而視放逸為危害的比丘,絕不會倒退,事實上他已非常接近涅槃。(註:不會倒退是指止觀禪修不會倒退。) |
The monk, who is devoted to conscientiousness and who is fearful of negligence, unable to regress, he is just in the vicinity of the Nirvana. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Mind)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
034 |
如魚離水棲,投於陸地上,以此戰慄心,擺脫魔境界。 |
如把水中魚取出投擲於地時,牠會跳躍不安;當把心帶離欲界以脫離魔界時,它亦跳躍不安。(註:魔界是指煩惱輪轉。) |
The wavering, unsteady mind, hard to guard, difficult to restrain, the wise one straightens, like an arrow-maker an arrow.
Like a fish, thrown from all abodes on a dry ground this mind trembles in order to leave Mara's realm. |
035 |
此心隨欲轉,輕躁難捉摸。善哉心調伏,心調得安樂。 |
心難以受到控制,它非常迅捷輕浮,隨著喜好飄蕩與停留。能訓練心是很好的,因為已受到訓練的心能帶來快樂。 |
Good is the taming of the mind, which is difficult to restrain, quick, jumping at whatever it desires. Restrained mind brings happiness. |
036 |
此心隨欲轉,微妙極難見。智者防護心,心護得安樂。 |
心是非常難以察見的,它極度的微細,隨著喜好飄蕩與停留。且讓智者防護其心,因為受到防護的心能帶來快樂。 |
O Wise Ones, you should protect the mind, which is very difficult to see, very subtle and jumping at whatever it desires. Protected mind brings happiness. |
037 (典故) |
遠行與獨行,無形隱深窟。誰能調伏心,解脫魔羅縛。 |
心獨自四處飄蕩遠遊,它是無色的,住於心室。能制伏己心的人,得以解脫魔王的束縛。(註:心獨自飄蕩是指在同一個心識剎那裡,只能有一個心識生起。只有在前一個心識滅後,下一個心識才會生起。心是依靠位於心室裡的心所依處而生起的。) |
Those, who can restrain the mind, which is going far, wandering alone, bodiless and living in the cave, those will be freed from the bond of Mara. |
039 (典故) |
若得無漏心,亦無諸惑亂,超越善與惡,覺者無恐怖。 |
若某人的心已無貪無瞋,若他已捨棄善惡兩者,如此警覺之人是沒有怖畏的。(註:已捨棄善惡即已成為阿羅漢。阿羅漢已根除了貪瞋痴,是不會再造業的,包括善惡兩者。他的一切身語意行為都只是唯作而已。) |
The wisdom of a person, whose mind is unsteady, who does not understand the True Dharma and whose confidence is wavering will not become perfect.
There is no fear for a person, whose mind is free of passions and not perplexed, who has abandoned the idea of "good" and "bad" and who is watchful. |
040 |
知身如陶器,住心似城廓,慧劍擊魔羅,守勝莫染著。 |
明了此身脆弱如瓶,他培育己心至固若城堡,再以智為武器向魔王奮戰。過後他繼續保護己心,毫不執著於勝利。(註:不執著於勝利是指不執著於所獲得的禪那,而繼續修觀直至證悟阿羅漢道智。) |
Having understood this body to be like a jar, having established this mind like a city, attack Mara with the weapon of wisdom, you should protect the conquered territory and be without attachments. |
041 |
此身實不久,當睡於地下,被棄無意識,無用如木屑。 |
噢,不久之後,這失去心識的身體將躺在大地,就像無用的木頭般被丟棄。 |
Alas! Before long will this body lay upon the ground, rejected, devoid of consciousness, like a worthless log. |
042 |
仇敵害仇敵,怨家對怨家,若心向邪行,惡業最為大。 |
敵人可能傷害敵人,怨家可能傷害怨家;然而導向邪惡的心,卻會帶給自己更大的危害。 |
Whatever an enemy might do to an enemy, or a hater to a hated one, wrongly directed mind can do one even worse (evil). |
043 |
(善)非父母作,亦非他眷屬,若心向正行,善業最為大。 |
不是母親,不是父親,也不是任何親戚,能比得上導向於善的心,可為自己帶來更大的幸福。 |
What a mother, father or even other relatives can not do, a well directed mind can do even far better than that. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Flower)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
045 |
有學克地界,閻魔界天界,有學說法句,如巧匠採花。 |
聖學者將征服大地、閻魔界與人天界。聖學者能如熟練的花匠採花般,印證善說的真理之道?(註:學者是至少已證悟須陀洹道,但還未證得阿羅漢果的聖人。) |
Who will investigate this earth and this Yama's world with its deities? Who will understand this well taught Dharma-verse, as a skilful person picks flowers?
A disciple will investigate the earth and this Yama's world with its deities. A disciple will understand this well taught Dharma-verse, as a skilful person picks flowers. |
046 |
知此身如泡,覺悟是幻法,折魔羅花箭,越死王所見。 |
知道此身如水泡般無常,以及覺知它如海市蜃樓般毫無實質,他將切斷魔王之花,脫離死亡之王的視線。(註:魔王之花是指三種輪轉,即煩惱輪轉、業輪轉與果報輪轉。) |
Having understood that this body is like foam, having realized its mirage-like nature, having cut off Mara's flower-tipped arrows, one should make himself invisible to the King of Death. |
047 |
採集諸花已,其人心愛著,死神捉將去,如瀑流睡村。 |
採(欲樂之)花的人,心執著於欲樂,他被死亡帶走,如酣睡之村被洪水沖走。 |
The man who is only gathering flowers, with an attached mind, the death will carry away, like a great flood the sleeping village. |
048 |
採集諸花已,其人心愛著,貪欲無厭足,實為死魔伏。 |
採(欲樂之)花的人,心執著於欲樂,他無法滿足己欲,只有被死魔征服。 |
The man who is only gathering flowers, with an attached mind, unsatisfied in sense pleasures, Death gets under control. |
049 (典故) |
牟尼人村落,譬如蜂採華,不壞色與香,但取其蜜去。 |
如蜜蜂採花粉時,不損傷花朵,亦不損傷其色及香味,只取其蜜,而後飛走。且讓聖者同樣(不損害到村民的信心及財富)地在村子裡活動。 |
Just like a bee leaves the flower, not hurting the color and smell, having taken its juice, so should a wise man walk through the village. |
050 |
不觀他人過,不觀作不作,但觀自身行,作也與未作。 |
不應觀察他人的過失,或已做與未做的(善惡)事;應只省察自己已做與未做的事。 |
One should not look at others' wrong deeds, what the others have done or not. One should look only at what one oneself has and has not done. |
052 |
猶如鮮妙花,色美而芳香,如是說善語,彼實行有果。 |
如美麗且香的花朵,能為戴花者帶來香氣;同樣的,依言實行之人的善語,(肯定)是有結果的。 |
Just like a beautiful flower, colorful but without smell, is a well said speech of somebody, who does not act accordingly.
Just like a beautiful flower, colorful and with smell, is a well said speech of somebody, who does act accordingly. |
053 |
如從諸花聚,得造眾花鬘,如是生為人,當作諸善事。 |
如花匠能用群花製造許多花飾,還需生死的人亦可(依於信心慷慨地善用其財富)做許多善事。 |
Just as from the heap of flowers one can do a lot of garlands, so a born mortal should do a lot of meritorious deeds. |
055 |
栴檀多伽羅,拔悉基青蓮,如是諸香中,戒香為最上。 |
有檀香木、多伽羅、蓮花及茉莉之香,然而,戒行之香遠勝一切香味。 |
The scent of flowers, sandal, tagara or jasmine does not go against the wind. The scent of true ones goes against the wind. The true person pervades all directions.
Sandal or tagara, lotus and jasmine, of these kinds of scent, the scent of the virtue is highest. |
056 |
栴檀多伽羅,此等香甚微。持戒者最上,香薰諸天間。 |
多伽羅與檀香木之香是微不足道的,具德者之香才是最勝的,甚至能向上飄送至天界。 |
Very faint is this scent of tagara and sandal. Highest is the scent of a virtuous one; it blows even amongst the gods. |
057 |
成就諸戒行,住於不放逸,正智解脫者,魔不知所趣。 |
魔王找不到戒行具足、精進,及以正智獲得解脫者所行之道。(註:阿羅漢已不會再生,魔王盡了全力也找不到阿羅漢死後去了那裡。) |
Mara doesn't find the way of those endowed with virtue, living in conscientiousness and freed by the right knowledge. |
059 |
如是糞穢等,盲昧凡夫中,正覺者弟子,以智慧光照。 |
如在大道旁的垃圾堆中,可能長著芳香的蓮花;在眾生雜堆中,亦可能出現佛弟子,其智慧的明亮,遠遠超越盲目的凡夫俗子。 |
Just as at the rubbish heap, thrown out by the big road, can grow a lotus, of pure smell and delightful,
Thus, amidst the dust-like beings, amongst ignorant ordinary people, The disciple of the truly and completely Awakened One magnificently shines with wisdom. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Fool)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
060 |
不眠者夜長,倦者由旬長,不明達正法──愚者輪迴長。 |
對於無法入睡的人,黑夜實在漫長;對於疲憊的旅人,一由旬亦非常遙遠;對於不知正法的愚人,生死輪迴極漫長。(註:一由旬大約有七英里。) |
Long is the night for a wakeful; long is a yojana for a tired. Long is the Samsara for the fools who do not know the true Dharma. |
061 |
不得勝我者為友,與我相等者亦無,寧可堅決獨行居,不與愚人作伴侶。 |
在旅途上,若找不到比自己更好或同等的同伴,就讓他堅定地獨自前進,絕無與愚者為伴這一回事。 |
If a wanderer should not find a companion better or similar to oneself, then he should resolutely wander alone. There is no companionship with a fool. |
062 (典故) |
『此我子我財』愚人常為憂。我且無有我,何有子與財? |
「我有兒子,我有財富。」因此(執著的)愚者感到苦惱。事實上,他自己也不是自己的,兒子與財富又怎能是他的呢? |
The fool worries: "I have sons, I have wealth." He does not even own himself. Whence sons and wealth? |
063 |
愚者(自)知愚,彼即是智人。愚人(自)謂智,實稱(真)愚夫。 |
自知愚昧的愚人,基於這點是個智者;自以為是智者的愚人,才是真正的愚者。 |
A fool who knows about his foolishness, just by that he is like a wise man. And a fool, who is proud of his cleverness, he is indeed called a fool. |
064 |
愚者雖終身,親近於智人,彼不了達摩,如匙嘗湯味。 |
即使愚人盡其一生親近智者,亦不能知見真理,如勺子不知湯的味道。 |
A fool can attend on a wise man even for whole his life, he will not understand the Dharma, like a spoon does not know the taste of the soup. |
065 |
慧者須臾頃,親近於智人,能速解達摩,如舌嘗湯味。 |
利慧者雖只與智者相處片刻,卻能迅速地知見真理,如舌頭能知湯的味道。 |
An intelligent person can attend on a wise man even for a second, he will quickly understand the Dharma, like a tongue knows the taste of the soup. |
066 |
愚人不覺知,與自仇敵行,造作諸惡業,受定眾苦果。 |
對於無知的愚人,他即是自己的敵人,他四處造下惡業,帶來苦果的惡業。 |
The stupid fools behave as if they themselves were their enemies, doing bad deeds, which have bitter fruit. |
067 |
彼作不善業,作已生後悔,哭泣淚滿面,應得受異熟。 |
若做了某事會後悔,以及受其果報時,他淚流滿面地悲泣,那即是沒有善行其事。 |
That deed is not well done, which one regrets when it is accomplished, whose consequences one faces with a tearful face and crying. |
068 |
若彼作善業,作已不追悔,歡喜而愉悅,應得受異熟。 |
若做了某事不會後悔,以及受其果報時,他感到歡喜快樂,那即是已經善行其事。 |
That deed is well done, which one does not regret when it is accomplished, whose consequences one faces delighted and happy. |
069 |
惡業未成熟,愚人思如蜜;惡業成熟時,愚人必受苦。 |
只要惡業還未成熟,愚者以為它是甜如蜜的;然而當惡業成熟時,愚者就得為它受苦。 |
The fool thinks it is as honey, as long as the evil is not ripe. When the evil is ripe, then he undergoes suffering. |
070 (典故) |
愚者月復月,雖僅取(少)食───以孤沙草端;(彼所得功德),不及思法者,十六分之一。 |
即使愚者月復一月地修苦行,只以古沙草片攝取飲食,卻依然比不上已思惟真諦者(聖人)的十六份之一。 |
Month by month can a fool eat his food with a blade of the kusa grass, he is not worth a sixteenth part of those, who have realized the Dharma. |
071 |
猶如搆牛乳,醍醐非速成。愚人造惡業,不即感惡果,業力隨其後,如死灰覆火。 |
惡業不會即刻帶來果報,如剛擠出的牛奶不會即刻凝固,但它依然跟隨著愚者,如蓋上灰的活火炭。 |
An evil deed when done, doesn't instantly bear fruits; just like milk does not coagulate at once. Burning, it follows the fool like fire covered with ashes. |
072 |
愚夫求知識,反而趨滅亡,損害其幸福,破碎其頭首。 |
愚人的知識只會傷害他自己,它毀滅了他的福業,也使他的頭顱破裂。(註:頭顱是指智慧。) |
A fool gains knowledge altogether for his harm. It kills his fortune; it destroys his head. |
074 |
『僧與俗共知──此事由我作,事無論大小,皆由我作主』,愚人作此想,貪與慢增長。 |
且讓在家眾與比丘們都想:「諸事皆因我而成就。無論一切大小事,且讓他們聽從我的指示。」這是愚人的想法,增長其貪欲與我慢。 |
He might want undue respect, deference from monks, supremacy over dwellings and devotion from other families.
"Let both householders and monks think that it was done by me, let them be under my will, in whatever duties." Such are fool's thoughts. His desire and pride grows. |
075 |
一(道)引世利,一(道)向涅槃。佛弟子比丘,當如是了知,莫貪著世利,專注於遠離。 |
誠然,一個是導向世俗成就之道,另一個則是導向涅槃之道。明了這一點,身為佛弟子的比丘,不應樂於世俗的成就與恭敬,而應培育捨離與不執取。 |
Something else are worldly gains, something else is the path leading to the Nirvana. Thus let a monk, the Buddha's student, having fully understood this, not rejoice at worship, but let him devote himself to solitude. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Wise)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
076 |
若見彼智者──能指示過失,並能譴責者,當與彼為友;猶如知識者,能指示寶藏。與彼智人友,定善而無惡。 |
人們應跟隨指摘人們過失的智者,如同跟隨嚮導至被埋沒的寶藏。對於跟隨此智者的人,只有益處,絕無厄難。 |
Should one see an intelligent person, who speaks rebukingly, who can see faults as if showing treasures, one should associate with such a wise one. Associating with such people is better, not worse. |
077 |
訓誡與教示,阻(他人)過惡。善人愛此人,但為惡人憎。 |
智者應訓誡他人,給予他人勸告,以及防止他人犯錯。這種人受到善人喜愛,只有惡人才會討厭他。 |
He should admonish, he should advice, and he should restrain one from evil. He is indeed dear to the good ones and he is not agreeable to the bad ones. |
078 |
莫與惡友交,莫友卑鄙者。應與善友交,應友高尚士。 |
人們不應親近惡友,亦不應親近卑劣之人。人們應親近善友,以及親近聖者。 |
One should not associate with evil friends; one should not associate with vile people. Associate with virtuous friends; associate with noble people. |
079 |
得飲法(水)者,心清而安樂。智者常喜悅,聖者所說法。 |
飲法之人,以安寧之心愉快地活著;智者常樂於聖者所說之法。 |
One who finds joy in the Dharma dwells happily, with a bright mind. The wise man always delights in the Dharma taught by the noble ones. |
080 |
灌溉者引水,箭匠之矯箭,木匠之繩木,智者自調御。 |
治水者疏導水,矢師矯正箭,木匠修飾木,智者制伏自己。 |
Irrigators lead water. Arrow-makers bend arrow-shaft. Carpenters bend wood. Wise ones master themselves. |
081 |
猶如堅固巖,不為風所搖,毀謗與讚譽,智者不為動。 |
如同岩嶽不受狂風動搖,智者亦不受毀譽動搖。 |
Just like a compact rock is not moved by the wind, so the wise ones are not shaken by blame or praise. |
082 |
亦如一深池,清明而澄淨,智者聞法已,如是心清淨。 |
如同既深且清又平靜的水池,智者聽聞正法後變得安詳。 |
Just like a lake, deep, bright and clean, so the wise ones become tranquil, after having heard the teachings. |
083 |
善人離諸(欲),不論諸欲事。苦樂所不動,智者無喜憂。 |
誠然,具德者捨棄了一切(執著不以貪欲之心交談;當面對快樂或痛苦時,智者不顯示出歡喜或悲愁。 |
True people abandon everything. Good people do not mutter, desiring pleasure. Wise people do not show elation or depression when they are affected by happiness or suffering. |
084 |
不因自因他,(智者作諸惡),不求子求財、及謀國(作惡)。不欲以非法,求自己繁榮。彼實具戒行,智慧正法者。 |
他不會為了自己或他人而造惡,不會造惡以求獲得子女、財富或王國,不會以卑劣的手段獲取成就。只有這種人才是真正的—具德、睿智及公正。 |
One should not want a son, wealth or kingdom, not for one's own sake, not for the sake of others, one should not want one's own prosperity by injustice. Such a person is virtuous, wise and righteous. |
086 |
善能說法者,及依正法行,彼能達彼岸,度難度魔境。 |
然而,依照善說之法實行的人,能夠到達彼岸,越渡了極難越渡的死界。(註:死界是指生死輪迴,亦即娑婆世界。) |
Few are those amongst people, who have gone to the other shore. And these other people just follow this shore.
And those who in the well-taught Dharma behave according to it, those people will go beyond the realm of death, that is so difficult to cross. |
089 |
彼於諸覺支,正心而修習。遠離諸固執,樂捨諸愛著,漏盡而光耀,此世證涅槃。 |
心已圓滿地培育了七覺支,以及捨棄了一切貪欲的人,樂於自己已捨棄了執著。此人已根除了一切煩惱,擁有阿羅漢道智明亮之光,在此界已證得了涅槃。(註:此界是指五蘊。) |
Having abandoned the bad states let the wise man develop the good states. having come from the house into houselessness, into solitude, which is not fit for pleasures..
A wise one should want delight there, having renounced the sense-pleasures, without anything and having cleansed himself from the impurities of mind.
People, whose mind is truly well developed in the constituents of awakenment, who are delighting in renunciation of attachments, without clinging, with the taints removed and brilliant, they are completely emancipated in this world. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Arahant)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
090 |
路行盡無憂,於一切解脫,斷一切繫縛,無有苦惱者。 |
旅程已盡,解脫了苦及一切,已消滅了一切束縛的人,不再苦惱。 |
Pain does not exist for one, who has finished the journey, is without sorrow, who is emancipated in every respect and who has abandoned all bonds. |
091 |
正念奮勇者,彼不樂在家。如鵝離池去,彼等棄水家。 |
有正念的人勤於修行,不樂於家(即欲樂的生活);如同天鵝捨棄泥沼,他們捨棄一切住家生活(即一切貪欲)。 |
Mindful ones depart; they do not find delight in houses. They abandon every abode, just like swans leave a pond. |
092 |
彼等無積聚,於食如實知,空無相解脫──是彼所行境,如鳥遊虛空,蹤跡不可得。 |
他們不儲藏,飲食時適當地省察。他們的目標是空與無相的解脫。他們的去處無法追尋,如同鳥在天空中所經之路(無跡)。(註:不儲藏是指不再造業或不儲藏四資具。省察是指以三遍知省察。空、無相與解脫皆是指涅槃。) |
Those, who do not accumulate and have well understood food, whose sphere is the void emancipation without attributes - their course is difficult to find out - like the course of the birds in the sky. |
093 |
彼等諸漏盡,亦不貪飲食,空無相解脫──是彼所行境,如鳥遊虛空,蹤跡不可得。 |
他已解脫煩惱,不執著於飲食。他的目標是空與無相的解脫。他的行道無法追尋,如同鳥在天空中所經之路。 |
Whose taints are completely removed, who is not attached to food, whose sphere is the void emancipation without attributes - his course is difficult to find out - like the path of the birds in the sky. |
094 |
彼諸根寂靜,如御者調馬,離我慢無漏,為天人所慕。 |
他諸根平靜,如同被馬車夫馴服的馬,他已脫離我慢及諸煩惱,這平穩的人受到天神喜愛。(註:平穩的人是指不受世間的起落動搖之人。) |
Whose senses are quieted, just like horses well tamed by the charioteer, even the gods do envy such one, who has abandoned pride and is free from taints. |
095 |
彼已無憤恨,猶如於大地,彼虔誠堅固,如因陀揭羅,如無污泥池,是人無輪迴。 |
阿羅漢如大地般堅忍,不會受到刺激而生氣;他有如門柱般穩固,不受生命中的起落所動搖;他有如無淤泥的水池般安寧清淨。這樣的人是不會再有輪迴的了。 |
Such a one, who is not obstructed, just like the earth, who is similar to the Indra's stake, who is virtuous, who is like a lake without mud - for such a one there is no more round of rebirth. |
096 |
彼人心寂靜,語與業寂靜,正智而解脫,如是得安穩。 |
完全解脫、寂靜與平穩者,他意平靜、語平靜、身亦平靜。 |
Peaceful is his mind; peaceful are his speech and deeds – of such a one, who is freed by the right knowledge and tranquil. |
097 |
無信知無為,斷繫因永謝,棄捨於貪欲,真實無上士。 |
他不盲信,已證悟無為(涅槃),斷除了生死輪迴的束縛,不再造善惡業,捨棄了一切渴愛,他的確是至上者(阿羅漢)。 |
A man who is not blindly trusting, who knows the Nirvana, who has broken the connections, who has cut off the opportunities and who has given up all wishes - he is a greatest person indeed. |
098 |
於村落林間,平地或丘陵,何處有羅漢,彼地即可慶。 |
在村子或森林裡,在山谷中或山上,無論阿羅漢住在何處,其地都令人感到愉悅。 |
In the village or in the forest, in the valley or on the hill - wherever Arahants live, that place is pleasant. |
099 |
林野甚可樂;世人所不樂;彼喜離欲樂,不求諸欲樂。 |
森林是令人感到愉悅之地,然而凡夫俗子卻不喜愛它;只有無欲之人才會喜愛森林,因為他們不追求欲樂。 |
Delightful are the forests, where the crowd doesn't find delight. Those free of passion will find delight there. They are not seeking pleasures. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Thousand)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
100 |
雖誦一千言,若無義理者,不如一義語,聞已得寂靜。 |
一句有意義及聽後心得平靜的話,好過千句無意義、與證悟涅槃無關的話。 |
Rather then a thousand speeches without meaningful words, is better one meaningful word, after hearing which, one can attain calm. |
101 (典故) |
雖誦千句偈,若無義理者,不如一句偈,聞已得寂靜。 |
一首有意義及聽後心得平靜的偈,好過千首無意義、與證悟涅槃無關的偈。 |
Rather then a thousand verses without meaningful words, is better one word of a verse, after hearing which, one can attain calm. |
103 (典故) |
彼於戰場上,雖勝百萬人;未若克己者,戰士之最上! |
即使人們在戰場上戰勝千人千次,然而,能戰勝自己的人,才是真正的至上勝利者。 |
Who should say even a hundred verses without meaningful words, better is one verse on the Dharma, after hearing which, one can attain calm.
If one should conquer thousands of people in the battle, and if one should conquer just one thing - himself, he indeed is the victor of the highest battle. |
105 |
天神乾闥婆,魔王並梵天,皆遭於敗北,不能勝彼人。 |
天神、乾達婆、魔王與梵天,都贏不過已制伏自己者的勝利。 |
It is better to conquer oneself than to conquer other people. Of a person, who tamed himself, who is always acting with self-control,
not a god, not a Gandharva, not Mara with Brahma, can turn into defeat the victory of a person of such form. |
106 |
月月投千(金)──供犧牲百年,不如須臾間,供養修己者,彼如是供養,勝祭祀百年。 |
雖人月復一月佈施千個錢幣(給普通人)長達百年,然而,向一位有修行的人頂禮一剎那,卻勝過百年的佈施(給普通人)。(註:錢在此可以是銅、銀或金的。有修行的人是指修習觀禪的比丘。) |
If one should sacrifice every month thousand times even by hundreds, and if one should even for a moment pay respects to somebody, who has developed himself, then such a devotion is better than hundred years of sacrifice. |
107 |
若人一百年──事火於林中,不如須臾間,供養修己者,彼如是供養,勝祭祀百年。 |
雖人在林中拜祭聖火百年,然而,向一位有修行的人頂禮一剎那,卻勝過拜祭聖火百年。 |
Whatever person should worship fire in the forest for hundred years, and if one should even for a moment pay respects to somebody, who has developed himself, then such a devotion is better than hundred years of sacrifice. |
108 |
若人於世間,施捨或供養,求福一週年,如是諸功德,不及四分一,禮敬正直者。 |
雖人整年作了許多大小佈施,然而這一切佈施卻比不上向行正道的聖者頂禮的福業的四份之一。 |
Whatever sacrifice or oblation in the world might someone sacrifice in a year, looking for merit, all that is not worth one fourth. Showing respect to those of upright conduct is better. |
109 |
好樂敬禮者,常尊於長老,四法得增長:壽美樂與力。 |
時常尊敬長輩及具德者之人的四種利益會增長,即:壽命、美貌、快樂與力量。 |
For somebody, who is showing respect to those of virtuous character, who is always paying homage to the venerable ones, four things grow for him: life-span, beauty of complexion, happiness, strength. |
110 |
若人壽百歲──破戒無三昧,不如生一日──持戒修禪定。 |
有德及有禪修的一天,好過無德與不能自制諸根的百年生命。 |
Who would live for hundred years, with bad morality, without a firm mind, better is the life for one day of somebody who is virtuous and meditating. |
111 |
若人壽百歲──無慧無三昧,不如生一日──具慧修禪定。 |
禪修智者的一天,好過不能自制諸根之愚人的百年生命。 |
Who would live for hundred years, without wisdom, without a firm mind, better is the life for one day of somebody who is wise and meditating. |
112 (典故) |
若人壽百歲──怠惰不精進,不如生一日──勵力行精進。 |
精進於禪修者的一天,好過怠惰之人的百年生命。 |
Who would live for hundred years, indolent and of poor effort, better is the life for one day of somebody who has undertaken a firm effort. |
113 |
若人壽百歲──不見生滅法,不如生一日──得見生滅法。 |
知見五蘊生滅者的一天,好過不能知見五蘊生滅者的百年生命。 |
Who would live for hundred years, not seeing rise and fall of things, better is the life for one day of somebody who is seeing their rise and fall. |
114 |
若人壽百歲──不見不死道,不如生一日──得見不死道。 |
知見不死道(涅槃)者的一天,好過不能知見不死道者的百年生命。 |
Who would live for hundred years, not seeing the state of deathlessness, better is the life for one day of somebody who is seeing the state of deathlessness. |
115 |
若人壽百歲──不見最上法,不如生一日──得見最上法。 |
知見至上法者的一天,好過不能知見至上法者的百年生命。(註:至上法是指九出世間法,即:四道、四果及涅槃。) |
Who would live for hundred years, not seeing the highest Law, better is the life for one day of somebody who is seeing the highest Law. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Evil)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
116 |
應急速作善,制止罪惡心。怠慢作善者,心則喜於惡。 |
應速於行善及防止心造惡,因為行善緩慢之心樂於邪惡。 |
You should be quick in doing good. One should restrain mind from evil. The mind of somebody, who is slow in doing good, delights in evil. |
117 |
若人作惡已,不可數數作;莫喜於作惡;積惡則受苦。 |
若人造了惡,他不應重犯,不應樂於造惡,累積邪惡將導致痛苦。 |
Should a person do evil, let him not do it again and again. One should not wish for it. Accumulation of evil is painful. |
118 |
若人作善已,應復數數作;當喜於作善;積善則受樂。 |
若人行了善,他應常常行善,應樂於行善,累積善業將導致快樂。 |
Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. One should wish for it. Accumulation of good is pleasant. |
120 |
善業未成熟,善人以為苦。善業成熟時,善人始見善。 |
只要善業還未成熟,善人依然會遭受痛苦;但當善業成熟時,他得享善業的福報。 |
An evil person may even see goodness [in his evil deeds] as long as the evil has not ripened. When the evil has ripened, then the evil person sees those evil deeds.
A good person may even see evil [in his good deeds] as long as the goodness has not ripened. When the goodness has ripened, then the good person sees those good deeds. |
121 |
莫輕於小惡!謂『我不招報』,須知滴水落,亦可滿水瓶,愚夫盈其惡,少許少許積。 |
莫輕視惡行,以為「小惡不會為我帶來果報」;如同滴水能注滿水瓶,愚人累積小惡至罪惡滿盈。 |
Do not disregard evil, "It will not come to me!" Falling drops of water can fill up even a water jar. The fool fills himself up with evil, even if collecting it just little by little. |
122 (典故) |
莫輕於小善!謂『我不招報』,須知滴水落,亦可滿水瓶,智者完其善,少許少許積。 |
莫輕視善行,以為「小善不會為我帶來果報」;如同滴水能注滿水瓶,智者累積小善至福德滿盈。 |
Do not disregard goodness, "It will not come to me!" Falling drops of water can fill up even a water jar. The clever one fills himself up with goodness, even if collecting it just little by little. |
123 |
商人避險道,伴少而貨多;愛生避毒品,避惡當亦爾。 |
如財多而隨從少的富商避開危險的路線,如想要生存之人避免毒藥,人們亦應避免邪惡。 |
Like a merchant with a small caravan and a lot of money would avoid a dreadful path, like someone who wants to live would avoid a poison, so should one avoid evil. |
124 |
假若無有瘡傷手,可以其手持毒藥。毒不能患無傷手。不作惡者便無惡。 |
若手無創口則可以手持毒,因毒不入侵無創口之人;不造惡者是不會有罪惡的。 |
If there is no wound in the palm, one can carry poison with it. The poison does not affect one who is without a wound. There is no evil for one, who is not doing it. |
125 (典故) |
若犯無邪者,清淨無染者,罪惡向愚人,如逆風揚塵。 |
若人冒犯了不應受到冒犯、清淨無染者(2),該罪惡返歸於愚人,如逆風揚塵。(註2)即阿羅漢。 |
Who offends against an uncorrupted man, against a trusting and pure person, the evil will fall back upon such a fool, like minute dust thrown against the wind. |
126 (典故) |
有人生於(母)胎中,作惡者則(墮)地獄,正直之人昇天界,漏盡者證入涅槃。 |
有些人投生母胎,邪惡者墮入地獄,正直之人上生天界,無煩惱者入般涅槃。(註:在此投生於母胎是指投生作人。無煩惱者即是阿羅漢。 |
Some are born in the womb; evildoers arise in hell; righteous ones go to heaven; those without taints are completely emancipated. |
127 |
非於虛空及海中,亦非入深山洞窟,欲求逃遁惡業者,世間實無可覓處。 |
無論是在虛空中、海洋裡、山洞內或世上任何地方,都無處可令人逃脫惡業的果報。 |
Not in the air, not in the middle of the ocean, not entering the hole in the mountains. There is no place in the world, where being one would be released from the [consequences of] evil deeds. |
128 |
非於虛空及海中,亦非入深山洞窟,欲求不為死魔制,世間實無可覓處。 |
無論是在虛空中、海洋裡、山洞內或世上任何地方,都無處可令人逃脫死亡。 |
Not in the air, not in the middle of the ocean, not entering the hole in the mountains. There is no place in the world, where being, one would not be overcome by death. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Punishment)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
129 |
一切懼刀杖,一切皆畏死,以自度(他情),莫殺教他殺。 |
一切眾生都害怕刑罰,都害怕死亡。推己及人,人們不應殺害他人,或唆使他人殺害生命。 |
Everybody trembles at punishment; everybody fears death. Having made the comparison with oneself, let one not kill, nor cause another to kill. |
130 |
一切懼刀杖,一切皆愛生,以自度(他情),莫殺教他殺。 |
一切眾生都害怕刑罰,都愛惜自己的生命。推己及人,人們不應殺害他人,或唆使他人殺害生命。 |
Everybody trembles at punishment; life is dear to everybody. Having made the comparison with oneself, let one not kill, nor cause another to kill. |
132 |
於求樂有情,不加刀杖害,欲求自己樂,後世樂可得。 |
不傷害他人以求己樂者,來世得享安樂。 |
Who hurts with a stick beings that desire happiness, searching for happiness himself, he will not reach happiness after death.
Who does not hurt with a stick beings that desire happiness, searching for happiness himself, he will reach happiness after death. |
134 |
汝若自默然,如一破銅鑼,已得涅槃路;於汝無諍故。 |
若你能保持沉默平靜,像一隻破裂之鼓不再聲響,你肯定會證悟涅槃,不再存有憤怒。 |
Do not say anything harsh, those spoken to might reply to that. Angry talk is painful, retribution might be attached to it.
If you yourself do not vibrate, just like a broken gong, then you have reached Nirvana. Anger does not exist for you. |
135 |
如牧人以杖,驅牛至牧場,如是老與死.驅逐眾生命。 |
如同牧牛者以棍棒驅趕牛群至牧場,老與死亦在驅逐著眾生的壽命。 |
Just like a cowherd drives cows to pasture with a stick, so old age and death drive the life of living beings. |
136 |
愚夫造作諸惡業,卻不自知(有果報),癡人以自業感苦,宛如以火而自燒。 |
愚人造惡時不知其惡,然而他卻因自己的惡業而受苦,如同被火焚燒的人。 |
A fool does not realize when he is committing bad deeds. The stupid person is tormented by his own deeds just as if burned by fire. |
140 |
或彼之房屋,為劫火焚燒。癡者身亡後,復墮於地獄。 |
他會遭受到劇痛,或不幸,或身體傷殘,或重病,或發瘋,或因國王發怒而遭殃,或被誣陷,或失去親人,或財產破毀,或家被火燒毀。該愚人死後將會墮入地獄。 |
Who offends with a stick somebody who is uncorrupted and without violence, he will quickly go to one of the ten states:
He would get harsh pain, loss of property, and bodily injury, serious illness, or derangement of mind.
Or a trouble from the king, and cruel accusations, or loss of relatives, or destruction of wealth.
Or then a blazing fire will burn his houses. And after death this fool will be reborn in hell. |
141 |
非裸行結髮,非塗泥絕食,臥地自塵身,非以蹲踞(住),不斷疑惑者,能令得清淨。 |
不是裸行,不是結,不是以泥塗身,不是睡在露天之下,不是以灰塵塗身,也不是蹲著勤修能夠清淨還未破除疑惑的人。 |
Not wandering around naked, not matted hair, not mud on the body, not fasting, nor lying on the bare ground, dust and sweat, sitting on one's heels - nothing can purify a mortal who has not overcome his doubts. |
142 |
嚴身住寂靜,調御而克制,必然修梵行,不以刀杖等,加害諸有情,彼即婆羅門,彼即是沙門,彼即是比丘。 |
雖有莊嚴其身,若他是平靜的、脫離了煩惱、制伏了諸根、擁有道智、完全清淨及捨棄了對一切眾生的瞋恨,那麼,他的確是婆羅門,是沙門,是比丘。(註:在此,婆羅門、沙門與比丘都是指阿羅漢。) |
Even if one would walk around like an adorned man, [but he would be] peaceful, self-controlled, restrained and pure, having given up punishing of all living beings, he is a Brahmin, he is a recluse, he is a monk. |
144 |
如良馬加鞭,當奮勉懺悔。以信戒精進,以及三摩地,善分別正法,以及明行足,汝當念勿忘,消滅無窮苦。 |
如良馬受到鞭策,人們應精進及對生死輪迴感到悚懼。以信、戒、精進、定、抉擇法、具足明行與正念來解脫這無量之苦。(註:dhammavincchayena「抉擇法」是指karanakarana jananam「辨明諸法之因與非因」。) |
In this world, does there exist a person restrained by conscience, who avoids blame, like a good horse avoids a whip?
Be like a good horse when touched by a whip - strenuous and anxious. By faith, virtue, effort and concentration, by investigation of truth, by having knowledge and conduct, by being mindful abandon this big suffering. |
145 |
灌溉者引水,箭匠之矯箭,木匠之繩木,善行者自御。 |
治水者疏導水,矢師矯正箭,木匠修飾木,善行者制伏自己。 |
Irrigators lead water. Arrow-makers bend arrow-shaft. Carpenters bend wood. Virtuous ones master themselves. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Old Age)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
146 |
常在燃燒中,何喜何可笑?幽暗之所蔽,何不求光明? |
(世間)常在燒,為何還有歡笑?為何還有喜悅?當被黑暗覆蔽時,為何不尋求明燈? |
What laughter? Why joy? When everything is constantly burning? Covered by darkness, you do not seek light? |
147 |
觀此粉飾身;瘡傷一堆骨,疾病多思惟,絕非常存者。 |
看這被裝飾的身體,它是一堆的瘡痍,由(骨頭)所支持,多病與擁有許多(欲)念。此身的確不堅固及不能常存。 |
Look at this mind-created image, a compounded heap of sores, diseased, with many plans, which does not have any permanence or stability. |
148 |
此衰老形骸,病藪而易壞;朽聚必毀滅,有生終歸死。 |
這身體隨著年紀衰老,它是一窠的疾病,易壞的。當這惡臭的污穢體分解時,生命真的結束於死亡。 |
Decayed is this body, a frail nest of diseases. This foul mass breaks up. Indeed, the life ends in death. |
149 |
猶如葫盧瓜,散棄於秋季,骸骨如鴿色,觀此何可樂? |
這些灰白的骨頭就像在秋天裡被丟棄的葫蘆一般,見到它們又有什麼可喜的呢? |
Those gray bones, thrown away like pumpkins in fall. Seeing them, what love can there be? |
150 |
此城骨所建,塗以血與肉,儲藏老與死,及慢並虛偽。 |
此城(身)以骨建成,再以血肉包裝;內裡藏著老、死、我慢與貶抑。 |
There is a city made of bones, plastered with flesh and blood, where there are deposited old age, death, conceit and hypocrisy. |
151 |
盛飾王車亦必朽,此身老邁當亦爾。唯善人法不老朽,善人傳示於善人。 |
裝飾得華麗的皇家馬車亦終須損壞,人體也是一樣會變得衰老,然而善人之法不會老化。眾善人如此互相說示。(註:善人之法是指九出世間法,即:四道、四果與涅槃。) |
Beautiful king's chariots wear out. And also the body gets old. But the teaching of the good ones does not get old. The good ones teach it to each other. |
152 |
寡聞之(愚)人,生長如牡牛,唯增長筋肉,而不增智慧。 |
這少聞之人如牡牛般長大,只增長肌肉,不增長智慧。 |
The person without learning grows old like an ox. His flesh grows; his wisdom does not. |
154 (研讀) |
已見造屋者!不再造於屋。椽桷皆毀壞,棟梁亦摧折。我既證無為,一切愛盡滅。 |
噢,造屋者,我看到你了。你將無法再造屋。你的柱子都斷了,你的棟梁都毀了。我心已證得無為,已滅盡渴愛。(註:屋子是身體;造屋者是渴愛。無為即是涅槃:滅盡渴愛即已證得阿羅漢果。) |
Through many rounds of rebirth have I ran, looking for the house-builder, but not finding him. Painful is repeated rebirth.
Oh, house-builder, you are seen! You will not build this house again! All your ribs are broken; the roof is destroyed. My mind is dissolute; I have attained the end of all cravings. |
156 |
少壯不得財,並不修梵行,臥如破折弓,悲歎於過去。 |
他們少壯時不修梵行,也不賺取財富;如已損壞的弓般無助地躺著,悲嘆著種種的過去。 |
Those, who have not led the holy life, and have not obtained wealth while young, ponder just like old herons in the lake without fish.
Those, who have not led the holy life, and have not obtained wealth while young, lie just like arrows shot from a bow, moaning over the past. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Self)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
157 |
若人知自愛,須善自保護。三時中一時,智者應醒覺。 |
若人懂得愛惜自身,他應當好好地保護自己。在(生命)三個階段的任何階段裡,智者應保持(對邪惡)警覺。 |
If someone holds oneself dear, let him guard himself very well. In any of the three watches of the night let the wise one be watchful. |
158 |
第一將自己,安置於正道,然後教他人;賢者始無過。 |
人們應自己先修好善法,然後才可教導他人。此等智者不會有煩惱。 |
Let one first establish oneself in what is proper, and then instruct others. A wise one should not be impure. |
159 (典故) |
若欲誨他者,應如己所行(自)制乃制(他),克己實最難。 |
自己所作的應如自己所教的;只有在完全制伏自己後才可制伏他人。制伏自己的確是很困難的。 |
If only one always did what one advises others! One well restrained can teach others. Indeed, it is difficult to control oneself. |
160 |
自為自依怙,他人何可依?自己善調御,證難得所依。 |
自己的確是自己的依歸,他人怎能作為自己的依歸?制伏自己之後,人們獲得了難得的歸依處(阿羅漢果)。 |
One is indeed one's own lord. What other lord would there be? With oneself well restrained, one will obtain the lord that is so hard to get. |
161 |
惡業實由自己作,從自己生而自起。(惡業)摧壞於愚者,猶如金剛破寶石。 |
自己所造之惡,由自己所生,由自己造成,它摧毀了愚人,如同金剛粉碎了寶石。 |
The evil is done by oneself, proceeding from oneself, originating from oneself. It crushes the fool, just like a diamond crushes a hard gem. |
162 |
破戒如蔓蘿,纏覆裟羅樹。彼自如此作,徒快敵者意。 |
如同蔓藤纏住娑羅樹,無德者為自身所作的,正是其敵所願的。 |
Who is of extremely bad morality, like a creeper spread over a Sala tree, he will do unto himself, what an enemy wishes to do unto him. |
163 |
不善事易作,然無益於己;善與利益事,實為極難行。 |
要做對自己有害的惡事是很容易的,真正最難做的是對自己有益的善事。 |
Easy done are deeds, that are wrong and harmful to oneself. What is beneficial and good, that is indeed most difficult to do. |
164 (典故) |
惡慧愚癡人,以其邪見故,侮蔑羅漢教,依正法行者,以及尊者教,而自取毀滅,如格他格草,結果自滅亡。 |
持有邪見的愚人誹謗阿羅漢、聖者、住於正法者的教法,實是自我毀滅;如迦達迦樹生果實,實是為自己帶來滅亡。 |
Who scorns thee teaching of the Arahants, the Noble Ones, living righteously, the fool, who is relying on wrong beliefs, produces fruit just like a bamboo - for his own destruction. |
165 |
惡實由己作,染污亦由己;由己不作惡,清淨亦由己。淨不淨依己,他何能淨他? |
只有自己才能造惡,自己才能污染自己;只有自己才能不造惡,自己才能清淨自己。淨與不淨只看自己,無人能夠清淨他人。 |
The evil is done by oneself; by oneself one becomes impure. The evil is undone by oneself; by oneself one becomes pure. Purity and impurity depend on oneself. No one can purify another. |
166 |
莫以利他事,忽於己利益。善知己利者,常專心利益。 |
無論利益他人的事有多重大,也莫忽視了自身的利益;清楚地知道了自身的利益,他應當盡全力獲取它。(註:attadattham「自身的利益」是指道、果與涅槃。) |
Let one not neglect one's own spiritual attainment for other's spiritual attainment, however great. Having fully understood one's own spiritual attainment, let one pursue the true attainment. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The World)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
167 (典故) |
莫從卑劣法。莫住於放逸。莫隨於邪見。莫增長世俗。 |
莫作卑劣事,莫怠惰過活,莫執持邪見,莫延長世界。(註:在此世界是指生死輪迴。) |
Don't practice inferior teachings; don't connect with negligence. Don't embrace wrong beliefs; don't be attached to the world. |
169 |
行正法善行。勿行於惡行。依正法行者,此世他世樂。 |
應細心地奉行(托缽的)責任,莫跟隨惡行(即不托缽)。實踐此善行的人,今生來世皆安樂。 |
Arise! Don't be negligent! Practice the good teaching! One living in truth dwells happily, both in this world and in the next one.
Practice the good teaching; don't practice the bad one! One living in truth dwells happily, both in this world and in the next one. |
170 |
視如水上浮漚,視如海市蜃樓,若人觀世如是,死王不得見他。 |
若人能有如看待水泡,或看待海市蜃樓般,來看待這世界(即五蘊),那麼,死亡之王就看不到他了。 |
As if one would see a bubble, as if one would see a mirage, who observes the world like that, the King of Death does not see him. |
171 |
來看言個世界,猶如莊嚴王車。愚人沈湎此中,智者毫無執著。 |
來吧,看看這世界(即五蘊)。它像華麗的皇家馬車;愚人沉湎其中,但智者毫不執著於它。 |
Come and look at this world, similar to a beautiful king's chariot. Where the fools sink down, for those, who understand, there is no attachment. |
172 |
若人先放逸,但後不放逸。彼照耀此世,如月出雲翳。 |
以前放逸,後來精進的人,如無雲的明月,照亮這世間。 |
Who has been formerly negligent, but later is not, illuminates this world like a moon freed from cloud. |
173 |
若作惡業已,覆之以善者。彼照耀此世,如月出雲翳。 |
以善撲滅了舊惡之人,如無雲的明月,照亮這世間。(註:「以善」的善是指阿羅漢道智)。 |
Who covers his evil deeds with good ones, illuminates this world like a moon freed from cloud. |
174 (典故) |
此世界盲暝。能得此者少。如鳥脫羅網,鮮有昇天者。 |
這世界是黑暗的,在此中能(以觀智)洞察之人很少。就像只有少數的鳥能逃脫羅網,只有少數幾人能去到天界(與涅槃)。 |
Blind is this world. Just a few can see clearly here. Few go to heaven, like a bird released from a snare. |
175 |
天鵝飛行太陽道,以神通力可行空。智者破魔王魔眷,得能脫離於世間。 |
天鵝在天空中飛翔,有神通者在虛空中飛行;智者在戰勝魔王與魔軍之後,脫離了這世間(即證得涅槃)。 |
Swans travel on the path of the sun. People travel through space by supernatural powers. Wise ones are guided away from the world, having conquered Mara with his army. |
176 |
違犯一(乘)法,及說妄語者,不信來世者,則無惡不作。 |
違犯一種法,說妄語及漠視來世者,是無惡不可為的。(註:一種法是指真實。) |
For the person, who has transgressed the one law (of truthfulness) and is speaking falsely, and has rejected the other world, there is no evil that could not be done. |
177 |
慳者不生天。愚者不讚布施。智者隨喜施,後必得安樂。 |
誠然,吝嗇的人不會上生天界,愚人不會讚嘆佈施;然而智者隨喜佈施,因此來世獲得安樂。 |
Selfish ones do not get to the world of the gods. Fools do not praise giving. And the wise one enjoys giving. Just because of that he is happy hereafter. |
178 (典故) |
一統大地者,得生天上者,一切世界主,不及預流勝。 |
成為統治這大地唯一的大王,或上生天界,或統治全宇宙,都遠遠比不上證悟須陀洹果。 |
From sole sovereignty over the earth, or from going to heaven, from lordship over the whole world, the fruit of Entering the Stream is the best. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Buddha)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
180 |
彼已不具於結縛,愛欲難以誘使去,佛(智)無邊無行跡,汝復以何而誑惑? |
再也沒有羅網般的渴愛可帶佛陀去任何地方(輪迴)。智慧無邊的佛陀是超越道的,你能以何道引誘他?(註:智慧無邊是指 sabbannuta-nana「一切知智」。在此的「超越道」是指佛陀已解脫了輪迴的因緣,即:愛、取等。) |
Whose victory cannot be turned into defeat, nobody in the world can pursue his victory. By what way will you destroy such an Awakened one, trackless and of endless sphere?
Whose ensnaring craving and thirst that could carry him away does not exist anywhere, by what way will you destroy such an Awakened one, trackless and of endless sphere? |
181 |
智者修禪定,喜出家寂靜,正念正覺者,天人所敬愛。 |
智者投入禪修中,樂於出離之寂靜(即涅槃)。持有正念正覺者,甚至天神也敬愛。 |
The wise ones, who are intent upon meditation, delighting in renunciation and calm, completely awakened and wakeful ones, even the gods do envy them. |
182 |
得生人道難,生得壽終難,得聞正法難,遇佛出世難。 |
甚難獲得此人身,有死生命真難過,欲聽正法真是難,甚難會有佛出世。 |
Hard to get is the human birth; difficult is the life of a mortal. Difficult is listening to the True Dharma; hard to come by is the appearance of the Awakened Ones. |
185 |
不誹與不害,嚴持於戒律,飲食知節量,遠處而獨居,勤修增上定,是為諸佛教。 |
莫辱罵、莫傷害、應依照戒律自制(3)、飲食知節量、安住於靜處、勤修增上心(4),這是諸佛的教誡。 |
Not doing the evil deeds, Gathering the wholesome, Purifying one's own mind - That is teaching of the buddhas.
Patience and forgiveness is the highest ascetic practice. The Awakened Ones say the Nirvana to be the highest. A monk does not hurt others. One, who harms others, is not a monk.
Not speaking evil, not hurting, restraint in precepts, moderation in food, solitary dwelling, pursuing meditation - this is the teaching of the Buddhas. |
187 |
故彼於天欲,亦不起希求。正覺者弟子,希滅於愛欲。 |
即使天降金幣雨,欲念也不會滿足。欲樂只有小小的甜頭,卻有很大的苦果。如此的明了,即使對天上的快樂,智者也不覺其樂;佛弟子只樂於斷除愛染。 |
Even by rain of coins one cannot be satisfied in sensual desires. The wise man, having understood that sensual desires give little pleasure and are painful,
he does not find liking even for divine pleasures. A student of the truly and completely Awakened One is devoted to destruction of cravings. |
192 |
此皈依安穩,此皈依無上,如是皈依者,解脫一切苦。 |
誠然,這是平安的歸依處,是最上的歸依處。依此歸依處,人們得以解脫一切苦。 |
People, driven by fear, go for the refuge to many places: mountains, forests, gardens, trees and shrines.
This refuge is not safe; this refuge is not supreme. Having come to such a refuge, one will not be free from all suffering.
And who has gone for refuge to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, sees with a true wisdom Four Noble Truths.
Suffering, origin of suffering, overcoming of suffering, and the noble eightfold path, leading to appeasement of suffering.
This refuge is safe; this refuge is supreme. Having come to such a refuge, one will be free from all suffering. |
193 |
聖人極難得,彼非隨處生;智者所生處,家族咸蒙慶。 |
最聖潔者是稀有的,他不會隨處出生。無論這智者生於何處,其家皆得安樂。(註:最聖潔者是指佛陀。) |
Hard to find is a noble person. He is not born everywhere. Where is such a wise one born, that family prospers happily. |
194 |
諸佛出現樂,演說正法樂,僧伽和合樂,修士和合樂。 |
諸佛的出世令人喜悅,正法的宣說令人喜悅,僧伽的和合令人喜悅,和合者之行令人喜悅。 |
Happy is birth of the Awakened Ones. Happy is teaching of the True Dharma. Happy is unity of the Sangha. Happy is meditation of those in unity. |
196 |
若供養如是──寂靜無畏者,其所得功德,無能測量者。 |
此人向寂靜無畏者頂禮所獲得的功德,是無人能夠計量的。 |
Who pays respects to those worthy of it, The Awakened Ones or their disciples, who have gone beyond obstacles and overcame grief and sorrow,
Those who pay respects to such emancipated and fearless ones, nobody is able to calculate their merit as such and such. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Happiness)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
199 |
我等實樂生,貪欲中無欲。於貪欲人中,我等無欲住。 |
我們的確很安樂地活著。在眾貪欲之中,我們無貪無欲;在眾貪欲者中,我們住於無貪無欲。(註:aturesu, atura「病」是指道德之病。) |
Very happily indeed we live, free of hatred amongst hateful. Amongst hateful people we dwell without hatred.
Very happily indeed we live, healthy amongst diseased ones. Amongst diseased people we dwell healthy.
Very happily indeed we live, without greed amongst greedy ones. Amongst greedy people we dwell without greed. |
200 |
我等實樂生,我等無物障,我等樂為食,如光音天人。 |
我們的確很安樂地活著,無憂無慮地活著。如同光音天的梵天神般,我們以喜悅為食。(註:nattbi kincanam「無憂無慮」是指無貪、無瞋及無痴。) |
Very happily indeed we live, who have nothing whatsoever. We will be feeding on joy, just like the Radiant Gods. |
201 |
勝利生憎怨,敗者住苦惱。勝敗兩俱捨,和靜住安樂。 |
勝利者招來仇敵,戰敗者活在苦惱裡;捨棄勝敗的寂靜者,得以安樂地過活。(註:upasanto「寂靜者」是指已斷除煩惱的人。) |
Victory produces hatred. Defeated one dwells in pain. Tranquil one dwells happily, having renounced both victory and defeat. |
202 |
無火如貪欲,無惡如瞋恨,無苦如(五)蘊,無樂勝寂靜。 |
無火可比貪欲,無惡可比瞋恨,無苦可比五蘊,無樂可比寂靜。(註:寂靜即是涅槃。) |
There is no fire like passion. There is no evil like hatred. There is no suffering like the Aggregates of existence. There is no happiness higher than tranquility. |
203 |
飢為最大病,行為最大苦;如實知此已,涅槃樂最上。 |
飢餓是最大的疾病,諸行則是最苦。智者如實知見它們後,得證至樂的涅槃。(註:sankhara「諸行」是指五蘊。) |
Hunger is the highest illness. Conditioned things are the highest suffering. Having known this as it is, Nirvana is the highest happiness. |
204 |
無病最上利,知足最上財,信賴最上親,涅槃最上樂。 |
健康是最大的利益,知足是最大的財富,可信任的朋友是最親的親人,涅槃是至上的寂樂。 |
Health is the highest gain. Contentment is the highest wealth. Trusted people are the best relatives. Nirvana is the highest happiness. |
205 |
已飲獨居味,以及寂靜味,喜飲於法味,離怖畏去惡。 |
得嚐獨處與寂靜之味後,飲法悅者得以無畏無惡。(註:寂靜即是涅槃。) |
Having drunk the nectar of solitude and the nectar of tranquility, one is free of fear and free of evil, drinking the nectar of the joy of Dharma. |
208 |
是故真實:賢者智者多聞者,持戒虔誠與聖者,從斯善人賢慧遊,猶如月從於星道。 |
因此,人們應跟隨智者、慧者、多聞者、持恆者及盡責的聖者;跟隨這樣的善智者,如同月亮順著星道而行。 |
Good is seeing the Noble Ones; association with them is always happy. By not seeing fools on would always be happy.
One who lives together with fools will suffer for a long time. The company of fools is always painful - like the company of an enemy. And a wise one is pleasant to live with, like meeting with relatives.
Therefore: Clever and wise and learned, virtuous, devout and noble - associate with such a smart true person, just like the moon follows the path of the stars. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Affection)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
211 |
是故莫愛著,愛別離為苦。若無愛與憎,彼即無羈縛。 |
因此人們不應執著任何喜愛。與所愛者分離是苦;無愛無恨者無束縛。 |
Undertaking what is not to be undertaken, not undertaking what is to be undertaken, having renounced spiritual welfare; one grasping after the pleasant envies one who is pursuing the purification of mind.
Don't associate with the dear ones, and never with those who are unloved. Not seeing the dear ones is suffering - and seeing the unloved ones.
Therefore, do not hold anything dear; separation from the dear ones is bad. There are no bonds for those, for whom there is nothing dear or unloved. |
212 |
從喜愛生憂,從喜愛生怖;離喜愛無憂,何處有恐怖。 |
由喜愛引生憂愁,由喜愛引生恐懼。脫離喜愛者無憂,於他又有何可懼? |
From affection, grief is born. From affection, fear is born. One freed from affection has no grief, whence fear? |
213 |
從親愛生憂,從親愛生怖;離親愛無憂,何處有恐怖。 |
由親愛引生憂愁,由親愛引生恐懼。脫離親愛者無憂,於他又有何可懼? |
From love, grief is born. From love, fear is born. One freed from love has no grief, whence fear? |
214 |
從貪欲生憂,從貪欲生怖;離貪欲無憂,何處有恐怖。 |
由欲樂引生憂愁,由欲樂引生恐懼。脫離欲樂者無憂,於他又有何可懼? |
From attachment, grief is born. From attachment, fear is born. One freed from attachment has no grief, whence fear? |
215 |
從欲樂生憂,從欲樂生怖;離欲樂無憂,何處有恐怖。 |
由渴愛引生憂愁,由渴愛引生恐懼。脫離渴愛者無憂,於他又有何可懼? |
From pleasure, grief is born. From pleasure, fear is born. One freed from pleasure has no grief, whence fear? |
216 |
從愛欲生憂,從愛欲生怖;離愛欲無憂,何處有恐怖。 |
由渴愛引生憂愁,由渴愛引生恐懼。脫離渴愛者無憂,於他又有何可懼? |
From thirst, grief is born. From thirst, fear is born. One freed from thirst has no grief, whence fear? |
217 |
具戒及正見,住法知真諦,圓滿自所行,彼為世人愛。 |
具足戒行與智見、住於法、了悟真諦及實行自己的任務者,為人人所愛。 |
People hold dear the one, who is endowed with virtue and seeing, righteous, knowing the truth and is doing what should be done. |
218 |
渴求離言法,充滿思慮心,諸慾心不著,是名上流人。 |
欲求到達超言說(即涅槃),其心盈滿正慮(三果),及不再執著於欲界的人,是為「上流人」。(註:uddhamsoto「上流人」意為向上流去的人,即肯定會生於淨居天的阿那含聖者。) |
Who is intent on The Indescribable, who has an expanded mind, whose mind is not bound to sense-pleasures, he is called "going against the current". |
220 |
造福亦如是,從此生彼界,福業如親友,以迎愛者來。 |
同樣地,在今生行善者去到來世時,他以前所造的善業會迎接他,如同親戚迎接親愛的人歸來。 |
Relatives, companions and friends are happy about coming back of a person, long away from home, safely come back from far away,
Thus, the good deeds receive the well-doer, gone from this world to the other one, just like relatives receive a beloved one, who has come back. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Anger)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
221 (典故) |
捨棄於忿怒,除滅於我慢,解脫一切縛,不執著名色,彼無一物者,苦不能相隨。 |
捨棄忿怒、捨棄我慢、克服一切結。苦惱不會降臨不執著名色與無煩惱之人。(註:samyajanam「結」一共有十個:被四個道智次第地斷除。Nama「名」是心與心所;rupa「色」是二十八種色法。Akincanam「無煩惱」即是無貪瞋痴。) |
Renounce anger; abandon pride. Overcome all fetters. The one, who is not attached to mind and body, and has nothing, is not followed by suffering. |
222 |
若能抑忿發,如止急行車,是名(善)御者,餘為執韁人。 |
若人能如善御馬者制止疾行的馬車般抑制忿怒,我稱此人為真正的御者,餘者只是執韁人而已。 |
Who would restrain rising anger, like a swaying chariot, him I call a charioteer. Other people just hold the reins. |
223 |
以不忿勝忿。以善勝不善。以施勝慳吝。以實勝虛妄。 |
以無忿(即慈愛)戰勝忿怒者,以善戰勝惡人,以佈施戰勝吝嗇的人,以說真實語戰勝妄語者。 |
Conquer anger by non-anger; conquer badness by goodness. Conquer stinginess by giving; conquer liar by truth. |
224 |
諦語不瞋恚,分施與乞者;以如是三事,能生於諸天。 |
人們應說真實語、不忿怒、(己物雖少)仍然施與乞求者;以此三事他得以上生天界。 |
Speak truth; don't get angry; when asked, give, even a little. By these three means one will go to the presence of gods. |
225 |
彼無害牟尼,常調伏其身,到達不死境─無有悲憂處。 |
聖者不傷害他人,常防護自身行為,去到不死(的涅槃),在其地無憂無愁。 |
The wise ones, who are not hurting, always guarding their behavior, they will go to the Permanent Place (Nirvana), where one does not grieve. |
226 |
恆常醒覺者,日夜勤修學,志向於涅槃,息滅諸煩惱。 |
時刻保持醒覺的人,日以續夜地訓練自己,他真心地朝向涅槃,總有一天他的煩惱必會止息。 |
Those, who are always watchful, studying all day and night, intent upon reaching the Nirvana - their taints disappear. |
230 |
品如閻浮金,誰得誹辱之?彼為婆羅門,諸天所稱讚。 |
誰會指責這有如純金之人?他為天神所稱讚,甚至梵天也稱讚。 |
O Atula, this is an old thing; it is not just today. They blame one who is sitting silently; they blame one who is speaking a lot. They blame also the one who is speaking moderately. There is nobody blameless in the world.
There never was, never will be and even now does not exist a person who is only blamed or only praised.
Whom the wise ones praise, having examined him thoroughly day after day, one with faultless conduct, intelligent, endowed with wisdom and virtue,
Who is worthy enough to blame him, like a ring made of gold? Even gods praise him; he is praised also by Brahma. |
234 |
智者身調伏,亦復語調伏,於意亦調伏,實一切調伏。 |
智者制御身,御語亦御意;智者於自制,真能善圓滿。 |
Protect yourself from blameworthy conduct; guard your body well. Having renounced the wrong bodily deed, practice the right bodily action.
Protect yourself from blameworthy speech; guard your speech well. Having renounced the wrong verbal deed, practice the right verbal action.
Protect yourself from blameworthy thoughts; guard your mind well. Having renounced the wrong mental deed, practice the right mental action.
The wise ones, who are restrained in bodily conduct, in speech, and in mind, they are indeed well and thoroughly restrained. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Taint)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
238 |
汝宜自造安全洲。迅速精勤為智者。拂除塵垢無煩惱,不復重來生與老。 |
你應當為自己建個歸依處,快快勤修以成為智者。在清除污垢與解脫煩惱之後,你將不會再有生與老。(註:漫長的旅程是指生死輪迴。Dibbam ariyabhumim「天界聖地」即是色界天的淨居天,只有阿那含聖者才能投生其地。) |
You are like a withered leaf. Yama's men are ready for you. You are standing in the mouth of death. And you have nothing to take with you.
Be an island unto yourself! Strive quickly; be wise! Without impurities and clear, you will approach the heavenly place of the Noble Ones.
You have come to the end of your life now. You are getting close to the presence of Yama. On the way there, there is no resting place for you. And you have nothing to take with you.
Be an island unto yourself! Strive quickly; be wise! Without impurities and clear, you will never again come to birth and aging. |
239 |
剎那剎那間,智者分分除,漸拂自垢穢,如冶工鍛金。 |
智者漸次地、一點點地、剎那至剎那地清除自己的污垢,如同金匠清除銀或金的雜質。 |
A wise one should cleanse oneself of impurities, gradually, little by little, moment by moment - just like a smith does with silver. |
240 |
如鐵自生鏽,生已自腐蝕,犯罪者亦爾,自業導惡趣。 |
如鐵銹自鐵而生,生銹後反蝕其鐵;同樣地,造惡者的惡業導致他投生惡道。 |
Just like rust eats the very iron from which it has arisen, so the one who is indulging too much in the use of four requisites of a monk is led to a miserable existence by his own deeds. |
241 |
不誦經典穢,不勤為家穢。懶惰為色穢,放逸護衛穢。 |
不背誦是學習的污垢,不維修是屋子的污垢,懈怠是美貌的污垢,無正念是守護者的污垢。 |
Non-studying is the stain of sacred texts. Neglect is the stain of houses. The stain of beauty is idleness. The stain of a guard is negligence. |
243 |
此等諸垢中,無明垢為最,汝當除此垢,成無垢比丘! |
比這些更糟的污垢是無明,它是最大的污垢。諸比丘,當捨棄這污垢,以成為無垢之人。 |
Wrong conduct is the stain of a woman. Stinginess is the stain of a donor. Evil things are impure - in this world as well as in the other one.
Ignorance is the ultimate stain, greater than any of these other stains. Having abandoned this stain, be pure, monks. |
245 |
生活於慚愧,常求於清淨,不著欲謙遜,住清淨生活,(富於)識見者,其人生活難。 |
知恥與常求清淨者的生活是艱難的,他無著、謙虛、有禮、清淨活命及有智見。 |
Easy is life for somebody who is shameless, unconscientious, offensive, braggart, reckless and impure.
And difficult is life for somebody who has conscience, is always striving for purity, sincere and cautious, of clean livelihood and seeing the truth. |
248 |
如是汝應知:不制則為惡;莫貪與非法,自陷於水苦。 |
你應當知道:「不自制即為惡。」莫讓貪與非法帶給自己長久的痛苦。 |
Who kills living beings, speaks falsely, takes whatever in the world is not given and goes to another's wife,
And whichever person enjoys drinking alcohol, he digs out his own roots right here in this world.
My dear man, know this: evil things are difficult to restrain. Let not greed and injustice bring you suffering for a long time. |
250 |
若斬斷此(心),拔根及除滅,則於晝或夜,彼得入三昧。 |
若人能斷除、根除與消滅此不滿,其心晝夜皆得安定。 |
People give alms according to their faith and gratification. In this matter, who is discontented with others' food and drink, he will never attain concentration, by day or night.
And who has cut off, removed and destroyed by the rot such thinking, he will attain concentration, by day or night. |
251 |
無火等於貪欲,無執著如瞋恚,無網等於愚癡,無河流如愛欲。 |
無(任何)火可相等於貪欲(之火),無(任何)執著可相等於瞋(的執著),無(任何)羅網可相等於痴(的羅網),無(任何)河流可相等於渴愛(之流)。 |
There is no fire like passion. There is no grasp like hatred. There is no net like delusion. There is no river like thirst. |
252 |
易見他人過,自見則為難。揚惡如颺糠,已過則覆匿,如彼狡博者,隱匿其格利。 |
要見到他人的過失是很容易的,但要看到自己的過失卻很難。他如同播掉穀糠般宣揚他人的過失,卻如同遮蔽自己的狡猾捕鳥者(5)般隱藏自己的過失。 |
Easy to see are faults of others; one's own faults are difficult to see. One exposes the faults of others like husks. One's own conceals like a cheating player of dice an unlucky throw. |
253 |
若見他人過,心常易忿者,增長於煩惱;去斷惑遠矣。 |
常挑他人的過失及貶抑他人者,其煩惱增長。滅煩惱離他真是遙遠。 |
Who finds faults with others and is always irritable, his taints only grow. He is far away from dissolution of taints. |
255 |
虛空無道跡,外道無沙門。(五)蘊無常住,諸佛無動亂。 |
虛空中沒有行道,正法之外無聖沙門。沒有任何有為法(6)是永恆的,諸佛皆不受動搖。 |
There are no tracks in the sky. There is not a true monk outside of this teaching. Mankind delights in obsession. The Buddhas are free of obsession.
There are no tracks in the sky. There is not a true monk outside of this teaching. There are no conditioned things that are eternal. There is no instability in the Buddhas. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Righteous)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
257 |
導人不鹵莽,如法而公平,智者護於法,是名法住者。 |
智者不會誤導他人,而是如法與平等的護法者,他被稱為「住於法之人」。 |
One is not called righteous because one hastily judges what is good. Which wise person has thoroughly investigated both right and wrong,
judging others without haste, justly and impartially, such a wise person, guardian of law, is called "righteous". |
258 |
不以多言故,彼即為智者。安靜無怨怖,是名為智者。 |
人不會只是因為講得多即成為智者;只有平安無怨無畏之人才是智者。 |
One is not called wise because one speaks a lot. One, who is peaceful, without hatred and fearless, is called "wise". |
259 |
不以多言故,彼為持法者。彼雖聞少分,但由身見法,於法不放逸,是名持法者。 |
人不會只是因為講得多即成為精通法者;聽聞雖少,卻能知見法、對法不失念者,是真正的精通法者。 |
One does not understand Dharma only because one speaks a lot. Who sees Dharma directly, after having heard even a little of it, and who does not neglect the Dharma, such a one does understand it. |
261 |
於彼具真實,具法不殺生,節制並調伏,彼有智慧人。除滅諸垢穢,實名為長老。 |
只有已體證四聖諦與法(8)、無害與有戒行、自制與解脫煩惱(9)的人才是真正的長老。 |
One is not to be called an Elder just because his head is gray. Such a person is of mature age and is called "grown old in vain".
In whom there is truth, Law, non-violence, restraint and self-control, he, the wise one who has discarded taints, is called "an Elder". |
263 |
若斬斷此(心),拔根及除滅,彼捨瞋智者,名為善良人。 |
已斷除、根除與消滅這些(惡法)及已解脫煩惱的智者才是真正的善心人。 |
Not only by the act of speech or by beauty of complexion is a man respectable, if he is envious, selfish and deceitful.
And who has cut off, removed and destroyed by the rot such thinking, he, the wise one who has discarded hatred, is called "respectable". |
265 |
彼息滅諸惡──無論大與小,因息滅諸惡,故名為沙門。 |
已徹底息滅一切大小惡的人才是沙門,因為他已克服一切惡。 |
One is not to be called a monk just because of his bald head, if one is immoral and speaking lies. How can someone who has desire and greed be called a monk?
Who conquers evil thoroughly, be it small or big, one is called a monk because of having conquered all evils. |
267 |
僅捨善與惡,修於梵行者,以知住此世,彼實名比丘。 |
在這世間上,已捨棄善惡兩者、修持梵行、及明了五蘊的人才是真正的比丘。 |
One is not a monk because one begs almsfood from others. If one follows the life of a householder, one is not a monk because of that.
Who has warded off both good and evil here, leading a holy life, walks through the world understanding it, he is called "a monk". |
269 |
捨惡取其善,乃得為牟尼。彼知於兩界,故稱為牟尼。 |
愚人不會只是因為保持沉默而成為聖者。智者如持秤般捨惡而取最上,因此他才是聖者。明了兩種世間者也因此是聖者。(註:在此 varam「最上」是指戒定慧。 Ubho loko「兩種世間」是指內外五蘊。內五蘊是指自己的五蘊;外五蘊是其他眾生的諸蘊與非有情的色蘊。修觀禪時必須能夠照見內、外、過去、未來、現在等五蘊、及它們的諸因的無常、苦、無我三相。) |
One is not a sage by keeping a vow of silence, if he is deluded and ignorant. Who accepts only the best, as if holding a scale, is a wise man.
The sage who avoids evil is called a sage because of that. One, who understands both worlds, is called a sage on account of that. |
270 |
彼人非聖賢,以其殺生故。不害諸眾生,是名為聖者。 |
傷害生命者不是聖人;不會傷害一切生命者才是聖人。 |
One is not to be called Noble if he hurts living beings. Because of non-violence towards all living beings is one called "Noble". |
272 |
謂『受出家樂,非凡夫所能』。汝等漏未盡,莫生保信想! |
比丘不應只是因為有戒行、或多聞、或有禪定、或獨處、或自知「我得享凡夫享受不到的出離樂」而感到滿足,而不滅盡煩惱(即證悟阿羅漢道果)。(註:nekkhamasukham「出離樂」是指阿那含果。) |
Not by mere rules and rituals, nor by great knowledge, nor by attaining concentration, nor by having a solitary dwelling,
nor by thinking "I am experiencing the pleasure of renunciation, which is not practiced by ordinary people", do, o monk, get content, if you have not attained dissolution of taints. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Path)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
276 |
汝當自努力!如來唯說者。隨禪定行者,解脫魔繫縛。 |
你必須自己努力,如來只能指示道路。修禪者得以解脫魔王的束縛。(註:一切知者與如來都是佛陀的名稱。) |
The Eightfold Path is the best of Paths. The best of truths are the Four Truths. The best of mental states is absence of passion. The best of people are the ones with insight.
This is the path. There is no other for the purification of insight. Enter upon this path. This is the deception of Mara.
Having entered upon this path, you will make an end of suffering. Having realized how to remove the arrow, I taught this path to you.
You must make an effort. The Buddhas are only teachers. Those, who meditating entered upon this path, will be released from the bond of Mara. |
277 |
『一切行無常』,以慧觀照時,得厭離於苦,此乃清淨道。 |
諸行無常。當以智慧知見這點時,他就會對苦(即五蘊)感到厭倦。這即是朝向清淨之道。 |
When one perceives with wisdom that all conditioned things are impermanent, then one turns away from suffering. This is the path of purification. |
278 |
『一切行是苦』,以慧觀照時,得厭離於苦,此乃清淨道。 |
諸行是苦。當以智慧知見這點時,他就會對苦(即五蘊)感到厭倦。這即是朝向清淨之道。 |
When one perceives with wisdom that all conditioned things are unsatisfactory, then one turns away from suffering. This is the path of purification. |
279 |
『一切法無我』,以慧觀照時,得厭離於苦,此乃清淨道。 |
諸法無我。當以智慧知見這點時,他就會對苦(即五蘊)感到厭倦。這即是朝向清淨之道。(註:在此,智慧是指觀智。諸行是指一切有為法。諸法則包括一切有為法、概念法與無為法,即涅槃。於此,不能說「諸法無常」或「諸法是苦」,因為概念法與無為法都不是「無常」,也不是「苦」的。) |
When one perceives with wisdom that all things are without a self, then one turns away from suffering. This is the path of purification. |
280 |
當努力時不努力,年雖少壯陷怠惰,意志消沈又懶弱,怠者不以智得道。 |
懶人當勤時不努力,雖年青力壯卻怠惰,意志薄弱及心散亂,無法以慧體證道智。 |
The lazy one, who is not exerting oneself during the time for exertion, who is young and strong but full of sloth, inactive and with a mind full of depressed thoughts - such a one will not find a path of wisdom. |
281 |
慎語而制意,不以身作惡。淨此三業道,得聖所示道。 |
慎言、攝心、亦不以身造惡。且讓他清淨此三業,及贏獲聖者覺悟之道。 |
One should guard one's speech and restrain one's mind. One should not do any evil bodily deed. One should purify these three ways of acting. One should attain the path declared by the Buddha. |
282 |
由瑜伽生智,無瑜伽慧滅。了知此二道,及其得與失,當自努力行,增長於智慧。 |
智慧生於禪修之中,無禪修智慧即退失;知曉此二得失之道,且實踐以令慧增長。 |
From practice, knowledge is born. From absence of practice, loss of knowledge. Having understood this crossroad of existence and cessation of knowledge, one should so conduct oneself that the knowledge may grow. |
284 |
男女欲絲絲,未斷心猶繫;如飲乳犢子,不離於母牛。 |
只要男子對女子的情欲還有些少未斷除,他的心即還是受到束縛,如同小牛離不開母牛。 |
Cut off the forest of passions, not just the single trees. From the forest, fear is born. Having cut off the forest and the undergrowth, be without the forest of passions, monks.
As long as the undergrowth of passion of a man towards women, even a minuscule one, is not cut off, so long his mind is bound, just like a calf drinking milk from the mother. |
285 |
自己斷除愛情,如以手折秋蓮。勤修寂靜之道。善逝所說涅槃。 |
且斷除自己的貪,如以手拔掉秋蓮。善逝已說示涅槃,且培育寂靜之道。(註:善逝也是佛陀的名稱。) |
Cut off your own desires, as if picking an autumnal lotus with your hand. Practice the path of tranquility, Nirvana taught by the Buddha. |
286 |
『雨季我住此,冬夏亦住此』,此為愚夫想,而不覺危險。 |
愚人心想:「雨季時我住在這裡,冬天和夏天時我也住在這裡。」卻覺察不到(就快要死的)危險。 |
"Here shall I spend the rains, here winter and summer", thinks the fool. He does not understand the dangers. |
287 |
溺愛子與畜,其人心惑著,死神捉將去,如瀑流睡村。 |
寵愛孩子與家畜者,其心執著於欲樂。他被死神捉走,如洪水沖掉沉睡中之村。 |
That man who is delighting in his sons and cattle, with an attached mind, the death will carry away, like a great flood the sleeping village. |
289 |
了知此義已,智者持戒律,通達涅槃路──迅速令清淨。 |
明了這一點,持守戒律的智者應迅速地清除趣向涅槃之道的阻礙。 |
Sons cannot protect you, or father, or other relatives. When you are seized by the death, all relatives are of no help to you.
The wise man restrained by virtue, knowing this reasoning, should quickly purify the path leading to Nirvana. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Miscellaneous)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
290 |
若棄於小樂,得見於大樂。智者棄小樂,當見於大樂。 |
若捨棄小樂會獲得大樂,預見大樂的智者應當捨棄小樂。 |
Seeing that abandoning the small happiness one could obtain large happiness, a wise one, considering the large happiness should abandon the small happiness. |
291 |
施與他人苦,為求自己樂;彼為瞋繫縛,怨憎不解脫。 |
為求自己的快樂,而令他人痛苦者,他受到怨恨束縛,而無法解脫怨恨。 |
He wants his own happiness by imposing suffering on others. Full of hatred, he will not be released from hatred. |
293 |
常精勤觀身,不作不應作,應作則常作,觀者漏滅盡。 |
若人常勤修身至念,不做不該做的事,又常做該做的事,及具有正念與明覺,其煩惱將會止息。(註:該做的事是指勤修戒定慧。) |
What should be done - is rejected. What should not be done - that is being done. Taints of those, who are proud and negligent, surely grow.
Those who have very firm and constant mindfulness as to the body, those do not practice what should not be done, they are persevering in what should be done. The taints of those, who are mindful and thoughtful, become extinct. |
295 |
殺(愛欲)母與(慢)父,殺婆羅門族二王,殺其虎(將)第五(疑),趨向無憂婆羅門。 |
在殺掉母親、父親與兩位婆羅門王、及消滅了有疑如虎的五蓋之後,婆羅門(即阿羅漢)得以解脫苦。 |
Having killed mother, father and two warrior kings, having killed the whole country with its followers, undisturbed walks the holy man.
Having killed mother, father and two Brahmin kings, having killed the tiger as fifth, undisturbed walks the Brahmin. |
301 |
喬達摩弟子,常善自醒覺,無論晝與夜,心常樂禪定。 |
喬達摩的弟子們心常醒覺,不論晝夜皆樂於培育(對一切眾生的慈愛)。 |
The disciples of Gotama, whose mindfulness is day and night constantly directed to the Buddha, those are always well awakened.
The disciples of Gotama, whose mindfulness is day and night constantly directed to the Dharma, those are always well awakened.
The disciples of Gotama, whose mindfulness is day and night constantly directed to the Sangha, those are always well awakened.
The disciples of Gotama, whose mindfulness is day and night constantly directed to the body, those are always well awakened.
The disciples of Gotama, whose mind is day and night devoted to non-violence, those are always well awakened.
The disciples of Gotama, whose mind is day and night devoted to meditation, those are always well awakened. |
302 |
出家愛樂難。在家生活難。非儔共住苦。(輪迴)往來苦。故不應往來,隨從於痛苦。 |
成為比丘是很難得的;過後又樂於比丘的修行更是難得。艱難的俗家生活是痛苦的;與性格不同之人相處是痛苦的。生死輪迴中的旅人不斷遭受痛苦,因此別作生死輪迴的旅人,別作不斷受苦的人。 |
It is difficult to become a monk. It is difficult to enjoy it. Unpleasant and difficult to endure is a life of a householder. Painful is association with unequal. Wanderer in the round of rebirth is always followed by suffering. Therefore, do not be a wanderer and do not be followed by suffering. |
303 |
正信而具戒,得譽及財者,彼至於何處,處處受尊敬。 |
他信戒具足,有聲譽財富,無論去何處,皆備受尊敬。 |
With trust, possessed of virtue, endowed with fame and wealth - to whatever region does he resort, he is respected everywhere. |
304 |
善名揚遠方,高顯如雲山。惡者如夜射,雖近不能見。 |
善人有如喜瑪拉雅山,雖在遠處亦明顯可見;惡人有如在黑夜裡放射的箭,雖在近處亦看不到。 |
The good ones shine from afar, like a snowy mountain. The bad ones are unseen, like arrows shot at night. |
305 |
獨坐與獨臥,獨行而不倦,彼獨自調御,喜樂於林中。 |
他獨坐、獨處、獨行地勤修、獨自克服自己、樂於住在林中。 |
Sitting alone, sleeping in solitude, wandering alone and active, alone subduing oneself - such a one would take delight in living in forests. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Hell)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
306 |
說妄語者墮地獄,或已作言『我無作』。此二惡業者死後,他世同受(地獄)苦。 |
說妄語者墮入地獄;造惡後說「我沒有做」的人也墮入地獄。他們兩者都是造惡者,死後來世同樣在(地獄)裡受苦。 |
One, who speaks lies, goes to hell. And also the one, who having done a deed, says, "I did not do it". Both these people of low actions are equal, in the other world, after they die. |
307 |
多袈裟纏頸,惡行不節制,惡人以惡業,終墮於地獄。 |
許多身穿袈裟覆蓋及頸的人,性格惡劣而不自制。由於自己的惡業,這些造惡者死後墮入地獄。 |
There are plenty of those who are wearing monk's robe but are of evil nature and without self-control. These evil ones will be reborn in hell because of their evil deeds. |
308 |
若破戒無制,受人信施食,不如吞鐵丸──熱從火焰出。 |
對於無戒行與不自制的人,吞下燒得火紅的鐵球,也好過食用人們供養的食物。 |
It is better to eat an iron ball, hot like a fire's crest, than to eat a country's almsfood, immoral and without self-control. |
310 |
非福並惡趣,恐怖樂甚少,國王加重罪,故莫淫他婦。 |
這是有惡業又會墮入地獄的。受驚嚇的男女之享受是短暫的,而且國王又會給予重罰。因此男人不應與他人之妻通奸。 |
The negligent man, who chases after others' wives, will get into these four states: accumulation of demerit, uncomfortable bed, blame as the third, hell as the fourth.
Accumulation of demerit; and a bad rebirth. The pleasure of the frightened couple is very small. And the king inflicts a serious punishment. Therefore a man should not chase after others' wives. |
313 |
應作所當作,作之須盡力!放蕩遊行僧,增長於欲塵。 |
有該做的即應當好好地做、穩健與精進地做,因為散漫的比丘生活會散播更多(煩惱)的塵埃。 |
Just like a wrongly taken kusa grass cuts the hand, wrongly grasped monkshood drags one towards the hell.
A lax action, an impure vow, a doubtful monk's life - all this does not bring much fruit.
If something is to be done, one should then do it and undertake it firmly. A lax life as a monk will only heap up more dust of hindrances. |
314 |
不作惡業勝,作惡後受苦。作諸善業勝,作善不受苦。 |
最好別造惡業;惡業過後會折磨造惡者。最好是行善業;行善後不會苦惱。 |
It is better not to do a bad deed. One is tormented by remorse after a bad deed. It is better to do a good deed, which one does not regret when it is accomplished. |
315 |
譬如邊區城,內外均防護,自護當亦爾。剎那莫放逸。剎那疏忽者,入地獄受苦。 |
比如邊界之城內外都需要防護,你也應如此防護自己。莫錯失這大好機會,錯失這機會的人去到地獄時就會悲痛。 |
Just like a border city is guarded within and without, so you should protect yourself. Let no moment escape you. Those who let the right moment go by grieve, consigned to hell. |
317 |
不應怖見怖,應怖不見怖,懷此邪見者,眾生趨惡趣。 |
對無險的視為危險、對危險的視為無險、及持有邪見的人,將會墮入惡趣。 |
They are ashamed of what is not shameful. They are not ashamed of what is shameful. Believing in wrong theories, the beings go to a miserable existence.
Being afraid of what is not frightful and not fearing the frightful thing, believing in wrong theories, the beings go to a miserable existence. |
319 |
過失知過失,無過知無過,懷此正見者,眾生趨善趣。 |
知道惡的是惡、知道善的是善、及持有正見的人,將會投生至善趣。 |
Thinking to be faulty what is not and not seeing a fault where it is, believing in wrong theories, the beings go to a miserable existence.
Having known the fault as the fault, non-faulty as non-faulty, believing in right theories, the beings go to a pleasurable existence. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Elephant)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
322 |
調御之騾為優良,信度駿馬為優良,矯羅大象亦優良,自調御者更優良。 |
已受馴服的騾、駿馬與大象是優良的;然而能以(道智)制伏自己者更為優良。 |
As an elephant in the battle endures the arrows shot from bows, so will I endure abuse. Many people are of bad morality.
A tamed elephant is led into the assembly. The king mounts a tamed elephant. The tamed one, who endures abuses, is the best amongst people.
Excellent are tamed mules; and the thoroughbred horses from Sindh; and all kinds of elephants. One who tamed himself is the best of all. |
323 |
實非彼等車乘,得達難到境地,若人善自調御,由於調御得達。 |
以任何車乘皆不能去到未到過之地;只有完全制御自己的人才能到達其地。(註:未到過之地是指涅槃。) |
Not by all these vehicles could one go to the land previously not traveled to, as would one who is tamed would go by himself being tamed and well controlled. |
324 |
如象名財護,泌液暴難制,繫縛不少食,惟念於象林。 |
那名為護財的象發怒時是難以制伏的,被捕後牠絕食,只想著要回去象林(照顧母親)。 |
The elephant named Dhanapala, difficult to control in his rut and bound does not eat his food. He remembers his life in the elephant-grove. |
325 |
樂睡又貪食,轉側唯長眠,如豬食無厭,愚者數入胎。 |
愚人怠惰、貪吃又如飽食的豬般懶睡。這愚人必須不斷地輪迴。 |
If one is sluggish and eats too much, is sleepy and rolls about in his sleep, such a lazy one is like a fat well fed hog - will be born again and again. |
326 |
我此過去心──任意隨所欲,隨愛好遊行。我今悉調伏,如象師持鉤,(制御)泌液象。 |
在過去,此心隨著自己的喜好四處飄蕩。現在,我將善御己心,如象師持鉤制伏發狂的象。 |
This mind of mine used to wander around aimlessly, as it liked, wherever it wanted, as was its pleasure. Today, I will restrain it thoroughly, just as the elephant driver subdues an elephant in rut. |
327 |
當樂不放逸,善護於自心。自救出難處,如象(出)泥坑。 |
當樂於精進、防護己心。如受困的象脫出泥沼般,你亦應使自己脫離煩惱的泥沼。 |
Be devoted to conscientiousness. Guard your own mind. Lift yourself up from this bad place, just like an elephant sunk in mud. |
330 |
寧一人獨行,不與愚為友。獨行離欲惡,如象獨遊林。 |
寧可獨自生活,亦絕不與愚人為友。所以人們應當獨自過活、不造惡,如瑪當伽象般在森林裡自由自在地獨行。 |
If you find an intelligent companion, a fellow-traveler of pure actions and wise, you should overcome all problems and travel with him, delighted and mindful.
If you do not find an intelligent companion, a fellow-traveler of pure actions and wise, like a king leaves behind the subdued kingdom, you should travel alone, just like an elephant in the elephant-grove.
It is better to live alone; there is no companionship with a fool. One should live alone, and commit no evil. One should be content with little, like an elephant in the elephant-grove. |
333 |
至老持戒樂,正信成就樂,獲得智慧樂,不作諸惡業。 |
能夠持戒到老是樂,有不動搖的信心是樂,獲得智慧是樂,不造惡是樂。(註:在此婆羅門是指佛陀、辟支佛與阿羅漢。) |
Good are friends when need arises. Good is satisfaction with whatever one has. Good is merit when the life comes an end. Good is to abandon all suffering completely.
Being filial towards one's mother and father is good in this world. Good is to be a monk in this world. It is also good to be a true Brahmin.
It is good to be virtuous until you are old. Good is a firmly established trust. Good is to attain wisdom. To abstain from doing evil is good. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Thirst)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
337 |
我說此善事:汝等集於此,掘愛欲之根,如求毘羅那,掘去其甜根。勿再為魔王,屢屢害汝等,如洪水(侵)葦。 |
如是我當向你們這些在此集會的人宣說此善法:「有如在掘一枝良好的樹根一樣,把渴愛連根拔起。別讓魔王不斷地折磨你,有如洪水不斷沖擊蘆葦般折磨你。」 |
The thirst of the person of careless actions grows just like a creeper. He flows from existence to existence, just like a monkey in the forest desiring fruits.
Who in this world is conquered by this miserable thirst and craving, his sorrows grow, like grass after rains.
Who in this world conquers this miserable thirst that is difficult to overcome, sorrows fall down from him, like a drop of water from a lotus.
I tell you this; bless all of you that have come here. Dig up the root of thirst, like somebody desiring a Usira root would cut off the Birana grass. Let not Mara break you again and again, like a stream breaks a reed. |
343 |
隨逐愛欲人,馳迴如網兔。比丘求無欲,故須自離欲。 |
為渴愛所困的人驚慌得有如落網的野兔。因此,想令自己獲得解脫者應滅除渴愛。 |
Just like the tree will grow again if it is cut down, but its roots are strong and uninjured, so this suffering will come back again and again if the dormant craving is not destroyed.
The person in whom strong and carrying thirty-six streams flow towards the pleasurable things, is carried towards wrong views by his thoughts full of passion.
The streams flow everywhere. The creeper sprung up and stands firm. Having seen that creeper grown, cut off its root with your wisdom.
People experience joy that is flowing in from the senses and is full of desires. Those people attached to pleasure and desiring happiness, will undergo birth and old age.
People followed by thirst crawl around like a captured hare. Bound by the bonds of the Ten Fetters, they will undergo suffering again and again, for a long time.
People followed by thirst crawl around like a captured hare. Therefore you should remove thirst and wish for being free of passions yourselves. |
344 |
捨欲喜林間,離欲復向欲,當觀於此人;解縛復向縛。 |
在捨離欲林(即俗家生活)之後,他去到修行林(即比丘生活)。但當離開欲林之後,他卻又趕著回去那欲林。看吧,這已獲得自由者又趕著重投束縛。 |
Imagine somebody who is free from the householder's life, inclined to live as a monk. Then, free of the forest of the householder's life, he runs back to it. Come and look at that person! After being set free, he runs back to the bond! |
346 |
能引墮落者,智說為堅縛。彼雖似寬緩,而實難解脫。斷此無著者,捨欲而出家。 |
智者不會說由鐵、木與麻繩所造的束縛是堅牢的;他們只說對珠寶、妻子與兒女的渴愛執著的束縛才是堅牢的。它們把人拖到(惡道)去;雖然看似柔軟卻難以解除,智者斷除此渴愛之束縛,堅決地捨棄欲樂與出家去。 |
That fetter is not really strong, say the wise, that is made of iron, wood or grass. Strong infatuation with gems and ornaments, whatever longing there is for sons and wives,
That fetter is really strong, say the wise, it seems loose, but it leads you astray and is difficult to be freed from. Having cut off this fetter, those without desire wander about as monks, having abandoned all sensual pleasures. |
347 |
彼耽於欲隨(欲)流,投自結網如蜘蛛。斷此(縛)而無著者,離一切苦而遨遊。 |
執著渴愛的人隨著自己所造的欲流而去,如蜘蛛投向自己所結的網。智者斷除渴愛之束縛,捨離一切苦而遨遊。 |
Those who are excited by passion fall into the current as if a spider would fall into his own web. Having cut off this, the wise ones without desires wander about as monks, having abandoned all suffering. |
348 |
捨過現未來,而渡於彼岸。心解脫一切,不再受生老。 |
捨棄過去、末來與現在。在到達最後一生之後,心已解脫一切,你將不會再有生與老。 |
Let go of the past, let go of the future. Let go of the present. When you cross over to the other shore of existence, and your mind will be completely free, you will never again come to birth and aging. |
350 |
喜離惡想者,常念於不淨。當除於愛欲,不為魔羅縛。 |
樂於平息(欲)念及時刻保持正念的人,觀照(身等)不淨,肯定能夠脫離渴愛。此人將會斷除魔王的束縛。 |
The thirst of a person who has confused thoughts, is strongly passionate and contemplates only the pleasant things will only grow more. Such a person makes his fetters stronger.
Who is devoted to calming of thoughts, meditates on impurity, is always mindful, such a person will put an end to craving. Such a person will cut off the fetters of Mara. |
352 |
離欲無染者,通達詞無礙,善知義與法,及字聚次第,彼為最後身,大智大丈夫。 |
無貪欲、無執著、通達聖典的詞義語法與次第的人是為「此生是最後一生的大智者、大丈夫」。 |
One who has attained perfection, is without fear, free of thirst and pure, cut off the arrows of existence. For such a one, this is the very last life.
If one who is without thirst, free of attachments and skilled in the language of the scriptures should know the arrangement of the texts in the right sequence, he then is known as a great person of great wisdom, living his last life. |
353 |
我降伏一切,我了知一切。一切法無染,離棄於一切,滅欲得解脫,自證誰稱師? |
我已征服了一切、了知一切、不執著一切、捨棄一切。在滅除了貪欲之後(即證得阿羅漢果),我脫離了諸煩惱。自證四聖諦之後,我應稱誰為師? |
I have conquered all and know everything. I am unstained by anything. I have given up everything, freed through destruction of thirst. I have found all out by myself; whom should I point out as my teacher? |
354 |
諸施法施勝;諸味法味勝;諸喜法喜勝;除愛勝諸苦。 |
在一切施之中,法施最殊勝;在一切味之中,法味最殊勝;在一切悅之中,法悅最殊勝:滅除渴愛戰勝了一切苦(生死輪迴)。 |
The gift of Dharma conquers all gifts. The taste of Dharma excels all tastes. The joy of Dharma excels all joys. The destruction of thirst conquers all suffering. |
355 |
財富毀滅愚人,決非求彼岸者。愚人為財欲害,自害如(害)他人。 |
財富毀滅愚人,但毀不了尋求彼岸之人。愚人以對財富的貪欲毀滅了自己,如害他人般害了自己。 |
Possessions hurt the stupid, but not those who are in search for the opposite shore of suffering. With his thirst for possessions the fool hurts the others as well as himself. |
359 |
雜草害田地,欲望害世人。施與離欲者,故得大果報。 |
雜草損壞了田地;欲望害慘了眾生。因此施予離欲者,必將獲得大果報。 |
Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by passions. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of passions brings much fruit.
Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by hatred. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of hatred brings much fruit.
Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by delusion. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of delusion brings much fruit.
Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by desires. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of desires brings much fruit. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Monk)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
361 |
善哉制於身。善哉制於語。善哉制於意。善哉制一切,制一切比丘,解脫一切苦。 |
律儀身是好的,律儀語是好的,律儀意是好的,律儀諸根是好的,律儀諸根的比丘得以解脫一切苦。 |
Restraint over the eye is good. Good is restraint over the ear. Restraint over the nose is good. Good is restraint over the tongue.
Restraint over the body is good. Good is restraint over the speech. Restraint over the mind is good. Good is restraint everywhere. The monk who is restrained everywhere will be freed from all suffering. |
362 |
調御手足及言語,調御最高(之頭首),心喜於禪住於定,獨居知足名比丘。 |
制御己手、制御己足、制御己語、能夠完全自我控制、樂於修觀與平靜、獨處與知足的人是為比丘。 |
Who has control over his hands, feet and speech, who is fully controlled, with inward joy and firm, in solitude and contented - him do people call a monk. |
363 |
比丘調於語,善巧而寂靜,顯示法與義,所說甚和婉。 |
比丘制御自己的言語,以平靜的心善巧地說話,能解說法的涵義。這比丘的話是柔和甜美的。 |
Sweet is the speech of the monk, who has control over his mouth, speaks cleverly, is not proud, and explains the Dharma and its meaning. |
364 |
住法之樂園,喜法與隨法,思惟憶念法,比丘不復退。 |
住於法、樂於法、禪修法、憶念法的比丘不會脫離正法。(註:在此法是指 saddhamma「正法」,即三十七菩提分及九出世間法。) |
The monk who is delighting in the Dharma, devoted to the Dharma, pondering the Dharma and always bearing the Dharma in mind, will never fall away from the true Dharma. |
366 |
比丘所得雖少,而不輕嫌所得,生活清淨不怠,實為諸天稱讚。 |
若比丘所得雖少,卻不輕視自己所得的,諸天肯定會稱讚這生活清淨與不怠惰的人。 |
One should not neglect one's own spiritual gain. One should not envy others. The monk who envies others will not attain concentration.
Even the gods praise the monk, who is living a pure life and is active, who does not neglect his spiritual profit, even though he has few material gains. |
367 |
若於名與色,不著我我所,非有故無憂,彼實稱比丘。 |
不視名色為「我和我的」,及不為名色的壞滅感到憂悲者是真正的比丘。 |
Who is not attached to anything in his whole mind and body, who does not grieve for nonexistent things, he is truly called a monk. |
376 |
態度須誠懇,行為須端正;是故彼多樂,得滅盡諸苦。 |
(註11)五個低層次的結: sakkayaditthi「身見」、vicikkiccha「疑」、ilabbataparamasa「戒禁取見」、kamaraga「欲欲」與 byapada「瞋恨」。 |
The monk, who is abiding in loving-kindness and trusting in the Buddha's teaching, will acquire the peaceful state of Nirvana, quieting of all conditioned things and happiness.
Empty this boat, monk! Empty it will travel quickly. Having cut off passion and hatred, you will approach the Nirvana.
Cut off five things, abandon five, five further cultivate. The monk who has overcome five attachments is called the one who has crossed over the flood.
Meditate, o monk! Don't be negligent! Let your mind not wander in the five strands of sensual pleasures. Don't negligently swallow the metal ball. When you are burning, don't lament, "This is suffering!"
There is no meditation for the ignorant one. There is no wisdom for someone, who does not meditate. Who has both wisdom and meditation, he is indeed close to the Nirvana.
The monk, who dwells in solitude, whose mind is tranquil, and who truly sees the Dharma with insight, experiences superhuman joy.
Whenever one understands thoroughly the rise and fall of the five aggregates, he will obtain joy and happiness. For those, who understand, this is known as "the deathlessness".
This here are the basic tasks for the wise monk: watchfulness over his senses, contentment and restraint in the monk's precepts.
Associate with virtuous friends who are of pure livelihood and active. Act friendly and let your behavior be good. Then, full of joy, you will make an end of suffering. |
377 |
如跋悉迦花,枯萎而凋謝,汝等諸比丘,棄貪瞋亦爾。 |
諸比丘,如娃斯迦樹令其枯萎的花脫落一般,你們亦應捨棄貪欲與瞋恨。 |
Just like the jasmine sheds its withered flowers, so you should shed passion and hatred, monks. |
378 |
身靜及語靜,心寂住三昧,捨俗樂比丘,是名寂靜者。 |
身語意皆平靜、善於得定、及已捨棄世俗快樂的比丘是為「寂靜者」。 |
The monk who is calm in body, calm in speech, tranquil, composed, and has discarded all worldly gains, is called calmed. |
380 |
自為自保護。自為自依怙。自為自調御,如商調良馬。 |
自己的確是自己的依歸,(他人怎能成為自己的依歸?)自己的確是自己的依靠。因此,你應如馬簡看護良馬般地看護自己。 |
You yourself exhort and control yourself. The monk, who is self-guarded and mindful, will live happily.
One is indeed one's own lord. One is indeed one's own destiny. Therefore restrain yourself, just like a merchant restrains a good horse. |
381 |
比丘具歡喜心,誠信佛陀教法,到達寂靜安樂,諸行解脫境界。 |
常充滿喜悅與勤修正法的比丘將證悟寂靜、無為與安樂的涅槃。 |
The monk who is full of joy and trusting in the Buddha's teaching, will acquire the peaceful state of Nirvana, quieting of all conditioned things and happiness. |
382 |
比丘雖年少,勤行佛陀教,彼輝耀此世,如月出雲翳。 |
比丘雖然年輕,若勤修正法,亦會照耀這世間,如無雲之月。 |
The monk who, while young, practices the teaching of the Buddha, illuminates this world like a moon freed from cloud. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
(The Brahmin)
偈 |
了參 法師 譯 |
敬法 法師 譯 |
英譯 |
383 |
勇敢斷除於(欲)流,汝當棄欲婆羅門!若知於諸蘊滅盡,汝便知無作(涅槃)。 |
婆羅門(16),精進地斷除渴愛之流,及捨棄欲欲。婆羅門,知見有為法的止息,以成為證悟無為涅槃的阿羅漢。 |
Having undertaken the effort, cut off the stream of suffering. Dispel sense-pleasures, Brahmin! Having realized the destruction of conditioned things, you know the Nirvana, Brahmin! |
384 |
若常住於二法,婆羅門達彼岸;所有一切繫縛,從彼智者而滅。 |
當婆羅門善立了二法(即止禪與觀禪),智者(婆羅門)得以滅除一切束縛。 |
If a Brahmin is crossed over to the opposite shore in regard of two things, then all the bonds of such a knowing one disappear. |
385 |
無彼岸此岸,兩岸悉皆無,離苦無繫縛,是謂婆羅門。 |
無此岸、無彼岸(17)、無怖畏及無煩惱者,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
For whom there does not exist the opposite shore, this shore nor both shores, who is fearless and detached - him do I call a Brahmin. |
386 |
彼人入禪定,安住離塵垢,所作皆已辦,無諸煩惱漏,證最高境界,是謂婆羅門。 |
獨處修習禪定、無污垢、應作的皆辦、無漏及已到達最高境界(阿羅漢果)者,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who is meditating, stainless, settled, has done his duty, is without taints, has reached the highest attainment - him do I call a Brahmin. |
387 |
日照晝兮月明夜,剎帝利武裝輝耀,婆羅門禪定光明,佛陀光普照晝夜。 |
太陽日間照耀;月亮夜間明照;剎帝利以甲胄輝耀;婆羅門以禪定生輝;佛陀的光輝則晝夜不斷地普照。 |
During the day shines the sun, at night shines the moon. The Kshatriya shines when armed, the Brahmin shines when meditating. And the Buddha shines with splendor all day and night. |
388 |
棄除惡業者,是名婆羅門。行為清淨者,則稱為沙門,自除垢穢者,是名出家人。 |
由於捨棄了邪惡,他被稱為婆羅門;由於行為清淨,他被稱為婆羅門;在滅除污垢之後,他被稱為出家人。 |
One is called "a Brahmin" because he keeps away from evil. One is called "a recluse" because he lives in tranquility. If one has renounced one's own impurities, then one is called "a monk". |
390 |
婆羅門此非小益──若自喜樂制其心。隨時斷除於害心,是唯得止於苦痛。 |
(無怨恨心)的婆羅門利益非小。當心不再執著喜樂,及已斷除害人之心時,其苦惱才會止息 |
One should not strike a Brahmin. But a Brahmin should not get angry with the one, who hit him. Shame to those who hurt Brahmins! More shame to those, who are angry with them!
For a Brahmin, there is nothing better than when he is holding the mind back from agreeable things. When one turns away from a wish to hurt, then one just calms down the suffering. |
391 |
不以身語意,行作諸惡業,制此三處者,是謂婆羅門。 |
不造身語意惡業、及防護這三處者,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who does not perform any evil deeds by body, speech or mind, who is restrained in three ways - him do I call a Brahmin. |
392 |
正等覺者所說法,不論從何而得聞,於彼說者應敬禮,如婆羅門敬聖火。 |
不論向誰聽聞正等正覺者的教法,聽者皆應禮敬說法者,如婆羅門禮敬聖火。 |
From whom you learned the Dharma, that is taught by the truly and completely Awakened One, you should duly pay your respects to him, like a Brahmin at the fire sacrifice. |
393 |
不因髻髮與種族,亦非生為婆羅門。誰知真實及達摩,彼為幸福婆羅門。 |
並非由於髮結、或種族、或階級而令人成為婆羅門。只有證悟諦與法的人才是清淨的,才是婆羅門。(註:諦是四聖諦;法是九出世間法。) |
One is not a Brahmin because of matted hair, lineage or birth. In whom there is truth and the Dharma, he is pure, he is a Brahmin. |
394 |
愚者結髮髻,衣鹿皮何益?內心具(欲)林,形儀徒嚴飾! |
愚痴的人,你戴髮結有何用?你穿皮衣有何用?你只是外表清淨而已,內裡卻滿是整片欲林。 |
What use is your matted hair, fool? What use is your garment from antelope skin? Inside you is a jungle, you touch only the outside. |
395 |
諸著糞掃衣,消瘦露經脈,林中獨入定,是謂婆羅門。 |
身穿糞掃衣、清瘦筋脈顯露、及獨居林中修禪者,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
The person who is wearing just rags from a dust heap, is lean, with veins showing, who is meditating alone in the forest - him do I call a Brahmin. |
396 |
所謂婆羅門,非從母胎生。如執諸煩惱,但名說「菩」者。若無一切執,是謂婆羅門。 |
我不會只是因為他從婆羅門族的母胎中出生即稱他為婆羅門。若還未脫離煩惱,他只算是個低下的婆羅門。只有對無污垢與無執著的人,我才稱他為婆羅門。 |
I do not call one a Brahmin only because on account of birth, because he is born from [a Brahmin] mother. If he has attachments, he is to be called only "self-important". One who is without attachments and without clinging - him do I call a Brahmin. |
397 |
斷除一切結,彼實無恐怖,無著離繫縛,是謂婆羅門。 |
他已斷除一切束縛、無畏、無執著及已脫離諸煩惱,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has cut off all fetters and doesn;t crave for anything, who has overcome all binds and is detached - him do I call a Brahmin. |
398 |
除皮帶與韁,及斷繩所屬,捨障礙覺者,是謂婆羅門。 |
他已斷除(瞋恨之)韁、(貪欲之)皮帶、(邪見之)繩、(愚痴之)鎖、及已覺知真諦,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has cut off strap and harness, fetter together with a bridle, who has all the obstacles removed and is awakened - him do I call a Brahmin. |
399 |
能忍罵與打,而無有瞋恨,具忍刀強軍,是謂婆羅門。 |
他能忍受辱罵、毆打與困縛而無瞋、忍辱之力有如整支軍隊的力量,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who benevolently endures abuse, beating and binding, whose power is forbearance, with strong force - him do I call a Brahmin. |
400 |
無有瞋怒具德行,持戒不為諸(欲)潤,調御得達最後身──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
他無瞋有德、有戒行與離貪、制御諸根、此身為最後一身,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who is friendly, devout, virtuous and not arrogant, restrained and living his last life - him do I call a Brahmin. |
401 |
猶如水落於蓮葉,如置芥子於針鋒,不染著於愛欲者──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
如水不黏荷花葉,或如在針端上的芥子,他不執著於欲樂,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Like water to a lotus leaf, like a mustard seed to the point of an arrow, who doesn't cling to sense-pleasures - him do I call a Brahmin. |
402 |
若人於此世界中,覺悟消滅其自苦,放棄重負得解脫──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
他在此生得證滅苦(涅槃)已放下(五蘊)這負擔、及已解脫諸煩惱,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who knows by himself the destruction of suffering in this world, who has put down his burden and is detached - him do I call a Brahmin. |
403 |
有甚深智慧,善辦道非道,證無上境界,是謂婆羅門。 |
他有甚深的智慧、能分辨道與非道、已證得最高境界(即阿羅漢果),我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
One who is endowed with deep knowledge, intelligent, knowing the difference between what is a road and what is not, who has reached the highest attainment - him do I call a Brahmin. |
404 |
不與俗人混,不與僧相雜,無家無欲者,是謂婆羅門。 |
他不與在家人交往,也不與出家人相混,離貪少欲,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who is not associating neither with householders nor with monks, wandering in houselessness, wanting little - him do I call a Brahmin. |
405 |
一切強弱有情中,彼人盡棄於刀杖,不自殺不教他殺──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
他已捨棄對一切強弱眾生動用武力,自己不殺生,也不叫人殺生,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has given up punishing of all living beings, be they trembling or firm, who does not kill, nor causes another to kill - him do I call a Brahmin. |
406 |
於仇敵中友誼者,執杖人中溫和者,執著人中無著者──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
他對敵人亦不怨恨,對暴力者保持平和,無著於一切執著物,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
One who is unhindered amongst the obstructed, one who is free amongst violent, one who does not cling to anything amongst those who do - him do I call a Brahmin. |
407 |
貪欲瞋恚並慢心,以及虛偽皆脫落,猶如芥子落針鋒──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
如在針端上的芥子,他的貪、瞋、我慢與虛偽皆已脫落,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has destroyed passion, hatred, conceit and hypocrisy, as if a mustard seed falls down from the head of an arrow - him do I call a Brahmin. |
408 |
不言粗惡語,說益語實語,不解怒於人,是謂婆羅門。 |
他言語柔和,說有益的實話,不以言語觸怒任何人,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who speaks smooth, informative and true words, by which he does not offend anyone - him do I call a Brahmin. |
409 |
於此善或惡,修短與粗細,不與而不取,是謂婆羅門。 |
在這世上,無論東西是長或短,是大或小,是好或壞,他亦絕不會不與而取,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who here in this world does not take what was not given, be it long, short, small, big, pleasant or unpleasant - him do I call a Brahmin. |
410 |
對此世他世,均無有欲望,無欲而解脫,是謂婆羅門。 |
他不欲求今生或來世,已解脫貪欲與煩惱,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has no longing anywhere in this or the next world, who is independent and unattached - him do I call a Brahmin. |
411 |
無有貪欲者,了悟無疑惑,證得無生地,是謂婆羅門。 |
他沒有貪欲,已覺悟四聖諦而斷疑,已證悟不死的涅槃,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who is without attachments, has realized the truth and is free from doubts, merging into the Nirvana, has attained the goal - him do I call a Brahmin. |
412 |
若於此世間,不著善與惡,無憂與清淨,是謂婆羅門。 |
在這世上,他已超越了善惡兩者,無憂無貪而清淨,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has in this world gone beyond both attachments of good and evil, who is free from sorrow, stainless and pure - him do I call a Brahmin. |
413 |
如月淨無瑕,澄靜而清明,滅於再生欲,是謂婆羅門。 |
如無雲之月,他清淨、澄潔與安詳,完全滅盡了對生存之欲,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who is like a moon, spotless, clean, bright and undisturbed, who has destroyed the existence of pleasure - him do I call a Brahmin. |
414 |
超越泥濘崎嶇道,並踰愚癡輪迴海,得度彼岸住禪定,無欲而又無疑惑,無著證涅槃寂靜──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
他已超越了危險的(貪欲)泥沼、艱難的(煩惱)路、生命之洋(生死輪迴)、愚痴的黑暗及四道瀑流,而到達彼岸(涅槃),修習禪定,無貪無疑無著及心寂靜,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has overcome this danger, bad place, round of rebirth and delusion, who has crossed, gone over to the opposite shore, is meditating, free from craving and doubts, who is emancipated and without clinging - him do I call a Brahmin. |
415 |
棄捨欲樂於此世,出家而成無家人,除滅欲樂生起者──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
在這世上,他已捨棄了欲樂,離家而成為比丘,已斷除了欲欲與生存(即:有),我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who in this world has renounced desires, wanders around homeless, him, who has destroyed the existence of desire - him do I call a Brahmin. |
416 |
棄捨愛欲於此世,出家而成無家人,除滅愛欲生起者──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
在這世上,他已捨棄了貪欲,離家而成為比丘,已斷除了欲欲與生存(即:有),我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who in this world has renounced thirst, wanders around homeless, him, who has destroyed the existence of thirst - him do I call a Brahmin. |
417 |
遠離人間縛,超越天上縛,除一切縛者,是謂婆羅門。 |
他已捨棄了對人生(欲樂)的執著,已經克服了對天界(欲樂)的執著,及完全脫離了一切執著,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has renounced human bonds, and escaped divine bonds, who is detached from al bonds - him do I call a Brahmin. |
418 |
棄捨喜不喜,清涼無煩惱,勇者勝世間,是謂婆羅門。 |
他已捨棄了享受欲樂,以及捨棄了不樂於獨處,證得平靜及無煩惱,已征服世界(即五蘊)及勤勇,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has renounced liking and dislike, tranquil and free from attachments, The hero, who has conquered the whole world - him do I call a Brahmin. |
420 |
諸天乾闥婆及人,俱不知彼之所趣,煩惱漏盡阿羅漢──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
諸天、乾達婆或人都不知他(死後)的去處。他已滅盡了煩惱,是阿羅漢,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who has thoroughly understood the arising and passing away of beings, who is unattached, well-gone and awakened - him do I call a Brahmin.
Whose direction isn't known by the gods, Gandharvas and humans, who has removed the taints and is an Arahant - him do I cal a Brahmin. |
421 |
前後與中間,彼無有一物,不著一物者,是謂婆羅門。 |
他不執著於過去、未來與現在的五蘊,已解脫煩惱與執著,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
For whom there is nothing before, after or now, One who is without attachments and without clinging - him do I call a Brahmin. |
422 |
牛王最尊勇猛者,大仙無欲勝利者,浴己(無垢)及覺者──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
他如牛王般無畏、聖潔、勇猛,是增上戒定慧的尋求者,是戰勝(三魔王)的勝利者,無欲無煩惱、覺證四聖諦,我稱此人為婆羅門。(註:三個魔王是 kilesamara「煩惱魔」、 maranamara「死魔」、與 devaputtamara「天子魔」。) |
Who is strong, noble, a hero, a great seer, victorious, free from craving, his task finished and is awakened - him do I call a Brahmin. |
423 |
牟尼能知於前生,並且天界及惡趣,獲得除滅於再生,業已完成無上智,一切圓滿成就者──我稱彼為婆羅門。 |
他能知過去世,能看到天界與惡道,已到了最後一生,通過道智成為阿羅漢,已圓滿地成就了一切,我稱此人為婆羅門。 |
Who knows his former births and sees both heaven and hell, who has reached the end of rebirths, the sage who has attained higher wisdom, one who has attained all accomplishments - him do I call a Brahmin. |
備註:英譯可參考"佛學數位圖書館暨博物館"中 Readings in Pali Texts (in English) 條之 Dhammapada 。
1. Yamakavaggo
1. Manopubbaṅgamā dhammā, manoseṭṭhā manomayā;
manasā ce paduṭṭhena, bhāsati vā karoti vā;
tato naṃ dukkhamanveti, cakkaṃva vahato padaṃ.
2. Manopubbaṅgamā dhammā, manoseṭṭhā manomayā;
manasā ce pasannena, bhāsati vā karoti vā;
tato naṃ sukhamanveti, chāyāva anapāyinī.
3. Akkocchi maṃ avadhi maṃ, ajini maṃ ahāsi me;
ye ca taṃ upanayhanti, veraṃ tesaṃ na sammati.
4. Akkocchi maṃ avadhi maṃ, ajini maṃ ahāsi me;
ye ca taṃ nupanayhanti, veraṃ tesūpasammati.
5. Na hi verena verāni, sammantīdha kudācanaṃ;
averena ca sammanti, esa dhammo sanantano.
6. Pare ca na vijānanti, mayamettha yamāmase;
ye ca tattha vijānanti, tato sammanti medhagā.
7. Subhānupassiṃ viharantaṃ, indriyesu asaṃvutaṃ;
bhojanamhi cāmattaññuṃ, kusītaṃ hīnavīriyaṃ;
taṃ ve pasahati māro, vāto rukkhaṃva dubbalaṃ.
8. Asubhānupassiṃ viharantaṃ, indriyesu susaṃvutaṃ;
bhojanamhi ca mattaññuṃ, saddhaṃ āraddhavīriyaṃ;
taṃ ve nappasahati māro, vāto selaṃva pabbataṃ.
9. Anikkasāvo kāsāvaṃ, yo vatthaṃ paridahissati;
apeto damasaccena, na so kāsāvamarahati.
10. Yo ca vantakasāvassa, sīlesu susamāhito;
upeto damasaccena, sa ve kāsāvamarahati.
11. Asāre sāramatino, sāre cāsāradassino;
te sāraṃ nādhigacchanti, micchāsaṅkappagocarā.
12. Sārañca sārato ñatvā, asārañca asārato;
te sāraṃ adhigacchanti, sammāsaṅkappagocarā.
13. Yathā agāraṃ ducchannaṃ, vuṭṭhī samativijjhati;
evaṃ abhāvitaṃ cittaṃ, rāgo samativijjhati.
14. Yathā agāraṃ suchannaṃ, vuṭṭhī na samativijjhati;
evaṃ subhāvitaṃ cittaṃ, rāgo na samativijjhati.
15. Idha socati pecca socati, pāpakārī ubhayattha socati;
so socati so vihaññati, disvā kammakiliṭṭhamattano.
16. Idha modati pecca modati, katapuñño ubhayattha modati;
so modati so pamodati, disvā kammavisuddhimattano.
17. Idha tappati pecca tappati, pāpakārī ubhayattha tappati;
“pāpaṃ me katan”ti tappati, bhiyyo tappati duggatiṃ gato.
18. Idha nandati pecca nandati, katapuñño ubhayattha nandati;
“puññaṃ me katan”ti nandati, bhiyyo nandati suggatiṃ gato.
19. Bahumpi ce saṃhita bhāsamāno, na takkaro hoti naro pamatto.
gopova gāvo gaṇayaṃ paresaṃ, na bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti.
20. Appampi ce saṃhita bhāsamāno, dhammassa hoti anudhammacārī.
rāgañca dosañca pahāya mohaṃ, sammappajāno suvimuttacitto;
anupādiyāno idha vā huraṃ vā, sa bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti.
Yamakavaggo paṭhamo niṭṭhito.
2. Appamādavaggo
21. Appamādo amatapadaṃ, pamādo maccuno padaṃ;
appamattā na mīyanti, ye pamattā yathā matā.
22. Evaṃ visesato ñatvā, appamādamhi paṇḍitā;
appamāde pamodanti, ariyānaṃ gocare ratā.
23. Te jhāyino sātatikā, niccaṃ daḷhaparakkamā;
phusanti dhīrā nibbānaṃ, yogakkhemaṃ anuttaraṃ.
24. Uṭṭhānavato satīmato, sucikammassa nisammakārino;
saññatassa dhammajīvino, appamattassa yasobhivaḍḍhati.
25. Uṭṭhānenappamādena, saṃyamena damena ca;
dīpaṃ kayirātha medhāvī, yaṃ ogho nābhikīrati.
26. Pamādamanuyuñjanti, bālā dummedhino janā;
appamādañca medhāvī, dhanaṃ seṭṭhaṃva rakkhati.
27. Mā pamādamanuyuñjetha, mā kāmaratisanthavaṃ;
appamatto hi jhāyanto, pappoti vipulaṃ sukhaṃ.
28. Pamādaṃ appamādena, yadā nudati paṇḍito;
paññāpāsādamāruyha, asoko sokiniṃ pajaṃ;
pabbataṭṭhova bhūmaṭṭhe, dhīro bāle avekkhati.
29. Appamatto pamattesu, suttesu bahujāgaro;
abalassaṃva sīghasso, hitvā yāti sumedhaso.
30. Appamādena maghavā, devānaṃ seṭṭhataṃ gato;
appamādaṃ pasaṃsanti, pamādo garahito sadā.
31. Appamādarato bhikkhu, pamāde bhayadassi vā;
saṃyojanaṃ aṇuṃ thūlaṃ, ḍahaṃ aggīva gacchati.
32. Appamādarato bhikkhu, pamāde bhayadassi vā;
abhabbo parihānāya, nibbānasseva santike.
Appamādavaggo dutiyo niṭṭhito.
3. Cittavaggo
33. Phandanaṃ capalaṃ cittaṃ, dūrakkhaṃ dunnivārayaṃ;
ujuṃ karoti medhāvī, usukārova tejanaṃ.
34. Vārijova thale khitto, okamokata-ubbhato;
pariphandatidaṃ cittaṃ, māradheyyaṃ pahātave.
35. Dunniggahassa lahuno, yatthakāmanipātino;
cittassa damatho sādhu, cittaṃ dantaṃ sukhāvahaṃ.
36. Sududdasaṃ sunipuṇaṃ, yatthakāmanipātinaṃ;
cittaṃ rakkhetha medhāvī, cittaṃ guttaṃ sukhāvahaṃ.
37. Dūraṅgamaṃ ekacaraṃ, asarīraṃ guhāsayaṃ;
ye cittaṃ saṃyamessanti, mokkhanti mārabandhanā.
38. Anavaṭṭhitacittassa, saddhammaṃ avijānato;
pariplavapasādassa, paññā na paripūrati.
39. Anavassutacittassa, ananvāhatacetaso;
puññapāpapahīnassa, natthi jāgarato bhayaṃ.
40. Kumbhūpamaṃ kāyamimaṃ viditvā, nagarūpamaṃ cittamidaṃ ṭhapetvā;
yodhetha māraṃ paññāvudhena, jitañca rakkhe anivesano siyā.
41. Aciraṃ vatayaṃ kāyo, pathaviṃ adhisessati;
chuddho apetaviññāṇo, niratthaṃva kaliṅgaraṃ.
42. Diso disaṃ yaṃ taṃ kayirā, verī vā pana verinaṃ;
micchāpaṇihitaṃ cittaṃ, pāpiyo naṃ tato kare.
43. Na taṃ mātā pitā kayirā, aññe vāpi ca ñātakā;
sammāpaṇihitaṃ cittaṃ, seyyaso naṃ tato kare.
Cittavaggo tatiyo niṭṭhito.
4. Pupphavaggo
44. Ko imaṃ pathaviṃ vicessati, yamalokañca imaṃ sadevakaṃ.
ko dhammapadaṃ sudesitaṃ, kusalo pupphamiva pacessati.
45. Sekho pathaviṃ vicessati, yamalokañca imaṃ sadevakaṃ;
sekho dhammapadaṃ sudesitaṃ, kusalo pupphamiva pacessati.
46. Pheṇūpamaṃ kāyamimaṃ viditvā, marīcidhammaṃ abhisambudhāno;
chetvāna mārassa papupphakāni, adassanaṃ maccurājassa gacche.
47. Pupphāni heva pacinantaṃ, byāsattamanasaṃ naraṃ;
suttaṃ gāmaṃ mahoghova, maccu ādāya gacchati.
48. Pupphāni heva pacinantaṃ, byāsattamanasaṃ naraṃ;
atittaññeva kāmesu, antako kurute vasaṃ.
49. Yathāpi bhamaro pupphaṃ, vaṇṇagandhamaheṭhayaṃ;
paleti rasamādāya, evaṃ gāme munī care.
50. Na paresaṃ vilomāni, na paresaṃ katākataṃ;
attanova avekkheyya, katāni akatāni ca.
51. Yathāpi ruciraṃ pupphaṃ, vaṇṇavantaṃ agandhakaṃ;
evaṃ subhāsitā vācā, aphalā hoti akubbato.
52. Yathāpi ruciraṃ pupphaṃ, vaṇṇavantaṃ sugandhakaṃ.
evaṃ subhāsitā vācā, saphalā hoti kubbato.
53. Yathāpi puppharāsimhā, kayirā mālāguṇe bahū;
evaṃ jātena maccena, kattabbaṃ kusalaṃ bahuṃ.
54. Na pupphagandho paṭivātameti, na candanaṃ tagaramallikā.
satañca gandho paṭivātameti, sabbā disā sappuriso pavāyati.
55. Candanaṃ tagaraṃ vāpi, uppalaṃ atha vassikī;
etesaṃ gandhajātānaṃ, sīlagandho anuttaro.
56. Appamatto ayaṃ gandho, yvāyaṃ tagaracandanaṃ.
yo ca sīlavataṃ gandho, vāti devesu uttamo.
57. Tesaṃ sampannasīlānaṃ, appamādavihārinaṃ;
sammadaññā vimuttānaṃ, māro maggaṃ na vindati.
58. Yathā saṅkāraṭhānasmiṃ, ujjhitasmiṃ mahāpathe;
padumaṃ tattha jāyetha, sucigandhaṃ manoramaṃ.
59. Evaṃ saṅkārabhūtesu, andhabhūte puthujjane;
atirocati paññāya, sammāsambuddhasāvako.
Pupphavaggo catuttho niṭṭhito.
5. Bālavaggo
60. Dīghā jāgarato ratti, dīghaṃ santassa yojanaṃ;
dīgho bālānaṃ saṃsāro, saddhammaṃ avijānataṃ.
61. Carañce nādhigaccheyya, seyyaṃ sadisamattano;
ekacariyaṃ daḷhaṃ kayirā, natthi bāle sahāyatā.
62. Puttā matthi dhanammatthi, iti bālo vihaññati;
attā hi attano natthi, kuto puttā kuto dhanaṃ.
63. Yo bālo maññati bālyaṃ, paṇḍito vāpi tena so;
bālo ca paṇḍitamānī, sa ve “bālo”ti vuccati.
64. Yāvajīvampi ce bālo, paṇḍitaṃ payirupāsati;
na so dhammaṃ vijānāti, dabbī sūparasaṃ yathā.
65. Muhuttamapi ce viññū, paṇḍitaṃ payirupāsati;
khippaṃ dhammaṃ vijānāti, jivhā sūparasaṃ yathā.
66. Caranti bālā dummedhā, amitteneva attanā;
karontā pāpakaṃ kammaṃ, yaṃ hoti kaṭukapphalaṃ.
67. Na taṃ kammaṃ kataṃ sādhu, yaṃ katvā anutappati;
yassa assumukho rodaṃ, vipākaṃ paṭisevati.
68. Tañca kammaṃ kataṃ sādhu, yaṃ katvā nānutappati;
yassa patīto sumano, vipākaṃ paṭisevati.
69. Madhuvā maññati bālo, yāva pāpaṃ na paccati;
yadā ca paccati pāpaṃ, bālo dukkhaṃ nigacchati.
70. Māse māse kusaggena, bālo bhuñjeyya bhojanaṃ;
na so saṅkhātadhammānaṃ, kalaṃ agghati soḷasiṃ.
71. Na hi pāpaṃ kataṃ kammaṃ, sajju khīraṃva muccati;
ḍahantaṃ bālamanveti, bhasmacchannova pāvako.
72. Yāvadeva anatthāya, ñattaṃ bālassa jāyati;
hanti bālassa sukkaṃsaṃ, muddhamassa vipātayaṃ.
73. Asantaṃ bhāvanamiccheyya, purekkhārañca bhikkhusu.
āvāsesu ca issariyaṃ, pūjā parakulesu ca.
74. Mameva kata maññantu, gihīpabbajitā ubho;
mamevātivasā assu, kiccākiccesu kismici;
iti bālassa saṅkappo, icchā māno ca vaḍḍhati.
75. Aññā hi lābhūpanisā, aññā nibbānagāminī;
evametaṃ abhiññāya, bhikkhu buddhassa sāvako;
sakkāraṃ nābhinandeyya, vivekamanubrūhaye.
Bālavaggo pañcamo niṭṭhito.
6. Paṇḍitavaggo
76. Nidhīnaṃva pavattāraṃ, yaṃ passe vajjadassinaṃ;
niggayhavādiṃ medhāviṃ, tādisaṃ paṇḍitaṃ bhaje;
tādisaṃ bhajamānassa, seyyo hoti na pāpiyo.
77. Ovadeyyānusāseyya, asabbhā ca nivāraye;
satañhi so piyo hoti, asataṃ hoti appiyo.
78. Na bhaje pāpake mitte, na bhaje purisādhame;
bhajetha mitte kalyāṇe, bhajetha purisuttame.
79. Dhammapīti sukhaṃ seti, vippasannena cetasā;
ariyappavedite dhamme, sadā ramati paṇḍito.
80. Udakañhi nayanti nettikā, usukārā namayanti tejanaṃ.
dāruṃ namayanti tacchakā, attānaṃ damayanti paṇḍitā.
81. Selo yathā ekaghano, vātena na samīrati;
evaṃ nindāpasaṃsāsu, na samiñjanti paṇḍitā.
82. Yathāpi rahado gambhīro, vippasanno anāvilo;
evaṃ dhammāni sutvāna, vippasīdanti paṇḍitā.
83. Sabbattha ve sappurisā cajanti, na kāmakāmā lapayanti santo;
sukhena phuṭṭhā atha vā dukhena, na uccāvacaṃ paṇḍitā dassayanti.
84. Na attahetu na parassa hetu, na puttamicche na dhanaṃ na raṭṭhaṃ;
na iccheyya adhammena samiddhimattano, sa sīlavā paññavā dhammiko siyā.
85. Appakā te manussesu, ye janā pāragāmino;
athāyaṃ itarā pajā, tīramevānudhāvati.
86. Ye ca kho sammadakkhāte, dhamme dhammānuvattino;
te janā pāramessanti, maccudheyyaṃ suduttaraṃ.
87. Kaṇhaṃ dhammaṃ vippahāya, sukkaṃ bhāvetha paṇḍito;
okā anokamāgamma, viveke yattha dūramaṃ.
88. Tatrābhiratimiccheyya, hitvā kāme akiñcano;
pariyodapeyya attānaṃ, cittaklesehi paṇḍito.
89. Yesaṃ sambodhiyaṅgesu, sammā cittaṃ subhāvitaṃ;
ādānapaṭinissagge, anupādāya ye ratā;
khīṇāsavā jutimanto, te loke parinibbutā.
Paṇḍitavaggo chaṭṭho niṭṭhito.
7. Arahantavaggo
90. Gataddhino visokassa, vippamuttassa sabbadhi;
sabbaganthappahīnassa, pariḷāho na vijjati.
91. Uyyuñjanti satīmanto, na nikete ramanti te;
haṃsāva pallalaṃ hitvā, okamokaṃ jahanti te.
92. Yesaṃ sannicayo natthi, ye pariññātabhojanā;
suññato animitto ca, vimokkho yesaṃ gocaro;
ākāse va sakuntānaṃ, gati tesaṃ durannayā.
93. Yassāsavā parikkhīṇā, āhāre ca anissito;
suññato animitto ca, vimokkho yassa gocaro;
ākāse va sakuntānaṃ, padaṃ tassa durannayaṃ.
94. Yassindriyāni samathaṅgatāni, assā yathā sārathinā sudantā.
pahīnamānassa anāsavassa, devāpi tassa pihayanti tādino.
95. Pathavisamo no virujjhati, indakhilupamo tādi subbato.
rahadova apetakaddamo, saṃsārā na bhavanti tādino.
96. Santaṃ tassa manaṃ hoti, santā vācā ca kamma ca;
sammadaññā vimuttassa, upasantassa tādino.
97. Assaddho akataññū ca, sandhicchedo ca yo naro;
hatāvakāso vantāso, sa ve uttamaporiso.
98. Gāme vā yadi vāraññe, ninne vā yadi vā thale;
yattha arahanto viharanti, taṃ bhūmirāmaṇeyyakaṃ.
99. Ramaṇīyāni araññāni, yattha na ramatī jano;
vītarāgā ramissanti, na te kāmagavesino.
Arahantavaggo sattamo niṭṭhito.
8. Sahassavaggo
100. Sahassamapi ce vācā, anatthapadasaṃhitā;
ekaṃ atthapadaṃ seyyo, yaṃ sutvā upasammati.
101. Sahassamapi ce gāthā, anatthapadasaṃhitā;
ekaṃ gāthāpadaṃ seyyo, yaṃ sutvā upasammati.
102. Yo ca gāthā sataṃ bhāse, anatthapadasaṃhitā.
ekaṃ dhammapadaṃ seyyo, yaṃ sutvā upasammati.
103. Yo sahassaṃ sahassena, saṅgāme mānuse jine;
ekañca jeyyamattānaṃ, sa ve saṅgāmajuttamo.
104. Attā have jitaṃ seyyo, yā cāyaṃ itarā pajā;
attadantassa posassa, niccaṃ saññatacārino.
105. Neva devo na gandhabbo, na māro saha brahmunā;
jitaṃ apajitaṃ kayirā, tathārūpassa jantuno.
106. Māse māse sahassena, yo yajetha sataṃ samaṃ;
ekañca bhāvitattānaṃ, muhuttamapi pūjaye;
sāyeva pūjanā seyyo, yañce vassasataṃ hutaṃ.
107. Yo ca vassasataṃ jantu, aggiṃ paricare vane;
ekañca bhāvitattānaṃ, muhuttamapi pūjaye;
sāyeva pūjanā seyyo, yañce vassasataṃ hutaṃ.
108. Yaṃ kiñci yiṭṭhaṃ va hutaṃ va loke, saṃvaccharaṃ yajetha puññapekkho.
sabbampi taṃ na catubhāgameti, abhivādanā ujjugatesu seyyo.
109. Abhivādanasīlissa, niccaṃ vuḍḍhāpacāyino.
cattāro dhammā vaḍḍhanti, āyu vaṇṇo sukhaṃ balaṃ.
110. Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve, dussīlo asamāhito;
ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo, sīlavantassa jhāyino.
111. Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve, duppañño asamāhito;
ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo, paññavantassa jhāyino.
112. Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve, kusīto hīnavīriyo;
ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo, vīriyamārabhato daḷhaṃ.
113. Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve, apassaṃ udayabbayaṃ;
ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo, passato udayabbayaṃ.
114. Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve, apassaṃ amataṃ padaṃ;
ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo, passato amataṃ padaṃ.
115. Yo ca vassasataṃ jīve, apassaṃ dhammamuttamaṃ;
ekāhaṃ jīvitaṃ seyyo, passato dhammamuttamaṃ.
Sahassavaggo aṭṭhamo niṭṭhito.
9. Pāpavaggo
116. Abhittharetha kalyāṇe, pāpā cittaṃ nivāraye;
dandhañhi karoto puññaṃ, pāpasmiṃ ramatī mano.
117. Pāpañce puriso kayirā, na naṃ kayirā punappunaṃ;
na tamhi chandaṃ kayirātha, dukkho pāpassa uccayo.
118. Puññañce puriso kayirā, kayirā naṃ punappunaṃ.
tamhi chandaṃ kayirātha, sukho puññassa uccayo.
119. Pāpopi passati bhadraṃ, yāva pāpaṃ na paccati;
yadā ca paccati pāpaṃ, atha pāpo pāpāni passati.
120. Bhadropi passati pāpaṃ, yāva bhadraṃ na paccati;
yadā ca paccati bhadraṃ, atha bhadro bhadrāni passati.
121. Māvamaññetha pāpassa, na mantaṃ āgamissati.
udabindunipātena, udakumbhopi pūrati;
bālo pūrati pāpassa, thokaṃ thokampi ācinaṃ.
122. Māvamaññetha puññassa, na mantaṃ āgamissati;
udabindunipātena, udakumbhopi pūrati;
dhīro pūrati puññassa, thokaṃ thokampi ācinaṃ.
123. Vāṇijova bhayaṃ maggaṃ, appasattho mahaddhano;
visaṃ jīvitukāmova, pāpāni parivajjaye.
124. Pāṇimhi ce vaṇo nāssa, hareyya pāṇinā visaṃ;
nābbaṇaṃ visamanveti, natthi pāpaṃ akubbato.
125. Yo appaduṭṭhassa narassa dussati, suddhassa posassa anaṅgaṇassa;
tameva bālaṃ pacceti pāpaṃ, sukhumo rajo paṭivātaṃva khitto.
126. Gabbhameke uppajjanti, nirayaṃ pāpakammino;
saggaṃ sugatino yanti, parinibbanti anāsavā.
127. Na antalikkhe na samuddamajjhe, na pabbatānaṃ vivaraṃ pavissa.
na vijjatī so jagatippadeso, yatthaṭṭhito mucceyya pāpakammā.
128. Na antalikkhe na samuddamajjhe, na pabbatānaṃ vivaraṃ pavissa;
na vijjatī so jagatippadeso, yatthaṭṭhitaṃ nappasaheyya maccu.
Pāpavaggo navamo niṭṭhito.
10. Daṇḍavaggo
129. Sabbe tasanti daṇḍassa, sabbe bhāyanti maccuno;
attānaṃ upamaṃ katvā, na haneyya na ghātaye.
130. Sabbe tasanti daṇḍassa, sabbesaṃ jīvitaṃ piyaṃ;
attānaṃ upamaṃ katvā, na haneyya na ghātaye.
131. Sukhakāmāni bhūtāni, yo daṇḍena vihiṃsati;
attano sukhamesāno, pecca so na labhate sukhaṃ.
132. Sukhakāmāni bhūtāni, yo daṇḍena na hiṃsati;
attano sukhamesāno, pecca so labhate sukhaṃ.
133. Māvoca pharusaṃ kañci, vuttā paṭivadeyyu taṃ.
dukkhā hi sārambhakathā, paṭidaṇḍā phuseyyu taṃ.
134. Sace neresi attānaṃ, kaṃso upahato yathā;
esa pattosi nibbānaṃ, sārambho te na vijjati.
135. Yathā daṇḍena gopālo, gāvo pājeti gocaraṃ;
evaṃ jarā ca maccu ca, āyuṃ pājenti pāṇinaṃ.
136. Atha pāpāni kammāni, karaṃ bālo na bujjhati;
sehi kammehi dummedho, aggidaḍḍhova tappati.
137. Yo daṇḍena adaṇḍesu, appaduṭṭhesu dussati;
dasannamaññataraṃ ṭhānaṃ, khippameva nigacchati.
138. Vedanaṃ pharusaṃ jāniṃ, sarīrassa ca bhedanaṃ.
garukaṃ vāpi ābādhaṃ, cittakkhepañca pāpuṇe.
139. Rājato vā upasaggaṃ, abbhakkhānañca dāruṇaṃ.
parikkhayañca ñātīnaṃ, bhogānañca pabhaṅguraṃ.
140. Atha vāssa agārāni, aggi ḍahati pāvako;
kāyassa bhedā duppañño, nirayaṃ sopapajjati.
141. Na naggacariyā na jaṭā na paṅkā, nānāsakā thaṇḍilasāyikā vā;
rajojallaṃ ukkuṭikappadhānaṃ, sodhenti maccaṃ avitiṇṇakaṅkhaṃ.
142. Alaṅkato cepi samaṃ careyya, santo danto niyato brahmacārī;
sabbesu bhūtesu nidhāya daṇḍaṃ, so brāhmaṇo so samaṇo sa bhikkhu.
143. Hirīnisedho puriso, koci lokasmi vijjati;
yo niddaṃ apabodheti, asso bhadro kasāmiva.
144. Asso yathā bhadro kasāniviṭṭho, ātāpino saṃvegino bhavātha;
saddhāya sīlena ca vīriyena ca, samādhinā dhammavinicchayena ca;
sampannavijjācaraṇā patissatā, jahissatha dukkhamidaṃ anappakaṃ.
145. Udakañhi nayanti nettikā, usukārā namayanti tejanaṃ;
dāruṃ namayanti tacchakā, attānaṃ damayanti subbatā.
Daṇḍavaggo dasamo niṭṭhito.
11. Jarāvaggo
146. Ko nu hāso kimānando, niccaṃ pajjalite sati.
andhakārena onaddhā, padīpaṃ na gavesatha.
147. Passa cittakataṃ bimbaṃ, arukāyaṃ samussitaṃ;
āturaṃ bahusaṅkappaṃ, yassa natthi dhuvaṃ ṭhiti.
148. Parijiṇṇamidaṃ rūpaṃ, roganīḷaṃ pabhaṅguraṃ.
bhijjati pūtisandeho, maraṇantañhi jīvitaṃ.
149. Yānimāni apatthāni, alābūneva sārade.
kāpotakāni aṭṭhīni, tāni disvāna kā rati.
150. Aṭṭhīnaṃ nagaraṃ kataṃ, maṃsalohitalepanaṃ;
yattha jarā ca maccu ca, māno makkho ca ohito.
151. Jīranti ve rājarathā sucittā, atho sarīrampi jaraṃ upeti;
satañca dhammo na jaraṃ upeti, santo have sabbhi pavedayanti.
152. Appassutāyaṃ puriso, balibaddhova jīrati.
maṃsāni tassa vaḍḍhanti, paññā tassa na vaḍḍhati.
153. Anekajātisaṃsāraṃ, sandhāvissaṃ anibbisaṃ;
gahakāraṃ gavesanto, dukkhā jāti punappunaṃ.
154. Gahakāraka diṭṭhosi, puna gehaṃ na kāhasi;
sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā, gahakūṭaṃ visaṅkhataṃ;
visaṅkhāragataṃ cittaṃ, taṇhānaṃ khayamajjhagā.
155. Acaritvā brahmacariyaṃ, aladdhā yobbane dhanaṃ;
jiṇṇakoñcāva jhāyanti, khīṇamaccheva pallale.
156. Acaritvā brahmacariyaṃ, aladdhā yobbane dhanaṃ;
senti cāpātikhīṇāva, purāṇāni anutthunaṃ.
Jarāvaggo ekādasamo niṭṭhito.
12. Attavaggo
157. Attānañce piyaṃ jaññā, rakkheyya naṃ surakkhitaṃ;
tiṇṇaṃ aññataraṃ yāmaṃ, paṭijaggeyya paṇḍito.
158. Attānameva paṭhamaṃ, patirūpe nivesaye;
athaññamanusāseyya, na kilisseyya paṇḍito.
159. Attānaṃ ce tathā kayirā, yathāññamanusāsati;
sudanto vata dametha, attā hi kira duddamo.
160. Attā hi attano nātho, ko hi nātho paro siyā;
attanā hi sudantena, nāthaṃ labhati dullabhaṃ.
161. Attanā hi kataṃ pāpaṃ, attajaṃ attasambhavaṃ;
abhimatthati dummedhaṃ, vajiraṃ vasmamayaṃ maṇiṃ.
162. Yassa accantadussīlyaṃ, māluvā sālamivotthataṃ;
karoti so tathattānaṃ, yathā naṃ icchatī diso.
163. Sukarāni asādhūni, attano ahitāni ca;
yaṃ ve hitañca sādhuñca, taṃ ve paramadukkaraṃ.
164. Yo sāsanaṃ arahataṃ, ariyānaṃ dhammajīvinaṃ;
paṭikkosati dummedho, diṭṭhiṃ nissāya pāpikaṃ;
phalāni kaṭṭhakasseva, attaghātāya phallati.
165. Attanā hi kataṃ pāpaṃ, attanā saṃkilissati;
attanā akataṃ pāpaṃ, attanāva visujjhati;
suddhī asuddhi paccattaṃ, nāñño aññaṃ visodhaye.
166. Attadatthaṃ paratthena, bahunāpi na hāpaye;
attadatthamabhiññāya, sadatthapasuto siyā.
Attavaggo dvādasamo niṭṭhito.
13. Lokavaggo
167. Hīnaṃ dhammaṃ na seveyya, pamādena na saṃvase;
micchādiṭṭhiṃ na seveyya, na siyā lokavaḍḍhano.
168. Uttiṭṭhe nappamajjeyya, dhammaṃ sucaritaṃ care;
dhammacārī sukhaṃ seti, asmiṃ loke paramhi ca.
169. Dhammaṃ care sucaritaṃ, na naṃ duccaritaṃ care;
dhammacārī sukhaṃ seti, asmiṃ loke paramhi ca.
170. Yathā pubbuḷakaṃ passe, yathā passe marīcikaṃ;
evaṃ lokaṃ avekkhantaṃ, maccurājā na passati.
171. Etha passathimaṃ lokaṃ, cittaṃ rājarathūpamaṃ;
yattha bālā visīdanti, natthi saṅgo vijānataṃ.
172. Yo ca pubbe pamajjitvā, pacchā so nappamajjati;
somaṃ lokaṃ pabhāseti, abbhā muttova candimā.
173. Yassa pāpaṃ kataṃ kammaṃ, kusalena pidhīyati.
somaṃ lokaṃ pabhāseti, abbhā muttova candimā.
174. Andhabhūto ayaṃ loko, tanukettha vipassati;
sakuṇo jālamuttova, appo saggāya gacchati.
175. Haṃsādiccapathe yanti, ākāse yanti iddhiyā;
nīyanti dhīrā lokamhā, jetvā māraṃ savāhiniṃ.
176. Ekaṃ dhammaṃ atītassa, musāvādissa jantuno;
vitiṇṇaparalokassa, natthi pāpaṃ akāriyaṃ.
177. Na ve kadariyā devalokaṃ vajanti, bālā have nappasaṃsanti dānaṃ;
dhīro ca dānaṃ anumodamāno, teneva so hoti sukhī parattha.
178. Pathabyā ekarajjena, saggassa gamanena vā;
sabbalokādhipaccena, sotāpattiphalaṃ varaṃ.
Lokavaggo terasamo niṭṭhito.
14. Buddhavaggo
179. Yassa jitaṃ nāvajīyati, jitaṃ yassa no yāti koci loke.
taṃ buddhamanantagocaraṃ, apadaṃ kena padena nessatha.
180. Yassa jālinī visattikā, taṇhā natthi kuhiñci netave;
taṃ buddhamanantagocaraṃ, apadaṃ kena padena nessatha.
181. Ye jhānapasutā dhīrā, nekkhammūpasame ratā;
devāpi tesaṃ pihayanti, sambuddhānaṃ satīmataṃ.
182. Kiccho manussapaṭilābho, kicchaṃ maccāna jīvitaṃ;
kicchaṃ saddhammassavanaṃ, kiccho buddhānamuppādo.
183. Sabbapāpassa akaraṇaṃ, kusalassa upasampadā.
sacittapariyodapanaṃ, etaṃ buddhāna sāsanaṃ.
184. Khantī paramaṃ tapo titikkhā, nibbānaṃ paramaṃ vadanti buddhā.
na hi pabbajito parūpaghātī, na samaṇo hoti paraṃ viheṭhayanto.
185. Anūpavādo anūpaghāto, pātimokkhe ca saṃvaro;
mattaññutā ca bhattasmiṃ, pantañca sayanāsanaṃ;
adhicitte ca āyogo, etaṃ buddhāna sāsanaṃ.
186. Na kahāpaṇavassena, titti kāmesu vijjati;
appassādā dukhā kāmā, iti viññāya paṇḍito.
187. Api dibbesu kāmesu, ratiṃ so nādhigacchati;
taṇhakkhayarato hoti, sammāsambuddhasāvako.
188. Bahuṃ ve saraṇaṃ yanti, pabbatāni vanāni ca;
ārāmarukkhacetyāni, manussā bhayatajjitā.
189. Netaṃ kho saraṇaṃ khemaṃ, netaṃ saraṇamuttamaṃ;
netaṃ saraṇamāgamma, sabbadukkhā pamuccati.
190. Yo ca buddhañca dhammañca, saṅghañca saraṇaṃ gato;
cattāri ariyasaccāni, sammappaññāya passati.
191. Dukkhaṃ dukkhasamuppādaṃ, dukkhassa ca atikkamaṃ;
ariyaṃ caṭṭhaṅgikaṃ maggaṃ, dukkhūpasamagāminaṃ.
192. Etaṃ kho saraṇaṃ khemaṃ, etaṃ saraṇamuttamaṃ;
etaṃ saraṇamāgamma, sabbadukkhā pamuccati.
193. Dullabho purisājañño, na so sabbattha jāyati;
yattha so jāyati dhīro, taṃ kulaṃ sukhamedhati.
194. Sukho buddhānamuppādo, sukhā saddhammadesanā;
sukhā saṅghassa sāmaggī, samaggānaṃ tapo sukho.
195. Pūjārahe pūjayato, buddhe yadi va sāvake;
papañcasamatikkante, tiṇṇasokapariddave.
196. Te tādise pūjayato, nibbute akutobhaye;
na sakkā puññaṃ saṅkhātuṃ, imettamapi kenaci.
Buddhavaggo cuddasamo niṭṭhito.
15. Sukhavaggo
197. Susukhaṃ vata jīvāma, verinesu averino;
verinesu manussesu, viharāma averino.
198. Susukhaṃ vata jīvāma, āturesu anāturā;
āturesu manussesu, viharāma anāturā.
199. Susukhaṃ vata jīvāma, ussukesu anussukā;
ussukesu manassesu, viharāma anussukā.
200. Susukhaṃ vata jīvāma, yesaṃ no natthi kiñcanaṃ;
pītibhakkhā bhavissāma, devā ābhassarā yathā.
201. Jayaṃ veraṃ pasavati, dukkhaṃ seti parājito;
upasanto sukhaṃ seti, hitvā jayaparājayaṃ.
202. Natthi rāgasamo aggi, natthi dosasamo kali;
natthi khandhasamā dukkhā, natthi santiparaṃ sukhaṃ.
203. Jighacchāparamā rogā, saṅkhāraparamā dukhā.
etaṃ ñatvā yathābhūtaṃ, nibbānaṃ paramaṃ sukhaṃ.
204. Ārogyaparamā lābhā, santuṭṭhiparamaṃ dhanaṃ;
vissāsaparamā ñāti, nibbānaṃ paramaṃ sukhaṃ.
205. Pavivekarasaṃ pitvā, rasaṃ upasamassa ca;
niddaro hoti nippāpo, dhammapītirasaṃ pivaṃ.
206. Sāhu dassanamariyānaṃ, sannivāso sadā sukho;
adassanena bālānaṃ, niccameva sukhī siyā.
207. Bālasaṅgatacārī hi, dīghamaddhāna socati;
dukkho bālehi saṃvāso, amitteneva sabbadā;
dhīro ca sukhasaṃvāso, ñātīnaṃva samāgamo.
208. Tasmā hi–
dhīrañca paññañca bahussutañca, dhorayhasīlaṃ vatavantamariyaṃ;
taṃ tādisaṃ sappurisaṃ sumedhaṃ, bhajetha nakkhattapathaṃva candimā.
Sukhavaggo pannarasamo niṭṭhito.
16. Piyavaggo
209. Ayoge yuñjamattānaṃ, yogasmiñca ayojayaṃ;
atthaṃ hitvā piyaggāhī, pihetattānuyoginaṃ.
210. Mā piyehi samāgañchi, appiyehi kudācanaṃ;
piyānaṃ adassanaṃ dukkhaṃ, appiyānañca dassanaṃ.
211. Tasmā piyaṃ na kayirātha, piyāpāyo hi pāpako;
ganthā tesaṃ na vijjanti, yesaṃ natthi piyāppiyaṃ.
212. Piyato jāyatī soko, piyato jāyatī bhayaṃ;
piyato vippamuttassa, natthi soko kuto bhayaṃ.
213. Pemato jāyatī soko, pemato jāyatī bhayaṃ;
pemato vippamuttassa, natthi soko kuto bhayaṃ.
214. Ratiyā jāyatī soko, ratiyā jāyatī bhayaṃ;
ratiyā vippamuttassa, natthi soko kuto bhayaṃ.
215. Kāmato jāyatī soko, kāmato jāyatī bhayaṃ;
kāmato vippamuttassa, natthi soko kuto bhayaṃ.
216. Taṇhāya jāyatī soko, taṇhāya jāyatī bhayaṃ;
taṇhāya vippamuttassa, natthi soko kuto bhayaṃ.
217. Sīladassanasampannaṃ, dhammaṭṭhaṃ saccavedinaṃ;
attano kamma kubbānaṃ, taṃ jano kurute piyaṃ.
218. Chandajāto anakkhāte, manasā ca phuṭo siyā;
kāmesu ca appaṭibaddhacitto, uddhaṃsototi vuccati.
219. Cirappavāsiṃ purisaṃ, dūrato sotthimāgataṃ;
ñātimittā suhajjā ca, abhinandanti āgataṃ.
220. Tatheva katapuññampi, asmā lokā paraṃ gataṃ;
puññāni paṭigaṇhanti, piyaṃ ñātīva āgataṃ.
Piyavaggo soḷasamo niṭṭhito.
17. Kodhavaggo
221. Kodhaṃ jahe vippajaheyya mānaṃ, saṃyojanaṃ sabbamatikkameyya;
taṃ nāmarūpasmimasajjamānaṃ, akiñcanaṃ nānupatanti dukkhā.
222. Yo ve uppatitaṃ kodhaṃ, rathaṃ bhantaṃva vāraye.
tamahaṃ sārathiṃ brūmi, rasmiggāho itaro jano.
223. Akkodhena jine kodhaṃ, asādhuṃ sādhunā jine;
jine kadariyaṃ dānena, saccenālikavādinaṃ.
224. Saccaṃ bhaṇe na kujjheyya, dajjā appampi yācito.
etehi tīhi ṭhānehi, gacche devāna santike.
225. Ahiṃsakā ye munayo, niccaṃ kāyena saṃvutā.
te yanti accutaṃ ṭhānaṃ, yattha gantvā na socare.
226. Sadā jāgaramānānaṃ, ahorattānusikkhinaṃ;
nibbānaṃ adhimuttānaṃ, atthaṃ gacchanti āsavā.
227. Porāṇametaṃ atula, netaṃ ajjatanāmiva;
nindanti tuṇhimāsīnaṃ, nindanti bahubhāṇinaṃ;
mitabhāṇimpi nindanti, natthi loke anindito.
228. Na cāhu na ca bhavissati, na cetarahi vijjati;
ekantaṃ nindito poso, ekantaṃ vā pasaṃsito.
229. Yaṃ ce viññū pasaṃsanti, anuvicca suve suve;
acchiddavuttiṃ medhāviṃ, paññāsīlasamāhitaṃ.
230. Nikkhaṃ jambonadasseva, ko taṃ ninditumarahati;
devāpi naṃ pasaṃsanti, brahmunāpi pasaṃsito.
231. Kāyappakopaṃ rakkheyya, kāyena saṃvuto siyā;
kāyaduccaritaṃ hitvā, kāyena sucaritaṃ care.
232. Vacīpakopaṃ rakkheyya, vācāya saṃvuto siyā;
vacīduccaritaṃ hitvā, vācāya sucaritaṃ care.
233. Manopakopaṃ rakkheyya, manasā saṃvuto siyā;
manoduccaritaṃ hitvā, manasā sucaritaṃ care.
234. Kāyena saṃvutā dhīrā, atho vācāya saṃvutā;
manasā saṃvutā dhīrā, te ve suparisaṃvutā.
Kodhavaggo sattarasamo niṭṭhito.
18. Malavaggo
235. Paṇḍupalāsova dānisi, yamapurisāpi ca te upaṭṭhitā.
uyyogamukhe ca tiṭṭhasi, pātheyyampi ca te na vijjati.
So karohi dīpamattano, khippaṃ vāyama paṇḍito bhava;
niddhantamalo anaṅgaṇo, dibbaṃ ariyabhūmiṃ upehisi.
237. Upanītavayo ca dānisi, sampayātosi yamassa santike;
vāso te natthi antarā, pātheyyampi ca te na vijjati.
238. So karohi dīpamattano, khippaṃ vāyama paṇḍito bhava;
niddhantamalo anaṅgaṇo, na punaṃ jātijaraṃ upehisi.
239. Anupubbena medhāvī, thokaṃ thokaṃ khaṇe khaṇe;
kammāro rajatasseva, niddhame malamattano.
240. Ayasāva malaṃ samuṭṭhitaṃ, tatuṭṭhāya tameva khādati.
evaṃ atidhonacārinaṃ, sāni kammāni nayanti duggatiṃ.
241. Asajjhāyamalā mantā, anuṭṭhānamalā gharā;
malaṃ vaṇṇassa kosajjaṃ, pamādo rakkhato malaṃ.
242. Malitthiyā duccaritaṃ, maccheraṃ dadato malaṃ;
malā ve pāpakā dhammā, asmiṃ loke paramhi ca.
243. Tato malā malataraṃ, avijjā paramaṃ malaṃ;
etaṃ malaṃ pahantvāna, nimmalā hotha bhikkhavo.
244. Sujīvaṃ ahirikena, kākasūrena dhaṃsinā;
pakkhandinā pagabbhena, saṃkiliṭṭhena jīvitaṃ.
245. Hirīmatā ca dujjīvaṃ, niccaṃ sucigavesinā;
alīnenāppagabbhena, suddhājīvena passatā.
246. Yo pāṇamatipāteti, musāvādañca bhāsati;
loke adinnamādiyati, paradārañca gacchati.
247. Surāmerayapānañca, yo naro anuyuñjati;
idhevameso lokasmiṃ, mūlaṃ khaṇati attano.
248. Evaṃ bho purisa jānāhi, pāpadhammā asaññatā;
mā taṃ lobho adhammo ca, ciraṃ dukkhāya randhayuṃ.
249. Dadāti ve yathāsaddhaṃ, yathāpasādanaṃ jano;
tattha yo maṅku bhavati, paresaṃ pānabhojane.
na so divā vā rattiṃ vā, samādhimadhigacchati.
250. Yassa cetaṃ samucchinnaṃ, mūlaghaccaṃ samūhataṃ.
sa ve divā vā rattiṃ vā, samādhimadhigacchati.
251. Natthi rāgasamo aggi, natthi dosasamo gaho;
natthi mohasamaṃ jālaṃ, natthi taṇhāsamā nadī.
252. Sudassaṃ vajjamaññesaṃ, attano pana duddasaṃ;
paresaṃ hi so vajjāni, opunāti yathā bhusaṃ.
attano pana chādeti, kaliṃva kitavā saṭho.
253. Paravajjānupassissa, niccaṃ ujjhānasaññino;
āsavā tassa vaḍḍhanti, ārā so āsavakkhayā.
254. Ākāseva padaṃ natthi, samaṇo natthi bāhire;
papañcābhiratā pajā, nippapañcā tathāgatā.
255. Ākāseva padaṃ natthi, samaṇo natthi bāhire;
saṅkhārā sassatā natthi, natthi buddhānamiñjitaṃ.
Malavaggo aṭṭhārasamo niṭṭhito.
19. Dhammaṭṭhavaggo
256. Na tena hoti dhammaṭṭho, yenatthaṃ sāhasā naye.
yo ca atthaṃ anatthañca, ubho niccheyya paṇḍito.
257. Asāhasena dhammena, samena nayatī pare;
dhammassa gutto medhāvī, “dhammaṭṭho”ti pavuccati.
258. Na tena paṇḍito hoti, yāvatā bahu bhāsati;
khemī averī abhayo, “paṇḍito”ti pavuccati.
259. Na tāvatā dhammadharo, yāvatā bahu bhāsati;
yo ca appampi sutvāna, dhammaṃ kāyena passati;
sa ve dhammadharo hoti, yo dhammaṃ nappamajjati.
260. Na tena thero so hoti, yenassa palitaṃ siro;
paripakko vayo tassa, “moghajiṇṇo”ti vuccati.
261. Yamhi saccañca dhammo ca, ahiṃsā saṃyamo damo;
sa ve vantamalo dhīro, “thero” iti pavuccati.
262. Na vākkaraṇamattena, vaṇṇapokkharatāya vā;
sādhurūpo naro hoti, issukī maccharī saṭho.
263. Yassa cetaṃ samucchinnaṃ, mūlaghaccaṃ samūhataṃ;
sa vantadoso medhāvī, “sādhurūpo”ti vuccati.
264. Na muṇḍakena samaṇo, abbato alikaṃ bhaṇaṃ;
icchālobhasamāpanno, samaṇo kiṃ bhavissati.
265. Yo ca sameti pāpāni, aṇuṃ thūlāni sabbaso;
samitattā hi pāpānaṃ, “samaṇo”ti pavuccati.
266. Na tena bhikkhu so hoti, yāvatā bhikkhate pare;
vissaṃ dhammaṃ samādāya, bhikkhu hoti na tāvatā.
267. Yodha puññañca pāpañca, bāhetvā brahmacariyavā;
saṅkhāya loke carati, sa ve “bhikkhū”ti vuccati.
268. Na monena munī hoti, mūḷharūpo aviddasu;
yo ca tulaṃva paggayha, varamādāya paṇḍito.
269. Pāpāni parivajjeti, sa munī tena so muni;
yo munāti ubho loke, “muni” tena pavuccati.
270. Na tena ariyo hoti, yena pāṇāni hiṃsati;
ahiṃsā sabbapāṇānaṃ, “ariyo”ti pavuccati.
271. Na sīlabbatamattena, bāhusaccena vā pana;
atha vā samādhilābhena, vivittasayanena vā.
272. Phusāmi nekkhammasukhaṃ, aputhujjanasevitaṃ;
bhikkhu vissāsamāpādi, appatto āsavakkhayaṃ.
Dhammaṭṭhavaggo ekūnavīsatimo niṭṭhito.
20. Maggavaggo
273. Maggānaṭṭhaṅgiko seṭṭho, saccānaṃ caturo padā;
virāgo seṭṭho dhammānaṃ, dvipadānañca cakkhumā.
274. Eseva maggo natthañño, dassanassa visuddhiyā;
etañhi tumhe paṭipajjatha, mārassetaṃ pamohanaṃ.
275. Etañhi tumhe paṭipannā, dukkhassantaṃ karissatha;
akkhāto vo mayā maggo, aññāya sallakantanaṃ.
276. Tumhehi kiccamātappaṃ, akkhātāro tathāgatā;
paṭipannā pamokkhanti, jhāyino mārabandhanā.
277. “Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā”ti, yadā paññāya passati;
atha nibbindati dukkhe, esa maggo visuddhiyā.
278. “Sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā”ti, yadā paññāya passati;
atha nibbindati dukkhe, esa maggo visuddhiyā.
279. “Sabbe dhammā anattā”ti, yadā paññāya passati;
atha nibbindati dukkhe, esa maggo visuddhiyā.
280. Uṭṭhānakālamhi anuṭṭhahāno, yuvā balī ālasiyaṃ upeto;
saṃsannasaṅkappamano kusīto, paññāya maggaṃ alaso na vindati.
281. Vācānurakkhī manasā susaṃvuto, kāyena ca nākusalaṃ kayirā.
ete tayo kammapathe visodhaye, ārādhaye maggamisippaveditaṃ.
282. Yogā ve jāyatī bhūri, ayogā bhūrisaṅkhayo;
etaṃ dvedhāpathaṃ ñatvā, bhavāya vibhavāya ca;
tathāttānaṃ niveseyya, yathā bhūri pavaḍḍhati.
283. Vanaṃ chindatha mā rukkhaṃ, vanato jāyate bhayaṃ;
chetvā vanañca vanathañca, nibbanā hotha bhikkhavo.
284. Yāva hi vanatho na chijjati, aṇumattopi narassa nārisu;
paṭibaddhamanova tāva so, vaccho khīrapakova mātari.
285. Ucchinda sinehamattano kumudaṃ sāradikaṃva;
santimaggameva brūhaya, nibbānaṃ sugatena desitaṃ.
286. Idha vassaṃ vasissāmi, idha hemantagimhisu;
iti bālo vicinteti, antarāyaṃ na bujjhati.
287. Taṃ puttapasusammattaṃ, byāsattamanasaṃ naraṃ;
suttaṃ gāmaṃ mahoghova, maccu ādāya gacchati.
288. Na santi puttā tāṇāya, na pitā nāpi bandhavā;
antakenādhipannassa, natthi ñātīsu tāṇatā.
289. Etamatthavasaṃ ñatvā, paṇḍito sīlasaṃvuto;
nibbānagamanaṃ maggaṃ, khippameva visodhaye.
Maggavaggo vīsatimo niṭṭhito.
21. Pakiṇṇakavaggo
290. Mattāsukhapariccāgā, passe ce vipulaṃ sukhaṃ;
caje mattāsukhaṃ dhīro, sampassaṃ vipulaṃ sukhaṃ.
291. Paradukkhūpadhānena, attano sukhamicchati;
verasaṃsaggasaṃsaṭṭho, verā so na parimuccati.
292. Yañhi kiccaṃ apaviddhaṃ, akiccaṃ pana kayirati;
unnaḷānaṃ pamattānaṃ, tesaṃ vaḍḍhanti āsavā.
293. Yesañca susamāraddhā, niccaṃ kāyagatā sati;
akiccaṃ te na sevanti, kicce sātaccakārino;
satānaṃ sampajānānaṃ, atthaṃ gacchanti āsavā.
294. Mātaraṃ pitaraṃ hantvā, rājāno dve ca khattiye;
raṭṭhaṃ sānucaraṃ hantvā, anīgho yāti brāhmaṇo.
295. Mātaraṃ pitaraṃ hantvā, rājāno dve ca sotthiye;
veyagghapañcamaṃ hantvā, anīgho yāti brāhmaṇo.
296. Suppabuddhaṃ pabujjhanti, sadā gotamasāvakā;
yesaṃ divā ca ratto ca, niccaṃ buddhagatā sati.
297. Suppabuddhaṃ pabujjhanti, sadā gotamasāvakā;
yesaṃ divā ca ratto ca, niccaṃ dhammagatā sati.
298. Suppabuddhaṃ pabujjhanti, sadā gotamasāvakā;
yesaṃ divā ca ratto ca, niccaṃ saṅghagatā sati.
299. Suppabuddhaṃ pabujjhanti, sadā gotamasāvakā;
yesaṃ divā ca ratto ca, niccaṃ kāyagatā sati.
300. Suppabuddhaṃ pabujjhanti, sadā gotamasāvakā;
yesaṃ divā ca ratto ca, ahiṃsāya rato mano.
301. Suppabuddhaṃ pabujjhanti, sadā gotamasāvakā;
yesaṃ divā ca ratto ca, bhāvanāya rato mano.
302. Duppabbajjaṃ durabhiramaṃ, durāvāsā gharā dukhā;
dukkhosamānasaṃvāso, dukkhānupatitaddhagū;
tasmā na caddhagū siyā, na ca dukkhānupatito siyā.
303. Saddho sīlena sampanno, yasobhogasamappito;
yaṃ yaṃ padesaṃ bhajati, tattha tattheva pūjito.
304. Dūre santo pakāsenti, himavantova pabbato;
asantettha na dissanti, rattiṃ khittā yathā sarā.
305. Ekāsanaṃ ekaseyyaṃ, eko caramatandito;
eko damayamattānaṃ, vanante ramito siyā.
Pakiṇṇakavaggo ekavīsatimo niṭṭhito.
22. Nirayavaggo
306. Abhūtavādī nirayaṃ upeti, yo vāpi katvā na karomi cāha.
ubhopi te pecca samā bhavanti, nihīnakammā manujā parattha.
307. Kāsāvakaṇṭhā bahavo, pāpadhammā asaññatā;
pāpā pāpehi kammehi, nirayaṃ te upapajjare.
308. Seyyo ayoguḷo bhutto, tatto aggisikhūpamo;
yañce bhuñjeyya dussīlo, raṭṭhapiṇḍamasaññato.
309. Cattāri ṭhānāni naro pamatto, āpajjati paradārūpasevī;
apuññalābhaṃ na nikāmaseyyaṃ, nindaṃ tatīyaṃ nirayaṃ catutthaṃ.
310. Apuññalābho ca gatī ca pāpikā, bhītassa bhītāya ratī ca thokikā;
rājā ca daṇḍaṃ garukaṃ paṇeti, tasmā naro paradāraṃ na seve.
311. Kuso yathā duggahito, hatthamevānukantati;
sāmaññaṃ dupparāmaṭṭhaṃ, nirayāyupakaḍḍhati.
312. Yaṃ kiñci sithilaṃ kammaṃ, saṃkiliṭṭhañca yaṃ vataṃ;
saṅkassaraṃ brahmacariyaṃ, na taṃ hoti mahapphalaṃ.
313. Kayirā ce kayirāthenaṃ, daḷhamenaṃ parakkame;
sithilo hi paribbājo, bhiyyo ākirate rajaṃ.
314. Akataṃ dukkaṭaṃ seyyo, pacchā tappati dukkaṭaṃ;
katañca sukataṃ seyyo, yaṃ katvā nānutappati.
315. Nagaraṃ yathā paccantaṃ, guttaṃ santarabāhiraṃ;
evaṃ gopetha attānaṃ, khaṇo vo mā upaccagā.
khaṇātītā hi socanti, nirayamhi samappitā.
316. Alajjitāye lajjanti, lajjitāye na lajjare;
micchādiṭṭhisamādānā, sattā gacchanti duggatiṃ.
317. Abhaye bhayadassino, bhaye cābhayadassino;
micchādiṭṭhisamādānā, sattā gacchanti duggatiṃ.
318. Avajje vajjamatino, vajje cāvajjadassino;
micchādiṭṭhisamādānā, sattā gacchanti duggatiṃ.
319. Vajjañca vajjato ñatvā, avajjañca avajjato;
sammādiṭṭhisamādānā, sattā gacchanti suggatiṃ.
Nirayavaggo dvāvīsatimo niṭṭhito.
23. Nāgavaggo
320. Ahaṃ nāgova saṅgāme, cāpato patitaṃ saraṃ;
ativākyaṃ titikkhissaṃ, dussīlo hi bahujjano.
321. Dantaṃ nayanti samitiṃ, dantaṃ rājābhirūhati;
danto seṭṭho manussesu, yotivākyaṃ titikkhati.
322. Varamassatarā dantā, ājānīyā ca sindhavā;
kuñjarā ca mahānāgā, attadanto tato varaṃ.
323. Na hi etehi yānehi, gaccheyya agataṃ disaṃ;
yathāttanā sudantena, danto dantena gacchati.
324. Dhanapālo nāma kuñjaro, kaṭukabhedano dunnivārayo.
baddho kabaḷaṃ na bhuñjati, sumarati nāgavanassa kuñjaro.
325. Middhī yadā hoti mahagghaso ca, niddāyitā samparivattasāyī;
mahāvarāhova nivāpapuṭṭho, punappunaṃ gabbhamupeti mando.
326. Idaṃ pure cittamacāri cārikaṃ, yenicchakaṃ yatthakāmaṃ yathāsukhaṃ;
tadajjahaṃ niggahessāmi yoniso, hatthippabhinnaṃ viya aṅkusaggaho.
327. Appamādaratā hotha, sacittamanurakkhatha;
duggā uddharathattānaṃ, paṅke sannova kuñjaro.
328. Sace labhetha nipakaṃ sahāyaṃ, saddhiṃ caraṃ sādhuvihāridhīraṃ;
abhibhuyya sabbāni parissayāni, careyya tenattamano satīmā.
329. No ce labhetha nipakaṃ sahāyaṃ, saddhiṃ caraṃ sādhuvihāridhīraṃ;
rājāva raṭṭhaṃ vijitaṃ pahāya, eko care mātaṅgaraññeva nāgo.
330. Ekassa caritaṃ seyyo, natthi bāle sahāyatā;
eko care na ca pāpāni kayirā, appossukko mātaṅgaraññeva nāgo.
331. Atthamhi jātamhi sukhā sahāyā, tuṭṭhī sukhā yā itarītarena;
puññaṃ sukhaṃ jīvitasaṅkhayamhi, sabbassa dukkhassa sukhaṃ pahānaṃ.
332. Sukhā matteyyatā loke, atho petteyyatā sukhā;
sukhā sāmaññatā loke, atho brahmaññatā sukhā.
333. Sukhaṃ yāva jarā sīlaṃ, sukhā saddhā patiṭṭhitā;
sukho paññāya paṭilābho, pāpānaṃ akaraṇaṃ sukhaṃ.
Nāgavaggo tevīsatimo niṭṭhito.
24. Taṇhāvaggo
334. Manujassa pamattacārino, taṇhā vaḍḍhati māluvā viya;
so plavatī hurā huraṃ, phalamicchaṃva vanasmi vānaro.
335. Yaṃ esā sahate jammī, taṇhā loke visattikā;
sokā tassa pavaḍḍhanti, abhivaṭṭhaṃva bīraṇaṃ.
336. Yo cetaṃ sahate jammiṃ, taṇhaṃ loke duraccayaṃ;
sokā tamhā papatanti, udabinduva pokkharā.
337. Taṃ vo vadāmi bhaddaṃ vo, yāvantettha samāgatā;
taṇhāya mūlaṃ khaṇatha, usīratthova bīraṇaṃ;
mā vo naḷaṃva sotova, māro bhañji punappunaṃ.
338. Yathāpi mūle anupaddave daḷhe, chinnopi rukkho punareva rūhati;
evampi taṇhānusaye anūhate, nibbattatī dukkhamidaṃ punappunaṃ.
339. Yassa chattiṃsati sotā, manāpasavanā bhusā;
māhā vahanti duddiṭṭhiṃ, saṅkappā rāganissitā.
340. Savanti sabbadhi sotā, latā uppajja tiṭṭhati.
tañca disvā lataṃ jātaṃ, mūlaṃ paññāya chindatha.
341. Saritāni sinehitāni ca, somanassāni bhavanti jantuno;
te sātasitā sukhesino, te ve jātijarūpagā narā.
342. Tasiṇāya purakkhatā pajā, parisappanti sasova bandhito.
saṃyojanasaṅgasattakā, dukkhamupenti punappunaṃ cirāya.
343. Tasiṇāya purakkhatā pajā, parisappanti sasova bandhito;
tasmā tasiṇaṃ vinodaye, ākaṅkhanta virāgamattano.
344. Yo nibbanatho vanādhimutto, vanamutto vanameva dhāvati;
taṃ puggalametha passatha, mutto bandhanameva dhāvati.
345. Na taṃ daḷhaṃ bandhanamāhu dhīrā, yadāyasaṃ dārujapabbajañca.
sārattarattā maṇikuṇḍalesu, puttesu dāresu ca yā apekkhā.
346. Etaṃ daḷhaṃ bandhanamāhu dhīrā, ohārinaṃ sithilaṃ duppamuñcaṃ;
etampi chetvāna paribbajanti, anapekkhino kāmasukhaṃ pahāya.
347. Ye rāgarattānupatanti sotaṃ, sayaṃkataṃ makkaṭakova jālaṃ;
etampi chetvāna vajanti dhīrā, anapekkhino sabbadukkhaṃ pahāya.
348. Muñca pure muñca pacchato, majjhe muñca bhavassa pāragū;
sabbattha vimuttamānaso, na punaṃ jātijaraṃ upehisi.
349. Vitakkamathitassa jantuno, tibbarāgassa subhānupassino;
bhiyyo taṇhā pavaḍḍhati, esa kho daḷhaṃ karoti bandhanaṃ.
350. Vitakkūpasame ca yo rato, asubhaṃ bhāvayate sadā sato.
esa kho byanti kāhiti, esa checchati mārabandhanaṃ.
351. Niṭṭhaṅgato asantāsī, vītataṇho anaṅgaṇo;
acchindi bhavasallāni, antimoyaṃ samussayo.
352. Vītataṇho anādāno, niruttipadakovido;
akkharānaṃ sannipātaṃ, jaññā pubbāparāni ca;
sa ve “antimasārīro, mahāpañño mahāpuriso”ti vuccati.
353. Sabbābhibhū sabbavidūhamasmi, sabbesu dhammesu anūpalitto;
sabbañjaho taṇhakkhaye vimutto, sayaṃ abhiññāya kamuddiseyyaṃ.
354. Sabbadānaṃ dhammadānaṃ jināti, sabbarasaṃ dhammaraso jināti;
sabbaratiṃ dhammarati jināti, taṇhakkhayo sabbadukkhaṃ jināti.
355. Hananti bhogā dummedhaṃ, no ca pāragavesino;
bhogataṇhāya dummedho, hanti aññeva attanaṃ.
356. Tiṇadosāni khettāni, rāgadosā ayaṃ pajā;
tasmā hi vītarāgesu, dinnaṃ hoti mahapphalaṃ.
357. Tiṇadosāni khettāni, dosadosā ayaṃ pajā;
tasmā hi vītadosesu, dinnaṃ hoti mahapphalaṃ.
358. Tiṇadosāni khettāni, mohadosā ayaṃ pajā;
tasmā hi vītamohesu, dinnaṃ hoti mahapphalaṃ.
359. Tiṇadosāni khettāni, icchādosā ayaṃ pajā;
tasmā hi vigaticchesu, dinnaṃ hoti mahapphalaṃ.)
tiṇadosāni khettāni, taṇhādosā ayaṃ pajā;
tasmā hi vītataṇhesu, dinnaṃ hoti mahapphalaṃ.
Taṇhāvaggo catuvīsatimo niṭṭhito.
25. Bhikkhuvaggo
360. Cakkhunā saṃvaro sādhu, sādhu sotena saṃvaro;
ghānena saṃvaro sādhu, sādhu jivhāya saṃvaro.
361. Kāyena saṃvaro sādhu, sādhu vācāya saṃvaro;
manasā saṃvaro sādhu, sādhu sabbattha saṃvaro;
sabbattha saṃvuto bhikkhu, sabbadukkhā pamuccati.
362. Hatthasaṃyato pādasaṃyato, vācāsaṃyato saṃyatuttamo;
ajjhattarato samāhito, eko santusito tamāhu bhikkhuṃ.
363. Yo mukhasaṃyato bhikkhu, mantabhāṇī anuddhato;
atthaṃ dhammañca dīpeti, madhuraṃ tassa bhāsitaṃ.
364. Dhammārāmo dhammarato, dhammaṃ anuvicintayaṃ;
dhammaṃ anussaraṃ bhikkhu, saddhammā na parihāyati.
365. Salābhaṃ nātimaññeyya, nāññesaṃ pihayaṃ care;
aññesaṃ pihayaṃ bhikkhu, samādhiṃ nādhigacchati.
366. Appalābhopi ce bhikkhu, salābhaṃ nātimaññati;
taṃ ve devā pasaṃsanti, suddhājīviṃ atanditaṃ.
367. Sabbaso nāmarūpasmiṃ, yassa natthi mamāyitaṃ;
asatā ca na socati, sa ve “bhikkhū”ti vuccati.
368. Mettāvihārī yo bhikkhu, pasanno buddhasāsane;
adhigacche padaṃ santaṃ, saṅkhārūpasamaṃ sukhaṃ.
369. Siñca bhikkhu imaṃ nāvaṃ, sittā te lahumessati;
chetvā rāgañca dosañca, tato nibbānamehisi.
370. Pañca chinde pañca jahe, pañca cuttari bhāvaye;
pañca saṅgātigo bhikkhu, “oghatiṇṇo”ti vuccati.
371. Jhāya bhikkhu mā pamādo, mā te kāmaguṇe ramessu cittaṃ.
mā lohaguḷaṃ gilī pamatto, mā kandi “dukkhamidan”ti ḍayhamāno.
372. Natthi jhānaṃ apaññassa, paññā natthi ajhāyato.
yamhi jhānañca paññā ca, sa ve nibbānasantike.
373. Suññāgāraṃ paviṭṭhassa, santacittassa bhikkhuno;
amānusī rati hoti, sammā dhammaṃ vipassato.
374. Yato yato sammasati, khandhānaṃ udayabbayaṃ;
labhatī pītipāmojjaṃ, amataṃ taṃ vijānataṃ.
375. Tatrāyamādi bhavati, idha paññassa bhikkhuno;
indriyagutti santuṭṭhi, pātimokkhe ca saṃvaro.
376. Mitte bhajassu kalyāṇe, suddhājīve atandite;
paṭisanthāravutyassa, ācārakusalo siyā.
tato pāmojjabahulo, dukkhassantaṃ karissati.
377. Vassikā viya pupphāni, maddavāni pamuñcati.
evaṃ rāgañca dosañca, vippamuñcetha bhikkhavo.
378. Santakāyo santavāco, santavā susamāhito.
vantalokāmiso bhikkhu, “upasanto”ti vuccati.
379. Attanā codayattānaṃ, paṭimaṃsetha attanā.
so attagutto satimā, sukhaṃ bhikkhu vihāhisi.
380. Attā hi attano nātho, (ko hi nātho paro siyā)
attā hi attano gati;
tasmā saṃyamamattānaṃ, assaṃ bhadraṃva vāṇijo.
381. Pāmojjabahulo bhikkhu, pasanno buddhasāsane;
adhigacche padaṃ santaṃ, saṅkhārūpasamaṃ sukhaṃ.
382. Yo have daharo bhikkhu, yuñjati buddhasāsane;
somaṃ lokaṃ pabhāseti, abbhā muttova candimā.
Bhikkhuvaggo pañcavīsatimo niṭṭhito.
26. Brāhmaṇavaggo
383. Chinda sotaṃ parakkamma, kāme panuda brāhmaṇa;
saṅkhārānaṃ khayaṃ ñatvā, akataññūsi brāhmaṇa.
384. Yadā dvayesu dhammesu, pāragū hoti brāhmaṇo;
athassa sabbe saṃyogā, atthaṃ gacchanti jānato.
385. Yassa pāraṃ apāraṃ vā, pārāpāraṃ na vijjati;
vītaddaraṃ visaṃyuttaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
386. Jhāyiṃ virajamāsīnaṃ, katakiccamanāsavaṃ;
uttamatthamanuppattaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
387. Divā tapati ādicco, rattimābhāti candimā;
sannaddho khattiyo tapati, jhāyī tapati brāhmaṇo;
atha sabbamahorattiṃ, buddho tapati tejasā.
388. Bāhitapāpoti brāhmaṇo, samacariyā samaṇoti vuccati;
pabbājayamattano malaṃ, tasmā “pabbajito”ti vuccati.
389. Na brāhmaṇassa pahareyya, nāssa muñcetha brāhmaṇo;
dhī brāhmaṇassa hantāraṃ, tato dhī yassa muñcati.
390. Na brāhmaṇassetadakiñci seyyo, yadā nisedho manaso piyehi;
yato yato hiṃsamano nivattati, tato tato sammatimeva dukkhaṃ.
391. Yassa kāyena vācāya, manasā natthi dukkaṭaṃ;
saṃvutaṃ tīhi ṭhānehi, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
392. Yamhā dhammaṃ vijāneyya, sammāsambuddhadesitaṃ;
sakkaccaṃ taṃ namasseyya, aggihuttaṃva brāhmaṇo.
393. Na jaṭāhi na gottena, na jaccā hoti brāhmaṇo;
yamhi saccañca dhammo ca, so sucī so ca brāhmaṇo.
394. Kiṃ te jaṭāhi dummedha, kiṃ te ajinasāṭiyā;
abbhantaraṃ te gahanaṃ, bāhiraṃ parimajjasi.
395. Paṃsukūladharaṃ jantuṃ, kisaṃ dhamanisanthataṃ;
ekaṃ vanasmiṃ jhāyantaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
396. Na cāhaṃ brāhmaṇaṃ brūmi, yonijaṃ mattisambhavaṃ;
bhovādi nāma so hoti, sace hoti sakiñcano;
akiñcanaṃ anādānaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
397. Sabbasaṃyojanaṃ chetvā, yo ve na paritassati;
saṅgātigaṃ visaṃyuttaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
398. Chetvā naddhiṃ varattañca, sandānaṃ sahanukkamaṃ.
ukkhittapalighaṃ buddhaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
399. Akkosaṃ vadhabandhañca, aduṭṭho yo titikkhati;
khantībalaṃ balānīkaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
400. Akkodhanaṃ vatavantaṃ, sīlavantaṃ anussadaṃ;
dantaṃ antimasārīraṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
401. Vāri pokkharapatteva, āraggeriva sāsapo;
yo na limpati kāmesu, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
402. Yo dukkhassa pajānāti, idheva khayamattano;
pannabhāraṃ visaṃyuttaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
403. Gambhīrapaññaṃ medhāviṃ, maggāmaggassa kovidaṃ;
uttamatthamanuppattaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
404. Asaṃsaṭṭhaṃ gahaṭṭhehi, anāgārehi cūbhayaṃ;
anokasārimappicchaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
405. Nidhāya daṇḍaṃ bhūtesu, tasesu thāvaresu ca;
yo na hanti na ghāteti, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
406. Aviruddhaṃ viruddhesu, attadaṇḍesu nibbutaṃ;
sādānesu anādānaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
407. Yassa rāgo ca doso ca, māno makkho ca pātito;
sāsaporiva āraggā, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
408. Akakkasaṃ viññāpaniṃ, giraṃ saccamudīraye;
yāya nābhisaje kañci, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
409. Yodha dīghaṃ va rassaṃ vā, aṇuṃ thūlaṃ subhāsubhaṃ;
loke adinnaṃ nādiyati, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
410. Āsā yassa na vijjanti, asmiṃ loke paramhi ca;
nirāsāsaṃ visaṃyuttaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
411. Yassālayā na vijjanti, aññāya akathaṃkathī;
amatogadhamanuppattaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
412. Yodha puññañca pāpañca, ubho saṅgamupaccagā;
asokaṃ virajaṃ suddhaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
413. Candaṃva vimalaṃ suddhaṃ, vippasannamanāvilaṃ;
nandībhavaparikkhīṇaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
414. Yomaṃ palipathaṃ duggaṃ, saṃsāraṃ mohamaccagā.
tiṇṇo pāragato jhāyī, anejo akathaṃkathī.
anupādāya nibbuto, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
415. Yodha kāme pahantvāna, anāgāro paribbaje;
kāmabhavaparikkhīṇaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
416. Yodha taṇhaṃ pahantvāna, anāgāro paribbaje;
taṇhābhavaparikkhīṇaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
417. Hitvā mānusakaṃ yogaṃ, dibbaṃ yogaṃ upaccagā;
sabbayogavisaṃyuttaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
418. Hitvā ratiñca aratiñca, sītibhūtaṃ nirūpadhiṃ;
sabbalokābhibhuṃ vīraṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
419. Cutiṃ yo vedi sattānaṃ, upapattiñca sabbaso;
asattaṃ sugataṃ buddhaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
420. Yassa gatiṃ na jānanti, devā gandhabbamānusā;
khīṇāsavaṃ arahantaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
421. Yassa pure ca pacchā ca, majjhe ca natthi kiñcanaṃ;
akiñcanaṃ anādānaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
422. Usabhaṃ pavaraṃ vīraṃ, mahesiṃ vijitāvinaṃ;
anejaṃ nhātakaṃ buddhaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
423. Pubbenivāsaṃ yo vedi, saggāpāyañca passati,
atho jātikkhayaṃ patto, abhiññāvosito muni;
sabbavositavosānaṃ, tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ.
Brāhmaṇavaggo chabbīsatimo niṭṭhito.
(ettāvatā sabbapaṭhame yamakavagge cuddasa vatthūni, appamādavagge nava, cittavagge nava, pupphavagge dvādasa, bālavagge pannarasa, paṇḍitavagge ekādasa, arahantavagge dasa, sahassa-vagge cuddasa, pāpavagge dvādasa, daṇḍavagge ekādasa, jarāvagge nava, attavagge dasa, loka-vagge ekādasa, buddhavagge nava , sukhavagge aṭṭha, piyavagge nava, kodhavagge aṭṭha, mala-vagge dvādasa, dhammaṭṭhavagge dasa, maggavagge dvādasa, pakiṇṇakavagge nava, nirayavagge nava, nāgavagge aṭṭha, taṇhāvagge dvādasa, bhikkhuvagge dvādasa, brāhmaṇavagge cattālīsāti pañcādhikāni tīṇi vatthusatāni.
satevīsacatussatā, catusaccavibhāvinā;
satattayañca vatthūnaṃ, pañcādhikaṃ samuṭṭhitāti).
Dhammapade vaggānamuddānaṃ–
yamakappamādo cittaṃ, pupphaṃ bālena paṇḍito;
arahanto sahassañca, pāpaṃ daṇḍena te dasa.
Jarā attā ca loko ca, buddho sukhaṃ piyena ca;
kodho malañca dhammaṭṭho, maggavaggena vīsati.
pakiṇṇaṃ nirayo nāgo, taṇhā bhikkhu ca brāhmaṇo;
ete chabbīsati vaggā, desitādiccabandhunā.
yamake vīsati gāthā, appamādamhi dvādasa;
ekādasa cittavagge, pupphavaggamhi soḷasa.
bāle ca soḷasa gāthā, paṇḍitamhi catuddasa;
arahante dasa gāthā, sahasse honti soḷasa.
terasa pāpavaggamhi, daṇḍamhi dasa satta ca;
ekādasa jarā vagge, attavaggamhi tā dasa.
dvādasa lokavaggamhi, buddhavaggamhi ṭhārasa.
sukhe ca piyavagge ca, gāthāyo honti dvādasa.
cuddasa kodhavaggamhi, malavaggekavīsati;
sattarasa ca dhammaṭṭhe, maggavagge sattarasa.
pakiṇṇe soḷasa gāthā, niraye nāge ca cuddasa;
chabbīsa taṇhāvaggamhi, tevīsa bhikkhuvaggikā.
ekatālīsagāthāyo, brāhmaṇe vaggamuttame;
gāthāsatāni cattāri, tevīsa ca punāpare;
dhammapade nipātamhi, desitādiccabandhunāti.
Dhammapadapāḷi niṭṭhitā.
I - Phẩm Song Yếu
1. "Ý dẫn đầu các pháp, |
2. "Ý dẫn đầu các pháp, |
3. "Nó mắng tôi, đánh tôi, |
4. "Nó mắng tôi, đánh tôi, |
5. "Với hận diệt hận thù, |
6. "Người khác không hiểu biết, |
7. "Ai sống nhìn tịnh tướng, |
8. "Ai sống quán bất tịnh, |
9. "Ai mặc áo cà sa, |
10. "Ai rời bỏ uế trược, |
11. "Không chân, tưởng chân thật, |
12 "Chân thật, biết chân thật, |
13 "Như ngôi nhà vụng lợp, |
14 "Như ngôi nhà khéo lợp, |
15 "Nay sầu, đời sau sầu, |
16 "Nay vui, đời sau vui, |
17 "Nay than, đời sau than, |
18. "Nay sướng, đời sau sướng, |
19- "Nếu người nói nhiều kinh, |
20- "Dầu nói ít kinh điển, |
II. Phẩm Không Phóng Dật
21. "Không phóng dật, đường sống, |
22. "Biết rõ sai biệt ấy, |
23. "Người hằng tu thiền định, |
24. "Nỗ lực, giữ chánh niệm, |
25. "Nỗ lực, không phóng dật, |
26. "Họ ngu si thiếu trí, |
27. "Chớ sống đời phóng dật, |
28. "Người trí dẹp phóng dật, |
29. "Tinh cần giữa phóng dật, |
30. "Ðế Thích không phóng dật, |
31. "Vui thích không phóng dật, |
32. "Vui thích không phóng dật, |
III. Phẩm Tâm
33. "Tâm hoảng hốt giao động, |
34. "Như cá quăng trên bờ, |
35. "Khó nắm giữ, khinh động, |
36. "Tâm khó thấy, tế nhị, |
37. "Chạy xa, sống một mình, |
38. "Ai tâm không an trú, |
39. "Tâm không đầy tràn dục, |
40. "Biết thân như đồ gốm, |
41 "Không bao lâu thân này, |
42. "Kẻ thù hại kẻ thù, |
43. "Ðiều mẹ cha bà con, |
IV. Phẩm Hoa
44. "Ai chinh phục đất này |
45. "Hữu học chinh phục đất, |
46. "Biết thân như bọt nước, |
47. "Người nhặt các loại hoa, |
48.Người nhặt các loại hoa, |
49. "Như ong đến với hoa, |
50. "Không nên nhìn lỗi người, |
51. "Như bông hoa tươi đẹp, |
52. "Như bông hoa tươi đẹp, |
53. "Như từ một đống hoa, |
54. "Hương các loại hoa thơm |
55. "Hoa chiên đàn, già la, |
56. "Ít giá trị hương này, |
57. "Nhưng ai có giới hạnh, |
58. "Như giữa đống rác nhớp, |
59. "Cũng vậy giữa quần sanh, |
V. Phẩm Ngu
60. "Ðêm dài cho kẻ thức, |
61. "Tìm không được bạn đường, |
62. "Con tôi, tài sản tôi, |
63. "Người ngu nghĩ mình ngu, |
64. "Người ngu, dầu trọn đời, |
65. "Người trí, dầu một khắc, |
66. "Người ngu si thiếu trí, |
67. "Nghiệp làm không chánh thiện, |
68. "Và nghiệp làm chánh thiện, |
69. "Người ngu nghĩ là ngọt, |
70. "Tháng tháng với ngọn cỏ, |
71. "Nghiệp ác đã được làm, |
72. "Tự nó chịu bất hạnh, |
73. "Ưa danh không tương xứng, |
74. "Mong cả hai tăng, tục, |
75. "Khác thay duyên thế lợi, |
VI. Phẩm Hiền Trí
76. "Nếu thấy bậc hiền trí, |
77. "Những người hay khuyên dạy, |
78. "Chớ thân với bạn ác, |
79. "Pháp hỷ đem an lạc, |
80. "Người trị thủy dẫn nước, |
81. "Như đá tảng kiên cố, |
82. "Như hồ nước sâu thẳm, |
83. "Người hiền bỏ tất cả, |
84. "Không vì mình, vì người. |
85. "Ít người giữa nhân loại, |
86. "Những ai hành trì pháp, |
87.Kẻ trí bỏ pháp đen, |
88. "Hãy cầu vui Niết Bàn, |
89. "Những ai với chánh tâm, |
VII. Phẩm A-La-Hán
90. "Ðích đã đến, không sầu, |
91. "Tự sách tấn, chánh niệm, |
92. "Tài sản không chất chứa, |
93. "Ai lậu hoặc đoạn sạch, |
94. "Ai nhiếp phục các căn, |
95. "Như đất, không hiềm hận, |
96. "Người tâm ý an tịnh, |
97. "Không tin, hiểu vô vi. |
98. "Làng mạc hay rừng núi |
99. "Khả ái thay núi rừng, |
VIII. Phẩm Ngàn
100. "Dầu nói ngàn ngàn lời, |
101. "Dầu nói ngàn câu kệ |
102 "Dầu nói trăm câu kệ |
103. "Dầu tại bãi chiến trường |
104. "Tự thắng, tốt đẹp hơn, |
105. "Dầu Thiên Thần, Thát Bà, |
106. "Tháng tháng bỏ ngàn vàng, |
107. "Dầu trải một trăm năm, |
108. "Suốt năm cúng tế vật, |
109. "Thường tôn trọng, kính lễ |
110.Dầu sống một trăm năm |
111. "Ai sống một trăm năm, |
112 "Ai sống một trăm năm, |
113. "Ai sống một trăm năm, |
114. "Ai sống một trăm năm, |
115. "Ai sống một trăm năm, |
IX. Phẩm Ác
116. "Hãy gấp làm điều lành, |
117. "Nếu người làm điều ác, |
118. "Nếu người làm điều thiện, |
119. "Người ác thấy là hiền. |
120. "Người hiền thấy là ác, |
121. "Chớ chê khinh điều ác, |
122. "Chớ chê khinh điều thiện |
123. "Ít bạn đường, nhiều tiền, |
124. "Bàn tay không thương tích, |
125. "Hại người không ác tâm, |
126. "Một số sinh bào thai, |
127. "Không trên trời, giữa biển, |
128. "Không trên trời, giữa biển, |
X. Phẩm Hình Phạt
129. "Mọi người sợ hình phạt, |
130. "Mọi người sợ hình phạt, |
131. "Chúng sanh cầu an lạc, |
132. "Chúng sanh cầu an lạc, |
133. "Chớ nói lời ác độc, |
134. "Nếu tự mình yên lặng, |
135. "Với gậy người chăn bò, |
136. "Người ngu làm điều ác, |
137. "Dùng trượng phạt không trượng, |
138. "Hoặc khổ thọ khốc liệt, |
139. "Hoặc tai họa từ vua, |
140. "Hoặc phòng ốc nhà cửa |
141. "Không phải sống lõa thể |
142 "Ai sống tự trang sức, |
143. "Thật khó tìm ở đời, |
144. "Như ngựa hiền chạm roi, |
145. "Người trị thủy dẫn nước, |
XI. Phẩm Già
146. "Cười gì, hân hoan gì, |
147. "Hãy xem bong bóng đẹp, |
148. "Sắc này bị suy già, |
149. "Như trái bầu mùa thu, |
150. "Thành này làm bằng xương, |
151. "Xe vua đẹp cũng già. |
152. "Người ít nghe kém học, |
153. "Lang thang bao kiếp sống |
154. "Ôi! Người làm nhà kia |
155. "Lúc trẻ, không phạm hạnh, |
156. "Lúc trẻ không phạm hạnh, |
XII. Phẩm Tự Ngã
157. "Nếu biết yêu tự ngã, |
158. "Trước hết tự đặt mình, |
159. "Hãy tự làm cho mình, |
160. "Tự mình y chỉ mình, |
161. "Ðiều ác tự mình làm, |
162. "Phá giới quá trầm trọng, |
163. "Dễ làm các điều ác, |
164. "Kẻ ngu si miệt thị, |
165. "Tự mình, làm điều ác, |
166. "Chớ theo pháp hạ liệt. |
XIII. Phẩm Thế Gian
167. "Dầu lợi người bao nhiêu, |
168. "Nỗ lực, chớ phóng dật! |
169. "Hãy khéo sống chánh hạnh, |
170. "Hãy nhìn như bọt nước, |
171. "Hãy đến nhìn đời này, |
172. "Ai sống trước buông lung, |
173. "Ai dùng các hạnh lành, |
174. "Ðời này thật mù quáng, |
175. "Như chim thiên nga bay, |
176. "Ai vi phạm một pháp, |
177. "Keo kiết không sanh thiên, |
178. "Hơn thống lãnh cõi đất, |
XIV. Phẩm Phật Ðà
179. "Vị chiến thắng không bại, |
180. "Ai giải tỏa lưới tham, |
181. "Người trí chuyên thiền định, |
182. "Khó thay, được làm người, |
183. "Không làm mọi điều ác. |
184. "Chư Phật thường giảng dạy; |
185. "Không phỉ báng, phá hoại, |
186. "Dầu mưa bằng tiền vàng, |
187. "Ðệ tử bậc chánh giác, |
188. "Loài người sợ hoảng hốt, |
189. "Quy y ấy không ổn, |
190. "Ai quy y Ðức Phật, |
191. "Thấy khổ và khổ tập, |
192. "Thật quy y an ổn, |
193. "Khó gặp bậc thánh nhơn, |
194. "Vui thay, Phật ra đời! |
195. "Cúng dường bậc đáng cúng, |
196. "Cúng dường bậc như vậy, |
XV. Phẩm An Lạc
197. "Vui thay, chúng ta sống, |
198. "Vui thay, chúng ta sống, |
199. "Vui thay, chúng ta sống, |
200. "Vui thay chúng ta sống, |
201. "Chiến thắng sinh thù oán, |
202. "Lửa nào sánh lửa tham? |
203. "Ðói ăn, bệnh tối thượng, |
204 "Không bệnh, lợi tối thượng, |
205. "Ðã nếm vị độc cư, |
206. "Lành thay, thấy thánh nhân, |
207. "Sống chung với người ngu, |
208. "Bậc hiền sĩ, trí tuệ |
XVI. Phẩm Hỷ Ái
209. "Tự chuyên, không đáng chuyên |
210. "Chớ gần gũi người yêu, |
211. "Do vậy chớ yêu ai, |
212. "Do ái sinh sầu ưu, |
213. "Ái luyến sinh sầu ưu, |
214. "Hỷ ái sinh sầu ưu, |
215. "Dục ái sinh sầu ưu, |
216. "Tham ái sinh sầu ưu, |
217. "Ðủ giới đức, chánh kiến; |
218. "Ước vọng pháp ly ngôn |
219. "Khách lâu ngày ly hương, |
220. "Cũng vậy các phước nghiệp, |
XVII. Phẩm Phẫn Nộ
221. "Bỏ phẫn nộ, ly mạn, |
222. "Ai chận được phẫn nộ, |
223. "Lấy không giận thắng giận, |
224. "Nói thật, không phẫn nộ, |
225. "Bậc hiền không hại ai, |
226. "Những người thường giác tỉnh, |
227. "A-tu-la, nên biết, |
228. "Xưa, vị lai, và nay, |
229. "Sáng sáng, thẩm xét kỹ. |
230. "Hạnh sáng như vàng ròng, |
231. "Giữ thân đừng phẫn nộ, |
232 "Giữ lời đừng phẫn nộ, |
233. "Giữ ý đừng phẫn nộ, |
234. "Bậc trí bảo vệ thân, |
XVIII. Phẩm Cấu Uế
235. "Ngươi nay giống lá héo, |
236. "Hãy tự làm hòn đảo, |
237. "Ðời ngươi nay sắp tàn, |
238. "Hãy tự làm hòn đảo, |
239. "Bậc trí theo tuần tự. |
240. "Như sét từ sắt sanh, |
241. "Không tụng làm nhớp kinh, |
242. "Tà hạnh nhơ đàn bà, |
243. "Trong hàng cấu uế ấy, |
244. "Dễ thay, sống không hổ |
245. "Khó thay, sống xấu hổ, |
246. "Ai ở đời sát sinh, |
247. "Uống rượu men, rượu nấu, |
248. "Vậy người, hãy nên biết, |
249. "Do tín tâm, hỷ tâm |
250. "Ai cắt được, phá được, |
251. "Lửa nào bằng lửa tham! |
252. "Dễ thay thấy lỗi người, |
253. "Ai thấy lỗi của người, |
254. "Hư không, không dấu chân, |
255. "Hư không, không dấu chân, |
XIX. Phẩm Pháp Trụ
256. "Ngươi đâu phải pháp trụ, |
257. "Không chuyên chế, đúng pháp, |
258. "Không phải vì nói nhiều, |
259. Không phải vì nói nhiều, |
260. Không phải là trưởng lão, |
261. "Ai chân thật, đúng pháp, |
262. "Không phải nói lưu loát, |
263. "Ai cắt được, phá được |
264. "Ðầu trọc, không sa môn |
265. "Ai lắng dịu hoàn toàn, |
266. " Chỉ khất thực nhờ người, |
267. " Ai vượt qua thiện ác, |
268. "Im lặng nhưng ngu si, |
269. " Từ bỏ các ác pháp, |
270. " Còn sát hại sinh linh, |
271. "Chẳng phải chỉ giới cấm |
272. "Ta hưởng an ổn lạc, |
XX. Phẩm Ðạo
273. "Tám chánh, đường thù thắng, |
274. "Ðường này, không đường khác |
275. "Nếu người theo đường này, |
276. "Người hãy nhiệt tình làm, |
277. "Tất cả hành vô thường " |
278. "Tất cả hành khổ đau |
279. "Tất cả pháp vô ngã, |
280. "Khi cần, không nỗ lực, |
281. "Lời nói được thận trọng, |
282. "Tu thiền, trí tuệ sanh, |
283. "Ðốn rừng không đốn cây |
284. "Khi nào chưa cắt tiệt, |
285. "Tự cắt giây ái dục, |
286. "Mùa mưa ta ở đây |
287. "Người tâm ý đắm say |
288. "Một khi tử thần đến, |
289. "Biết rõ ý nghĩa này, |
XXI. Phẩm Tạp Lục
290. "Nhờ từ bỏ lạc nhỏ, |
291. "Gieo khổ đau cho người, |
292. "Việc đáng làm, không làm, |
293. "Người siêng năng cần mẫn, |
294. "Sau khi giết mẹ cha, |
295. "Sau khi giết mẹ cha, |
296. "Ðệ tử Gotama, |
297. "Ðệ tử Gotama, |
298. "Ðệ tử Gotama, |
299. "Ðệ tử Gotama, |
300. "Ðệ tử Gotama, |
301. "Ðệ tử Gotama, |
302. "Vui hạnh xuất gia khó, |
303. "Tín tâm, sống giới hạnh |
304. "Người lành dầu ở xa |
305. "Ai ngồi nằm một mình. |
XXII. Phẩm Ðịa Ngục
306. "Nói láo đọa địa ngục |
307. "Nhiều người khoác cà sa, |
308. "Tốt hơn nuốt hòn sắt |
309. "Bốn nạn chờ đợi người, |
310 "Mắc họa, đọa ác thú, |
311. "Như cỏ sa vụng nắm, |
312. "Sống phóng đãng buông lung, |
313. "Cần phải làm, nên làm |
314. "Ác hạnh không nên làm, |
315. "Như thành ở biên thùy, |
316. "Không đáng hổ, lại hổ. |
317. "Không đáng sợ, lại sợ, |
318. "Không lỗi, lại thấy lỗi, |
319. "Có lỗi, biết có lỗi, |
XXIII. Phẩm Voi
320. "Ta như voi giữa trận, |
321. "Voi luyện, đưa dự hội, |
322. "Tốt thay, con la thuần, |
323 "Chẳng phải loài cưỡi ấy, |
324. "Con voi tên Tài Hộ, |
325. "Người ưa ngủ, ăn lớn |
326. "Trước tâm này buông lung, |
327. "Hãy vui không phóng dật, |
328. "Nếu được bạn hiền trí |
329. "Không gặp bạn hiền trí. |
330. "Tốt Hơn sống một mình, |
331. "Vui thay, bạn lúc cần! |
332. "Vui thay, hiếu kính mẹ, |
333. "Vui thay, già có giới! |
XXIV. Phẩm Tham Ái
334. "Người sống đời phóng dật, |
335. "Ai sống trong đời này, |
336. "Ai sống trong đời này |
337. "Ðây điều lành Ta dạy, |
338. "Như cây bị chặt đốn, |
339. "Ba mươi sáu dòng Ái, |
340. "Dòng ái dục chảy khắp, |
341. "Người đời nhớ ái dục, |
342 "Người bị ái buộc ràng, |
343. "Người bị ái buộc ràng, |
344. "Lìa rừng lại hướng rừng |
345. "Sắt, cây, gai trói buộc |
346. "Người có trí nói rằng: |
347. "Người đắm say ái dục |
348. "Bỏ quá, hiện, vị lai, |
349. "Người tà ý nhiếp phục, |
350. "Ai vui, an tịnh ý, |
351. "Ai tới đích, không sợ, |
352. "Ái lìa, không chấp thủ. |
353. "Ta hàng phục tất cả, |
354. "Pháp thí, thắng mọi thí! |
355. "Tài sản hại người ngu. |
356. "Cỏ làm hại ruộng vườn, |
357. "Cỏ làm hại ruộng vườn, |
358. "Cỏ làm hại ruộng vườn, |
359. "Cỏ làm hại ruộng vườn, |
XXV. Phẩm Tỷ Kheo
360. "Lành thay, phòng hộ mắt! |
361. "Lành thay,phòng hộ thân! |
362. "Người chế ngự tay chân, |
363. "Tỷ kheo chế ngự miệng, |
364. "Vị tỷ kheo thích pháp, |
365. "Không khinh điều mình được, |
366. "Tỷ kheo dầu được ít, |
367. "Hoàn toàn, đối danh sắc, |
368. "Tỷ kheo trú từ bi, |
369. "Tỷkheo, tát thuyền này, |
370. "Ðoạn năm, từ bỏ năm |
371. "Tỷ kheo, hãy tu thiền, |
372. "Không trí tuệ, không thiền, |
373. "Bước vào ngôi nhà trống, |
374. "Người luôn luôn chánh niệm, |
375. "Ðây Tỷ kheo có trí, |
376. "Giao thiệp khéo thân thiện, |
377. "Như hoa Vassikà, |
378. "Thân tịnh, lời an tịnh, |
379. "Tự mình chỉ trích mình, |
380. "Tự mình y chỉ mình, |
381. "Tỷ kheo nhiều hân hoan, |
382. "Tỷ kheo tuy tuổi nhỏ |
XXVI. Phẩm Bà-La-Môn
383. "Hỡi này Bà là môn, |
384. "Nhờ thường trú hai pháp |
385. "Không bờ này, bờ kia |
386. "Tu thiền, trú ly trần |
387. "Mặt trời sáng ban ngày, |
388. "Dứt ác gọi Phạm chí, |
389. "Chớ có đập Phạm chí! |
390. "Ðối vị Bà-la-môn, |
391. "Với người thân miệng ý, |
392. "Từ ai, biết chánh pháp |
393. "Ðược gọi Bà-la-môn, |
394. "Kẻ ngu, có ích gì |
395. "Người mặc áo đống rác, |
396 "Ta không gọi Phạm Chí, |
397. "Ðoạn hết các kiết sử, |
398. "Bỏ đai da, bỏ cương |
399. "Không ác ý, nhẫn chịu, |
400. "Không hận, hết bổn phận, |
401. "Như nước trên lá sen, |
402. "Ai tự trên đời này, |
403. "Người trí tuệ sâu xa, |
404. "Không liên hệ cả hai, |
405. "Bỏ trượng, đối chúng sanh, |
406. "Thân thiện giữa thù địch |
407. "Người bỏ rơi tham sân, |
408. "Nói lên lời ôn hòa, |
409. "Ở đời, vật dài, ngắn, |
410. "Người không có hy cầu, |
411. "Người không còn tham ái, |
412. "Người sống ở đời này |
413 "Như trăng, sạch không uế |
414. "Vượt đường nguy hiểm này, |
415. "Ai ở đời, đoạn dục, |
416. "Ai ở đời đoạn ái |
417. "Bỏ trói buộc loài người, |
418. "Bỏ điều ưa, điều ghét, |
419. "Ai hiểu rõ hoàn toàn |
420. "Với ai, loài trời, người |
421 "Ai quá, hiện, vị lai |
422. "Bậc trâu chúa, thù thắng |
423. "Ai biết được đời trước, |
06-07-2021 - 1936 lượt xem